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IEP Development for Transition Age Students February 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "IEP Development for Transition Age Students February 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEP Development for Transition Age Students February 2008

2 Transition Not an event A process. 2WVDE OSP Transition

3 Consider your personal journey 3

4 Adult Work Living Learning 4

5 5WVDE OSP Transition How do we guide the development of the transition plan?

6 WHEN and HOW do we document secondary transition services in the IEP? 6

7 Adult agency involvement Document the agency(s) to be invited to the next IEP Document parent or adult student consent to invite the specified agency(s) Review which agency(s) will be invited yearly Permission for the agency to be invited in subsequent years is acceptable IEP Documentation: Part III A 7WVDE OSP Transition

8 8 The IEP team must consider the following:Yes Strengths of the student Concerns of the parent Most recent evaluation results Academic, developmental and functional needs Need for assistive technology devices or services Communication needs of the student Revisions needed to address lack of progress Additional considerations: (considerations must be documented in Part IV Present Levels Narrative) YesNoN/A For students with giftedness, will acceleration be a focus of gifted services, and if so, its effect on graduation. For students whose behavior impedes his or her learning or that of others, consider the use of positive behavior interventions, supports and strategies to address the behavior. For students with limited English proficiency, consider the language needs of the student. For students with blindness or low vision, the IEP team will determine the need for instruction in braille and the use of braille. For students ages 16 and older (or younger if appropriate), complete Part III B, Transition Planning page, prior to Present Levels. For students ages 16 and older (or younger if appropriate), permission has been obtained to invite other agency representatives to the next IEP meeting. Specify Agency(ies): Parent/Adult Student Consent: Date: Parent Initial _____ Student Initial _____

9 9WVDE OSP Transition

10 IEP Checklist Postsecondary goal Annual IEP goals Transition services Adult agency involvement Age-appropriate assessment Course of study 10WVDE OSP Transition

11 Age of Majority Age 17 within the next 12 months: Students and Parent are informed of the transfer of educational rights that will occur on reaching age 18 WVDE OSP Transition11

12 12WVDE OSP Transition

13 Transition Planning Considerations WVDE OSP Transition13

14 14WVDE OSP Transition

15 Age-appropriate assessment Post secondary goals are based on age-appropriate transition assessments-clear linkage Review of assessments noted on this part of the IEP are a cumulative (throughout high school) and coordinated measure for provision of transition services 15WVDE OSP Transition

16 16WVDE OSP Transition

17 Assess What? Interests Vocational aptitudes Academic skills Learning styles Work readiness skills Independent living skills Psychological/Cognitive skills 17WVDE OSP Transition

18 18WVDE OSP Transition

19 Academic Assessment Individual achievement measures for eligibility – reading, writing, mathematics, … Statewide achievement measures National achievement measures Adult measures – TABE, GED 19WVDE OSP Transition


21 21WVDE OSP Transition

22 Psychological/Social Intelligence/cognitive measures Social skills Behavior/Emotional measures Medical measures 22WVDE OSP Transition

23 Psychological/Social WISC III WAIS Conners Rating Scale Autism Rating Scale Stanford-Binet WJ III Achenbach BASC TPI Vineland SIB 23WVDE OSP Transition

24 Interest Assessment Interview Observation Student ratings Simulated assessment Situational assessment Work samples Internet inventories 24WVDE OSP Transition

25 Interest Assessment ASVAB PLAN EXPLORE Campbell CareerScope COPS CDM O*NET PIC Becker RFVII Voc-Ties 25WVDE OSP Transition

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28 Aptitude Assessment Vocational aptitudes Certification measures – Career and Technical Education completers/End of Course Exams Credentialing measures – Nationally administered and standardized evaluations 28WVDE OSP Transition

29 Aptitude Assessment ASVAB Brigance Bennett Crawford Dexterity TAP VALPAR PAES WorkKeys MDS 29WVDE OSP Transition

30 Work Readiness-Learning Styles Generalizable skills – stamina, following a schedule, motor skills, basic academics, manual dexterity Soft work skills – cooperative work, attendance, following orders, Assistive technology Communication Skills 30WVDE OSP Transition

31 Work Readiness-Learning Styles WorkKeys Rating Scales Environmental assessment Personality measures Communication assessment Community work experience assessments and reports 31WVDE OSP Transition

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34 Independent Living Personal care Personal hygiene Safety Nutrition Mobility Home maintenance 34WVDE OSP Transition

35 Independent Living Transition Planning Inventory TABE Brigance Scales of Independent Behavior Observations Interviews 35WVDE OSP Transition

36 36WVDE OSP Transition

37 Diploma Considerations When do we make diploma decisions? What do we consider when making diploma decisions? What do parents and students need to know? Who makes diploma decisions? 37WVDE OSP Transition

38 WVDE Policy 2510 Career cluster/pathway Graduation requirements CTE and Career concentrations College credits-EDGE Individual Student Transition Plan 38WVDE OSP Transition

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42 Postsecondary Goals Goals must be measurable Goals are required for: education or training and employment, Goals for independent living, as needed Goals occur after the graduation or exit Question 1 IEP Checklist 42WVDE OSP Transition

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47 Course of study Designed to improve the academic and functional achievement of the child to facilitate movement from school to post- school Links with the present levels of performance Aligns with and supports acquisition of the students postsecondary goals Documented beginning at grade 8 47WVDE OSP Transition

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49 Transition Services Check where annual IEP goals are needed that will reasonably enable the child to meet the postsecondary goals Staff link postsecondary goals to needed annual IEP goals 49WVDE OSP Transition

50 50WVDE OSP Transition

51 Activities and Linkages Identify specific activities or linkages for the course of the current IEP Activities or linkages are specific and support progress toward meeting postsecondary goals Lead party is specified Service noted is documented when completed If an agency does not deliver agreed upon services, the IEP team reconvenes to identify alternative strategies 51WVDE OSP Transition

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53 Present Levels of Performance 53WVDE OSP Transition

54 Instructional Supports How do we determine appropriate instructional supports at the secondary level? Which instructional supports are most needed at the secondary level? What are our greatest instructional challenges? 54WVDE OSP Transition

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57 Coordinated Services Promote movement from school to postsecondary settings of living, learning, and work 57WVDE OSP Transition

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