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Ignition Master Coaching Deep Practice GREAT Great schools develop great talent!

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2 Ignition Master Coaching Deep Practice GREAT Great schools develop great talent!

3  Agenda 2017  School Finance Reform  School and Educator Effectiveness  Assessments and Data Systems  Standards and Instruction “It is our choices, Harry, that show us what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsJ.K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

4  Why a PLC?

5  PLC Refresher – The Big Ideas  Ensure That Students Learn  A Culture of Collaboration  A Focus on Results  District SMART Goal:  By November of 2014, increase the number of students scoring proficient or advanced on the WKCE in reading to 100%.

6 1. Adopt and fully implement teaching and learning standards for all learners (students and staff) that are supported, differentiated, and accountable. 2. Develop and implement professional development and staff evaluation plans that are fully aligned with adopted standards of best practice, and imbedded in everyday practice. 3. Research potential models to implement and further develop a dynamic learning environment that fully supports the learning standards for all stakeholders. 4. Build and sustain a collaborative learning community grounded in trust and focused on maximizing the academic success of all Grafton students. 5. Remain fiscally responsible in supporting identified priorities and planning.

7  Fall/Winter  Create an inclusive Strategic Planning Task Force. A preferred future in the focus areas will be determined based on this review and will translate into draft goals.  Hold a stakeholder Strategic Planning forum for education, communication and feedback.  The Strategic Planning Task Force will reconvene, study the feedback, refine the goals for the focus areas and determine the work structures and timelines for goal initiation and implementation.  By second semester goals will be assigned to determined work groups, along with clear responsibilities and timelines. Goal Work Groups will be trained in effective processes for goal initiation and implementation.

8  Spring/Summer  Periodic assessment of progress from data.  Adjustment of plan components per assessment of progress and feedback.  By June of 2013, each of the goal work structures (i.e., the “dynamic learning environment” committee for that goal) will report back to the Strategic Planning Task force on their progress and proposed goal work for 2013-2014.  The school board will get monthly updates throughout the 2012-2013 school year about the planning process and progress.  A final Grafton Community Forum in the late summer or early fall of 2013 to provide a community update on the focus areas and plans for implementation in the future.

9  Play  Make Their Day  Be There  Choose Your Attitude  Zapp!  Work hard! Be nice! Have fun!

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