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MOM report – part I Roumen Tsenov as MOM (10.6-7.7.2008)

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Presentation on theme: "MOM report – part I Roumen Tsenov as MOM (10.6-7.7.2008)"— Presentation transcript:

1 MOM report – part I Roumen Tsenov as MOM (10.6-7.7.2008)

2 Target Efforts to acquire the data from ISIS Beam Loss Monitors in the target data stream are in progress. A bunch of 15 cables is there to transmit data from ISIS BLM. New DAQ card that can cope with the increased number of channels is being obtained. Modifications to the existing target DAQ code are being considered. Expectations: new DAQ ready for when Sheffield people bring the new stators down to RAL (21 st July?). Documentation how to run the target is now available. Temporary solution to include the target related data in the MICE main data stream is being worked out.

3 MICE beam intensity and ISIS beam losses and machine activation On 20-21 June 2008 a long run was performed (~18 hours, 25400 target actuations) with 50 mV BLM readings. (This would correspond to ~ 1 good muon in our beam line per target dip.) Activation measurements were made before and after the run. They have shown no significant increase of the dose rates (see next slide).

4 Differences: “after” – “before” the run on 20-21 June

5 Short term programme on this two meetings with ISIS people conducted (minutes available in the MICE elog-book); high beam loss investigation with progressive increase of dip depth in short steps from 50 mV readings of BLM up to 300 - 400 mV or so (under Dean Adams’s supervision): record vacuum rise and losses in SS1 and SS7/SS8, and more generally changes in ISIS beam parameters; long term (up to 24 hrs) run with 200 mV BLM reading (machine at base rate 50/32 Hz); measurement of ISIS activity before and after the run with several measurements for the key locations; the program should be scheduled for the end of ISIS User Cycle 2008/2, ~25 July.

6 KL and TOF0 arrived and mounted in the specified positions: before Q7 and after Q9.

7 KL fully cabled, powered, tested and integrated in the DAQ. Cosmics have been taken.

8 Helium in the DS refrigerator and our PMTs When operating the DS cryogenic system certain amount of gaseous He is released in the atmosphere. In the event of solenoid quench ~180 cubic meters of gaseous He may be released. He is dangerous for the PMTs; it diffuses through the glass, deteriorates the vacuum in the PMT and causes increase noise level and after-pulses. On the other hand, He does not mix with the air. It is so light that it goes straight up and very quickly in the atmosphere. To be on safe side, special hoses with appropriate fittings have been provided and during the normal operation of the DS He will be led outside the hall. Also, special permanent hose has been fitted to one of the outlets in the gas panel so that in case of a quench helium will be vented outside the hall, too.

9 Documentation Manuals available from the MICO Web page (some are new or updated): 2008-05-13-BC-instructions-V1.0.pdf 2008-05-14-MAGNET-check-list-V1.0.pdf MMB-conventional-magnet-power-supplies-instructions-2.0.doc Manual_PL512.pdf SY527.pdf V1290_REV9.pdf V1724_REV12.pdf v820v830_rev4.pdf MICE_DAQ_QuickStart.doc MICEOnlineMonitoringQuickStart.doc MiceTargetDAQOperatingInstructions.doc Target_Operation_Guide.doc IC_AND_FERMI_DAQ.txt EPICS_AFE_and_BeamMonitors.pdf FNAL_BeamMon_Sender_Receiver.doc Quite a few more will be needed in a very near future…

10 Miscellaneous  introduce MICE Hall on-line calendar so that activities in the hall can be planned accordingly and possible clashes avoided (Malcolm has been involved already);  more office space for MICE visitors is needed in R76;  MICE car and MICE bicycle(s) for visitors’ transport needs;  ensure accommodation of the MOM and shifters in Ridgeway House provided they have no other preferences (being accommodated farther causes problems with the local transportation).

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