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Question #1 - Renaissance These people believed in reviving classical teaching and text. They wanted to revive the classical age. Humanists.

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Presentation on theme: "Question #1 - Renaissance These people believed in reviving classical teaching and text. They wanted to revive the classical age. Humanists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question #1 - Renaissance These people believed in reviving classical teaching and text. They wanted to revive the classical age. Humanists

2 Question #2 – Absolutism This Russian ruler as known for his stature and was persistent in westernization and traveled to Europe to gain ideas and knowledge. Peter the Great

3 Question #3 – The Enlightenment Most prevalent in Paris, people came to these private homes for sociability and discussion run by upper class women. Salons

4 Question #4 – French Revolution On June 20th 1789, the Third Estate took this pledge that they would remain assembled until a constitution had been written. Tennis Court Oath

5 Question #5 – French Revolution The period of time in which the guillotine was used to execute many anti-revolutionaries. The Reign of Terror

6 Question #6 – Industrial Revolution The passage of this marked a turning point in British history by increasing the number of voters, redrawing election zones and elminating rotten boroughs. The Reform Bill of 1832

7 Question #7 – Unification of Italy and Germany This “army” under Garibaldi helped to overtake Naples and end papal resistance. “Red” Shirts

8 Question #8 – World War I In 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war against this nation knowing it risked setting off a larger European conflict. Serbia

9 Question #9 – World War I This organization was created in 1919 during the Paris Peace Conference. Its main purpose was to protect the world against the threat of war. The League of Nations

10 Question #10 – Russian Revolution An extreme right-wing of Russian socialists under Lenin that were equivalent to the Jacobins of the French Revolution. Bolsheviks

11 Question #11 – World War II Also known as the “Night of Broken Glass”
Question #11 – World War II Also known as the “Night of Broken Glass”. When Nazi mobs wrecked Jewish temples and businesses in Germany. Kristallnacht

12 Question #12- World War II Churchill’s description of Stalin’s expansion of Communist totalitarianism, separating the people of Eastern and Central Europe from the rest of the world. Iron Curtain

13 Question #13 – The Reformation They are known as the “soldiers of Christ” and established the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits

14 Question #14 – Commercial Revolution In colonial Spanish America, he fought for the rights of indigenous people against the institution of slavery. Bartolome de las Casas

15 Question #15 – Monarchies As Puritan leader of Parliament, I led the new Model Army of Puritans against the Cavaliers. Oliver Cromwell

16 Question #16 – Scientific Revolution Descartes’ belief that all existence was divided into the spiritual and material. Empiricism

17 Question #17 – Scientific Revolution Many Cathlolic and Protestant theologians viewed my heliocentric world system as degrading towards mankind. Copernicus

18 Question #18 – Enlightenment I served as principal editior of the 28 volume encyclopedia
Denis Diderot

19 Question #19 – Napoleon The establishment of a French blockade of English ships from docking in European ports, therefore, crippling English trade. Continental System

20 Question #20 – Imperialism A United States proposal to the European powers, with established spheres of influence in China, that free trade exist in China. Open Door Policy

21 Question #21 – Russian Revolution In Russian, it means “assembly” but it is the lower house of Russian paraliament set up by Nicholas II to approve laws. Duma

22 Question #22 – Interwar Years in 1919, the Reichstag approved the constitution of this new German republic. Weimar Republic

23 Question #23 – World War II American victory in this battle against the Japansese naval fleet.

24 Question #24 – Post World War II This alliance of the Soviet Union and its satellites including Poland, East Germany that created a unified military command and protection from attack. Warsaw Pact

25 Question #25 – Renaissance Though I thought of myself as a sculptor, I was commissioned by Pope Julius to paint the ceiling of the sistine chapel. Michelangelo

26 Question #26 – Absolutism This area or state was referred to as the “dagger pointing at the heart of England. Spanish Netherlands

27 Question #27 – Napoleon The French legal system enacted this in 1804 containing details from French civil, commercial, and criminal war. Napoleonic Code

28 Question #28 – Imperialism This place was called the “crown jewel of the British empire” bestowed upon Queen Victoria as its “empress”. India

29 Question #29 – Renaissance I wrote the Prince. Enough said….

30 Question #30 – Reformation This document, also known as “Disputations on the power and efficacy of Indulgences” where the sale of indulgences and other church abuses were criticized. 95 Theses

31 Question #31 – Commercial Revolution One who organizes and assumes the risk of a business or enterprise. Entreprenuer

32 Question #32 – Scientific Revolution He was quoted as saying “I think, therefore I am.”

33 Question #33 – French Revolution They comprised the First Estate.
The Clergy

34 Question #34 – Industrial Revolution This, also known as the German Customs Union, removed many of the tariff barriers in the German states and made trade cheaper and easier. Zollverein

35 Question #35 – Unification of Italy and Germany This man orchestrated the unification of Italy around the constitutional monarchy of Piedmont-Sardinia. Count Cavour

36 Question #36 – Imperialism King Leopold II, ruler of this African colony, claimed it was eight times the size of his own nation in Europe. The Congo

37 Question #37 – World War I This early 20th century alliance included the European countries of France, England, and Russia. Triple Entente

38 Question #38 – Interwar Years When translated from Gaelic, the name of the Irish republican organization means “Ourselves alone.” Sinn Fein

39 Question #39 – Cold War This was the first major military conflict between the West and the Communists. The Korean War

40 Question #40- Reformation This meeting was called to help reform the Catholic Church, define church doctrine, and help the church regain its power. Council of Trent

41 Question #41 – Reformation
Question #41 – Reformation. I believe in Predestination and started a religious community with very strict laws in Geneva. John Calvin

42 Question #42 – Absolutism the English Royal family in the 16c and 17c who was said to have “brought England into the modern world”. The Tudors

43 Question #1 – Multiple Choice The Italian City is known as the Cradle of the Renaissance A. Venice B. Rome C. Florence C.

44 Question #2 This famous Italian family funded and helped the growth of Renaissance art. A. Medici B. Mazzini C. De Vinci A.

45 Question #3 He is sometimes called the "Father of Humanism”. A
Question #3 He is sometimes called the "Father of Humanism”? A. Sir Thomas More. B. Petrarch. C. Boccaccio. B.

46 Question #4 Renaissance education was characterized by. : A
Question #4 Renaissance education was characterized by?: A.emphasis on developing the "complete individual". B. tendencies to criticize the Church and openly encourage religious revolt. C. little attention to anything but academic pursuits. A

47 Question #5 Thomas More's Utopia. : A
Question #5 Thomas More's Utopia?: A. illustrated the northern humanists' break with the Catholic church. B. represented the high point of northern humanist thought. C. presented a revolutionary social order based on communal living and property. C.

48 Question #6 Italian Renaissance art can be most appropriately described as?: A. a revolt against the classical style and the advancement of a new artistic standard based on humanism. B. NeoClassicism in which the traditional characteristics of harmony and symmetry were valued. C. characterized by the spectacular and the deliberately nonsymmetrical A

49 Question #7 By the end of the 16c, the Protestant Reformation had extended its influence to all of the following nations EXCEPT?: A. the Holy Roman Empire. B. Spain. C. Sweden. B

50 Question #8 Calvin insisted upon strict observance of moral laws because?: A. moral behavior was an outward sign that the person was probably of the elect. B. he saw no connection between moral law and salvation. C. it was easier to govern people who accepted a moral law B

51 Question #9 A result of the Protestant Reformation of the 16c was the
Question #9 A result of the Protestant Reformation of the 16c was the?: A. establishment of state churches in England, Scotland, and northern Germany. B. separation of Church and State in France. C. development of a uniform set of Protestant beliefs. A

52 Question #10 Martin Luther believed that women should. : A
Question #10 Martin Luther believed that women should?: A. manage the household economy. B. be allowed to enter the priesthood. C. rule the household. C

53 Question #11 The principal reason for the sale of indulgences by the Roman Catholic Church was the?: A. desire to complete the building of the new St. Peter's in Rome. B. wish of the Church to engage in greater missionary activity. C. need for another Crusade. A

54 Question #12 The first European country to enter into direct trade with the Far East and establish colonies there was?: A. Spain. B. Portugal C. France B

55 Question #13 Why did the English, Dutch, and French governments fail to begin colonization of the Americas and direct trade with the Orient until more than 100 years after Columbus discovered America?: A. their geographical positions put them at a disadvantage for trans-oceanic movement. B. the northern countries lacked suitable ships and the advanced technology to make long voyages. C. domestic troubles and religious controversies delayed organized action. C

56 Question #14 The technological innovations in maritime technology by the 1500s were important because?: A. they made it cheaper to sail. B. they required literate sailors. C. they made it possible for Europeans to sail anywhere. C

57 Question #15 Encomiendas in the Spanish New World were. : A
Question #15 Encomiendas in the Spanish New World were?: A. local councils of aristocratics who assisted the viceroys. B. grants permitting owners to take income or labor from land and its inhabitants. C. special schools set up in the Franciscan missions to educate native Indian children. B

58 Question #16 The major cause of the growing weakness of Spain and Portugal after 1600 was the?: A. drain placed on Iberia's finances by colonization efforts in the Americas. B. failure to find productive investments with profits from New World colonies. C. invasion of the Iberian Peninsula by France. B

59 Question #17 For England, the primary result of the 16c wars with Spain was that it?: A. resulted in the immediate death of its main colonial rival, Philip II of Spain. B. bankrupted her treasury, forcing Elizabeth to become more and more dependent on parliament. C. assured her national independence and promoted an intense national spirit. C

60 Question #18 Philip II strengthened the Spanish Inquisition in the Netherlands because?: A. he wanted to expel Jews living in the Netherlands. B. he wanted to find and punish Dutch Protestants. C. he wanted to assist the Prince of Orange, William the Silent B

61 Question #19 Machiavelli would most likely support a politician who would?: A. govern his actions by moral considerations. B. take actions to weaken the government and let the people govern. C. manipulate people and use any means to gain power. C

62 Question #20 Peter the Great's reforms included. : A
Question #20 Peter the Great's reforms included?: A. requiring the Russian nobility to wear Western clothing and speaking French at court. B. a lessening of the burdens of serfdom for Russian peasants. C. an elimination of the merit-system bureaucracy. A

63 Question #21 In 1640 Charles I called Parliament into session because he?: A. needed money to pursue his war against France. B. wanted a declaration of war against Spain. C. needed money to suppress a rebellion in Scotland. C

64 Question #22 In the 18c, the principal economic activity of the Netherlands was?: A. cloth manufacturing. B. banking and finance. C. tulip cultivation B

65 Question #23 Although different in their sources of power, the governments of 18c Great Britain and France had which of the following characteristics in common?: A. both nations were constitutional monarchies. B. the power to levy taxes was controlled by the monarch in both nations. C. both nations had a small elite of landowning aristocrats who were considered the "natural" ruling class with power and influence in the government. C

66 Question #24 Thomas Hobbes and John Locke disagreed over the theory that?: A. man once lived in a state of nature without government. B. kings rule by divine right. C. the only alternative to social chaos is absolute monarchy. B

67 Question #25 Louis XIV supported all of the following EXCEPT. : A
Question #25 Louis XIV supported all of the following EXCEPT?: A. the building of the Palace of Versailles. B. cooperation with the Estates-General. C. art and culture B

68 Question #26 The English political philosopher, Thomas Hobbes, held that?: A. only French kings ruled by divine right. B. Parliament ruled by divine right. C. the power of the ruler was absolute but derived from an implicit contract with the governed. C

69 Question #27 The guiding force behind Cardinal Richelieu's domestic policies was?: A. the subordination of all groups and institutions to the monarchy. B. reform of the church. C. a belief in decentralization. A

70 Question #28 A significant feature of English society in the 16c and 17c was the?: A. resurgence of Roman Catholicism. B. growing wealth of the country genrty and middle-class businessmen. C. declining popularity of "reformed" religions. B

71 Question #29 Galileo Galilei is credited with what important scientific discovery?: A. the organ responsible for circulating blood is the heart. B. inductive observation, the development of hypotheses, experimentation, and orgranization are the keys to scientific industry. C. all objects fall with equal acceleration, not velocity. C

72 Question #30 The Newtonian, scientific model of the universe is. : A
Question #30 The Newtonian, scientific model of the universe is?: A. mechanistic and predicable. B. irrational and holistic. C. organic and poetic A

73 Question #31 Newton's mathematical discoveries included. : A
Question #31 Newton's mathematical discoveries included?: A. calculus, a mathematical means of measuring rates of change. B. algebra and set theory. C. geometry. A

74 Question #32 All of the following were causes of the Scientific Revolution EXCEPT?: A. improvements in scientific instruments. B. the contributions of medieval universities. C. the active support of the papacy C

75 Question #33 The Scientific Revolution challenged Christianity because
Question #33 The Scientific Revolution challenged Christianity because?: A. it undermined the literal interpretation of the Bible. B. it proved Jesus was not divine. C. it proved that God did not exist A

76 Question #34 What was the purpose of the English Navigation Acts. : A
Question #34 What was the purpose of the English Navigation Acts?: A. to halt the Triangle Trade between Britain and the New World. B. to require colonial goods to be shipped to England in English ships. C. to secure a trade treaty with the French over the sale of slaves. B

77 Question #35 A most significant result of the Seven Years' War was the
Question #35 A most significant result of the Seven Years' War was the?: A. loss of the French Empire in America. B. end of religious warfare in Europe. C. the partition of Poland between Russian and Austria. A

78 Question #36 The economic theory of mercantilism would be consistent with which of the following statements?: A. economies will prosper most when trade is restricted as little as possible. B. colonies are of little economic importance to the mother country. C. a government should seek to direct the economy so as to maximize exports. C

79 Question #37 Which of the following statements concerning late 18c farming is most accurate?: A. changes in the climate resulted in a colder and wetter period in European farming. B. market agriculture was gradually replacing subsistence agriculture in most parts of Europe. C. despite increases in productivity, the number of acres under production in Russia, Prussia, and Hungary were actually decreasing B

80 Question #38 The economic policy of laissez-faire. : A
Question #38 The economic policy of laissez-faire?: A. contends that individuals should be allowed to pursue their own economic interests. B. argues that all must contribute to the good of the society in order for it to remain economically viable. C. sets out a series of governmental controls over individual economic pursuits. A

81 Question #39 India eventually came under the control of the British crown because of?: A. a military victory over the Dutch in the mid-seventeenth century. B. the financial and administrative successes of the British East India Company. C. Lord Macartney, who used Boers to quell local rebellions. B

82 Question #40 The agricultural improvements of the mid-18c were based on the elimination of?: A. livestock farming. B. the open-field system. C. rotation of fields. B

83 Question #41 Adam Smith's economic theory advocated. : A
Question #41 Adam Smith's economic theory advocated?: A. government intervention in order to control the flow of bullion through extensive tariff systems. B. the use of a controlled money supply as a means of limiting inflation. C. that governments avoid regulation in favor of the operation of individual initiative and market forces. C

84 Question #42 Adam Smith's phrase "invisible hand" referred to which of the following?: A. the universality of manual labor prior to the Industrial Revolution. B. the automatic mechanism of a free economy. C. the power harnessed by Watt's steam engine. B

85 Question #43 Voltaire's famous polemic slogan, Crush the infamous thing!, referred to?: A. royal despotism. B. censorship laws. C. constitutional monarchy. C

86 Question #44 In general, the 18c philosophes were. : A
Question #44 In general, the 18c philosophes were?: A. popularizers of the scientific and intellectual discoveries of the 17c. B. a group of philosophers concerned with reexamining the ultimate questions of man's existence. C. a group of learned Christian clerics who wished to modernize religion A

87 Question #45 The best government, said which of the following men, is achieved by the separation of powers?: A. Locke. B. Voltaire. C. Montesqiueu. C

88 Question #46 The most important contribution Catherine the Great made early in her reign was the?: A. establishment of a legislative commission to review the laws of Russia. B. abolition of serfdom and establishment of a progressive form of sharecropping. C. peace pact she made with Sweden, thus ending 60 years of intermittent warfare A

89 Question #47 The recognized capital of the Enlightenment was. : A
Question #47 The recognized capital of the Enlightenment was?: A. London. B. Amsterdam. C. Paris. C

90 Question #48 Rousseau's most important concept in The Social Contract was that?: A. government must be based on the absolute authority of a divinely appointed monarch. B. the main function of laws is to subdue man's evil nature. C. government must be based on voluntary participation by citizens, not simply by the accident of history or inheritance. C

91 Question #49 The principal French tax, the taille, was paid by. : A
Question #49 The principal French tax, the taille, was paid by?: A. every Frenchman. B. The peasantry almost exclusively. C. Only the nobility. B

92 Question #50 During the era of the French Revolution, the Thermidorean Reaction?: A. terminated the Reign of Terror and led to the execution of Robespierre. B. initiated the Reign of Terror. C. resulted in the dissolution of the National Assembly. A

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