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University of Barcelona Interaction in collaborative texts constructed in an asynchronous written communication environment T.Mauri, M.Clarà, A.Remesal.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Barcelona Interaction in collaborative texts constructed in an asynchronous written communication environment T.Mauri, M.Clarà, A.Remesal."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Barcelona Interaction in collaborative texts constructed in an asynchronous written communication environment T.Mauri, M.Clarà, A.Remesal & R.Colomina GRINTIE University of Barcelona

2 University of Barcelona Introduction Task Students Teacher Interactivity Discourse Educational influence Operational conditions Coll et al. (2008)

3 University of Barcelona Introduction: The task Task typeCollaborative writting of an essay. Four sections: introduction, theoretical discussion, analysis of educational situations, conclusions. AuthenticityUsual task required in the subject “Educational Psychology and attending diversity”, from the Graduate level of Teacher Education, at the University of Barcelona. GroupsFour groups of four or three students (15 students altogether) DurationFive weeks

4 University of Barcelona Introduction: Operational conditions Communicative conditions Asynchronous written communication Technological supportForum from Moodle SpacesPostings in forum, and Microsoft word documents attached to the postings

5 University of Barcelona Introduction Task Students Teacher Interactivity Discourse Operational conditions Collaborative writing Asynchronous written communication Conversational discourse Non conversational discourse

6 University of Barcelona Interaction by Conversational discourse Student 1: Marga, I don’t think that attending diversity would refer to what all students with special needs have in common with other students, but to which needs has each student in order to help him. Student 2: What I tried to say is that differences between students have to be minimized and that in the classroom the characteristics that all students share have to be fostered, but that doesn’t mean that diversity is not attended. Only that in the classroom similarities have to be fostered, not the aspects that make students different.

7 University of Barcelona Interaction by Non conversational discourse Student 1 Student 2 During the first half of the 20th century (Time ago) the school performance of a child was considered (thought) to be dependent just on her innate capabilities, grounded thus on an inborn conception. By the decade of 1940s and 50s a change in this conception began, and so external factors were also considered as a cause explaining the lack of learning of some capabilities. Currently, environmental theories not only consider but show as determining learning (take many other factors into account) factors, external to the child herself: the environment, the society, the family and, obviously, the school. The kind of influence that the educational center has on the child is determined by variables such as the kind of school, its focus, and the educators’ attitudes. Time ago the school performanceof a child wasthought to be dependent just on her innateButcurrently environmental theoriestake many other factors into account:the environment, the society, the family and obviously, the school. The kind of influence that the educational center has on the child is determined by variables such as the kind of school, its focus, and the educators’ attitudes. capabilities.

8 University of Barcelona Interaction by Conversational and Non conversational discourse Conversational discourse Non conversational discourse ProspectivityDemand/Give/FeedbackGive AgencyIndividualCollective SubjectivityPersonalImpersonal Units of meaningOne participantTwo or more participants Main localizationForum postingsAttached documents

9 University of Barcelona Questions What do the participants do by means of one or the other kind of discourse? How do the participants manage either kind of discourse? How are the two kinds of discourse connected in the interactivity? How does the interactivity pass from one kind of discourse to the other? Why does the change of discourse happen?

10 University of Barcelona Methodology Educational influence as Teaching presence –Three subdimensions were considered Help led to task structure Help led to collaboration structure Help led to negotiation of meaning Interactivity as negotiation of meanings (Cognitive presence) –Five categories were considered Adding information Reformulating Characterizing Explaining Theorizing Coll et al., 2007; Garrison et al., 2000; Gunawardena et al., 1997; Järvela & Hakkinen, 2000, 2002; Rochera et al., 2007; Schrire, 2006

11 University of Barcelona Methodology Unit of analysis –Chain: a topic progression consisting of at least three thematically related contributions of at least two different individuals in a back and forth communication sequence. Topics categories –Five categories were identified from data: Conception of diversity Situations of educational assistance Attending diversity Educational needs Intermedium point

12 University of Barcelona Results Negotiation of meanings Non conversational discourse combined with conversational discourse Conversational discourse

13 University of Barcelona Results: Negotiation of meanings Conversational discourse negotiation about the aspects that have to be considered Non conversational discourse Two patterns of combination between Non conversational and Conversational discourse : Pattern 1: Negotiation of the meanings of its aspects Pattern 2: Conversational discourse Non conversational discourse Hard disagreement Negotiation of the disagreement Negotiation of meanings Negotiation of meanings

14 University of Barcelona Results: Negotiation of meanings Negotiation by modification Non Conversational discourse: Two kinds of negotiation Negotiation by integration-disintegration During the first half of the 20th century (Time ago) the school performance of a child was considered (thought) to be dependent just on her innate capabilities, grounded thus on an inborn conception. By the decade of 1940s and 50s a change in this conception began, and so external factors were also considered as a cause explaining the lack of learning of some capabilities. Currently, environmental theories not only consider but show as determining learning (take many other factors into account) factors, external to the child herself: the environment, the society, the family and, obviously, the school. The kind of influence that the educational center has on the child is determined by variables such as the kind of school, its focus, and the educators’ attitudes. Time ago the school performanceof a child wasthought to be dependent just on her innateBut currently environmental theories take many other factors into account: the environment, the society, the family and obviously, the school. The kind of influence that the educational center has on the child is determined by variables such as the kind of school, its focus, and the educators’ attitudes. capabilities.

15 University of Barcelona Results: Negotiation of meanings Two patterns of negotiation by modification Pattern 1 Initial proposalNegotiation by modification Pattern 2 Initial proposal 1 + (negotiation) Initial proposal 2 + (negotiation) Integrative proposal + (negotiation) Non Conversational discourse: Two kinds of negotiation Negotiation by modification Negotiation by integration-disintegration

16 University of Barcelona Results: Negotiation of meanings Non Conversational discourse: Two kinds of negotiation Negotiation by integration-disintegration Student 1:Student 2: We have identified three messures of attending to pupils’ diversity in the film “Être et Avoir”, and after analising it we have related them with the theoretical referent of an interactionist conception, which is in which we can develop more the most relevant aspects of educational assitance that we are going to explain next: 1. each student of the class, helping and commenting the activity process 2.The oldest pupils take dictations in classroom 3.All the youngest pupils draw, but Jojo has some trouble with it They write “MUM” On a sheet, individually, the students that are at the table write the word mum. It seems that they have done it just a few times, but they seem to know the consonants and vocals of this word. At this moment that teacher is using the blackboard, different levels of learning are observed. Although the teacher does one and the same activity for all pupils, he enables methodological adaptations, what allows the pupils to participate in a shared activity. They write Mum: They write number 7:

17 University of Barcelona Results: Negotiation of meanings Non Conversational discourse: Two kinds of negotiation Negotiation by integration-disintegration Student 1:Student 2: On a sheet, individually, the students that are at the table write the word mum. It seems that they have done it just a few times, but they seem to know the consonants and vocals of this word. At this moment that teacher is using the blackboard, different levels of learning are observed. Although the teacher does one and the same activity for all pupils, he enables methodological adaptations, what allows the pupils to participate in a shared activity. They write Mum: write number 7: In the documentary film “Être et Avoir” there is no child with special educational needs, but we can appreciate some educational situations where the teacher attends the individual differences adjusting assitance to the needs of each pupil [...] -When the teacher talks with the two pupils that had fought: There is a situation where two pupils fight and the teacher lets them reflect and be aware of what they have done wrongly [...] NÚRIA J. LÓPEZ Analysis – on the blackboard: This situation has points in common with the situation before regarding the kind of assitance that the teacher offers to the pupils. Everything begins with a scene where different levels of learning are observed and the teacher proposes to write number 7 on the blackboard. They When pupils write number 7 :This situation has points in common with the situation before regarding the kind of assistance that the teacher offers to the pupils. The teacher presents the activity of writting the number 7 on the blackboard and the pupils, individually, more or less manage to carry it out succesfully, even the youngest pupils of the group.

18 University of Barcelona Results: Negotiation of meanings Pattern: Proposal 1 Proposal 2 that integrates or desintegrates proposal 1 Proposal 3 that integrates or desintegrates proposal 2 Non Conversational discourse: Two kinds of negotiation Negotiation by integration-disintegration

19 University of Barcelona Conclusions –The negotiation of meanings in a task of collaborative writing by asynchronous written communication takes place by means of an interweaving of conversational and non conversational discourse. –When pedagogically designing this kind of tasks it is necessary to enable spaces where these to kinds of discourse are possible and where connections between them are easy. –When analysing this kind of tasks from the join activity point of view, these two kinds of discourse and its interrelations have to be considered.

20 University of Barcelona Next directions –An improvement of analytical scheme is needed in order to be able to understand in more detail the connections between what all participants do in each kind of discourse. –Analysing this kind of task with the support of other technological supports: wiki environments. –Analysing this kind of task in other operational conditions is also needed: face-to-face and synchronous written communication.

21 University of Barcelona THANK YOU VERY MUCH T.Mauri, M.Clarà, A.Remesal & R.Colomina GRINTIE University of Barcelona Interaction in collaborative texts constructed in an asynchronous written communication environment

22 University of Barcelona Bibliography Coll, C., Bustos, A. & Engel, A. (2007) Patterns of participation and teaching presence in an asynchronous learning network: connecting structural and content analysis. In Simposium: Promoting knowledge construction in different online learning scenarios in Higher Education. 12 th European Conference for research on learning and instruction -EARLI. Budapest (Hungary). Coll, C, Onrubia, J. & Mauri, T. (2008). Ayudar a aprender en contextos educativos: el ejercicio de la influencia educativa y el análisis de la enseñanza. Revista de Educación, 364, 33-70. Garrison, D.R., Anderson, T. & Archer, W. (2000). Critical Inquiry in a Text-Based Environment: Computer Conferencing in Higher Education. Internet and Higher Education, 2(2-3), 87-105. Gunawardena, C., Lowe, C. & Anderson, T. (1997). Analysis of a global on-line debate and the development of an interaction analysis model for examining social construction of knowledge in computer conferencing. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 17(4), 395-429. Järvelä, S. & Häkkinen, P. (2000). Levels of Web-Based Discussion: Theory of Perspective-Taking as a Tool for Analyzing Interaction. Forth International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp.22-26). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Järvelä, S. & Häkkinen, P. (2002). Web-based Cases in Teaching and Learning –the Quality of Discussions and a Stage of Perspective Taking in Asynchronous Communication. Interactive Learning Environments, 10 (1), 1-22. Rochera, M.J., Mauri, T., Onrubia, J. & De Gispert, I. (2007).The potential of online discussions for effective learning. Combining individual and social perspectives to study cognitive presence. In Simposium: Promoting knowledge construction in different online learning scenarios in Higher Education. 12 th European Conference for research on learning and instruction-EARLI. Budapest (Hungary). Schrire, S. (2006). Knowledge building in asynchronous discussion groups: Going beyond quantitative analysis. Computers & Education, 46, 49-70.

23 University of Barcelona Appendix: Other results

24 University of Barcelona Results Negotiation of meanings Non conversational discourse combined with conversational discourse Conversational discourse

25 University of Barcelona Results: Conversational discourse out of negotiation 8 functions identified regarding the negotiation of meanings: as extension of typographical marks to remember the task demands to ask specific doubts about negotiation to prevent or to justify a hard change in the text. to plan the next development of text to ask for help about how to negotiate meanings in non conversational discourse to establish the rules of the negotiation to present what one has done in its negotiation

26 University of Barcelona Results: Conversational discourse out of negotiation 1- Conversational discourse as extension of typographical indications (This [paragraf] is the same than the one before, but inverted because is more understandable, I think) (changed place) [the paragraf]

27 University of Barcelona Results: Conversational discourse out of negotiation 2- Conversational discourse to remember the task demands (Conclusion 1: about the main role of school regarding the differences. I don’t think that we have to repeat everything about what the differences are.)

28 University of Barcelona Results: Conversational discourse out of negotiation 3- Conversational discourse to ask specific doubts about negotiation [in order to show satisfaction for the activity]  (I don’t understand) Another interesting situation to analyze is when Jojo, one of the pupils, is in class drawing a picture of a fish (Was it a fish or a tree?)

29 University of Barcelona Results: Conversational discourse out of negotiation 4- Conversational discourse to prevent or to justify a hard change in the text I wouldn’t put this paragraph because I think that it’s already clear with what you have put before... What do you think? [Cooperation between parents and teachers in order to their children to improve in their development, out and inside school] (I would skip this sentence because it’s twice there)

30 University of Barcelona Results: Conversational discourse out of negotiation 5- Conversational discourse to plan the next development of text (Here I would put the list of situations that we have found) (What do you think if we put the definition of Special Educational Needs from reflection in order to introduce this term?)

31 University of Barcelona Results: Conversational discourse out of negotiation 6- Conversational discourse to ask for help about how to negotiate meanings in non conversational discourse (I don’t know how to say it, so that affectivity and emotional and relational development would be included)

32 University of Barcelona Results: Conversational discourse out of negotiation 7- Conversational discourse to establish the rules of the negotiation Ha!! The first day I chose for the blue colour, I say it in order to avoiding confusions, hahaha. Anyway if somebody wants to use this colour as well, you can do it with italics, ok?

33 University of Barcelona Results: Conversational discourse out of negotiation 8- Conversational discourse to present what one has done in its negotiation I have done two of the measures of attending in order for you to see them, plus I want to say that I wanted to send it yesterday, but I hadn’t internet at home, you already know my situation with internet, what’s a shame, but... Here I leave them and you will say something, won’t you?

34 University of Barcelona Results: units of topic GroupAmount of units of topic Non Conversacional Discourse Conversational Discurse Total% G127134067% - 33% G410112148% - 52% G726 (2 errors)144065% - 35% G819123161% - 39%

35 University of Barcelona Results: units of topic GroupAmount of units of topic that are part of a chain Non Conversacional Discourse Conversacional Discourse Total% G18210 (25% of 40)80% - 20% G4347 (33% of 21)43% - 57% G7231033 (82% of 40)70% - 30% G86814 (45% of 31)43% - 57%

36 University of Barcelona Results: chains ChainsContributions in Non Conv. Contributions in Conv. Pattern of Non conversational negotiation Pattern of combination Conv- NonConv G1 Conception of diversity 51By modification (1)Pattern 2 (hard desagreement) Situations of educational assistance 33By modification (1)Pattern 1 G4 Situations of educational help 46By modification (1)Pattern 1 (6) G7 Situations of educational assistance 65By modification + By modification Pattern 1 (3+1) Pattern 2 (1+0) Attending diversity106By modification (2)3 Pattern 2 (2+2+1) Pattern 1 (1) Diversity of pupils30By modification (2) Educational needs52By modification (1)Pattern 2 (2) Intermedium point (from educational situations) 03Pattern 2 (3) G8 Attending diversity21(By modification (1))Pattern 2 (1) Situations of educational assistance 48By Integration- Disintigration 2 Pattern 2 (1+2) Pattern 1 (5)

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