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Notes over human systems interactions Movie: Pushing the Limits – Sensation. If time allows Questions over movie to be turned in at end of movie with no.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes over human systems interactions Movie: Pushing the Limits – Sensation. If time allows Questions over movie to be turned in at end of movie with no."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes over human systems interactions Movie: Pushing the Limits – Sensation. If time allows Questions over movie to be turned in at end of movie with no time to conference with each other. Agenda: 11/6

2 Interactions Among Animal Systems Biology 10(A)

3 Learning Objectives Identify major organ systems in animals Describe the interactions that occur among systems to carry out vital animal functions Interactions Among Animal Systems

4 An organism consists of several levels of organization Levels of Organization Organism Organ Systems Organs Tissues Cells

5 Eleven major organ systems: Animal Systems SystemFunction(s) SkeletalStructural support MuscularMovement Integumentary (skin)Barrier from external environment Circulatory/CardiovascularTransport molecules throughout body RespiratoryExchange carbon dioxide & oxygen DigestiveBreak down food molecules Excretory/UrinaryRemove waste products from blood ImmuneDestroy pathogens that enter body NervousSend regulatory messages throughout body EndocrineProduce hormones that regulate vital processes ReproductiveProduction of sex cells & offspring

6 Organ systems interact to carry out vital functions Examples: – Regulation – Nutrient absorption – Reproduction – Defense against injury and illness Interactions Among Animal Systems

7 Organ systems involved: Body Temperature SystemFunctions IntegumentarySkin contains temperature receptors & sweat glands MuscularMuscle contractions (shivering) NervousBrain interprets input from temperature receptors and signals effectors to adjust body temperature

8 Organ systems involved: Heart and Respiration Rates SystemFunctions CirculatoryHeart varies heart rate according to signals from brain RespiratoryLungs vary respiration rate according to signals from brain NervousMonitors blood pressure and oxygen levels Sends signals to heart and lungs to adjust heart and respiration rates

9 Organ systems involved: Molecule Concentrations in Blood SystemFunctions EndocrineHormone levels regulate molecule concentrations in blood NervousReceives input from receptors Signals endocrine glands to alter hormone production ExcretoryKidneys remove excess water from blood IntegumentarySkin contributes to water balance (sweating) DigestiveLiver adjusts glucose level in blood to regulate blood sugar CirculatoryBlood requires appropriate concentration of molecules Blood transports hormones

10 Organ systems involved: Nutrient Absorption SystemFunctions DigestiveMouth, stomach, and small intestine digest large food molecules Small intestine is site of absorption MuscularMuscle contractions push food through digestive tract Muscle contractions in stomach aid mechanical digestion CirculatoryBlood vessels absorb nutrients through intestinal walls Blood transports absorbed nutrients to cells throughout body

11 Organ systems involved: Reproduction SystemFunctions ReproductiveMain site of reproductive processes EndocrineHormones (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, etc. ) regulate reproductive processes CirculatoryBlood delivers hormones to reproductive system Blood delivers nutrients to developing fetus

12 Organ systems involved: Defense Against Injury SystemFunctions IntegumentarySkin provides physical barrier to foreign objects SkeletalSkeleton protect internal organs MuscularMuscle reflexes allow quick reactions NervousSensory receptors detect changes in environment Brain sends signals to muscles

13 Organ systems involved: Defense Against Illness SystemFunctions IntegumentarySkin, hair and mucus provide physical barriers to pathogens RespiratoryNasal mucus and hairs, coughing and sneezing provide physical barriers to pathogens DigestiveStomach acids kill pathogens in food molecules CirculatoryBlood transports defensive molecules, white blood cells, and antibodies to site of pathogen ImmunePhagocytes and lymphocytes attack and destroy pathogens Adaptive response leads to immune memory

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