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Jeopardy Topic 1Topic Q 1Q 6Q 11Q 16Q 21 Q 2Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 3Q 8Q 13Q 18Q 23 Q 4Q 9Q 14Q 19Q 24 Q 5Q 10Q 15Q 20Q 25.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Topic 1Topic Q 1Q 6Q 11Q 16Q 21 Q 2Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 3Q 8Q 13Q 18Q 23 Q 4Q 9Q 14Q 19Q 24 Q 5Q 10Q 15Q 20Q 25."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Topic 1Topic Q 1Q 6Q 11Q 16Q 21 Q 2Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 3Q 8Q 13Q 18Q 23 Q 4Q 9Q 14Q 19Q 24 Q 5Q 10Q 15Q 20Q 25

3 QUESTION 1 Ron paid $75.00 for 5 compact disks and a case. If the price of each compact disk was $12.60, the case cost $ _____.

4 ANSWER 1 What is $12.00 ?

5 QUESTION 2 The solution to is___.

6 ANSWER 2 What is 7 ?

7 QUESTION 3 ___ is the solution for.

8 ANSWER 3 What is ?

9 QUESTION 4 One of the following is most likely a graph of.

10 ANSWER 4 What is ?

11 QUESTION 5 The _______ property makes the following equation true:

12 ANSWER 5 What is the distributive property ?

13 QUESTION 6 One of the following is most likely the graph of a line with a slope of zero.

14 ANSWER 6 What is ?

15 QUESTION 7 _______ is the y-intercept of.

16 ANSWER 7 What is ?

17 QUESTION 8 The slope of the line through (1, 1) and (4, 1) is ________.

18 ANSWER 8 What is ?

19 QUESTION 9 The slope of the line is _______.

20 ANSWER 9 What is ?

21 QUESTION 10 One of the following is an equation for the line with a slope of ½ that passes through the origin.

22 ANSWER 10 What is ?

23 QUESTION 11 One of the following is an equation for the line which contains (3, 4) and the origin.

24 ANSWER 11 What is ?

25 QUESTION 12 One graph best represents a line with a y-intercept of 4 and slope – 3.

26 ANSWER 12 What is ?

27 QUESTION 13 The equation that most likely represents the line shown on the graph is ______.

28 ANSWER 13 What is ?

29 QUESTION 14 ____is the solution to the system of equations shown.

30 ANSWER 14 What is ?

31 QUESTION 15 Mrs. Crews bought 4 pencils and 3 pens for $5.60. Miss Houston bought 2 pencils and 3 pens of the same kind for $4.60. _______ was the price of each pencil and each pen.

32 ANSWER 15 What is $0.50 per pencil, $1.20 per pen ?

33 QUESTION 16 The perimeter of a rectangular playing field is 244 feet. If its length is 2 feet longer than twice its width, _______ are the dimensions of the field.

34 ANSWER 16 What are 40 ft, 82 ft ?

35 QUESTION 17 _______are the solutions to this equation:.

36 ANSWER 17 What is ?

37 _______ is the solution set for. QUESTION 18

38 ANSWER 18 What is ?

39 QUESTION 19 If ______.

40 ANSWER 19 What is ?

41 QUESTION 20 is equivalent to

42 ANSWER 20 What is ?

43 QUESTION 21 The perimeter of the triangle shown in the drawing is _____.

44 ANSWER 21 What is ?

45 QUESTION 22 may be written as

46 ANSWER 22 What is ?

47 QUESTION 23 _____ is equivalent to.

48 ANSWER 23 What is ?

49 QUESTION 24 If one of the following expressions is equivalent to.

50 ANSWER 24 What is ?

51 QUESTION 25 A board that is c feet long supports the stairs as shown below. To find the value of c, Britney used the following expression: The length of c to the nearest tenth of a foot is _____.

52 ANSWER 25 What is 21.6 ft ?

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