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English Writing Folio From session 2010-2011 onwards, candidates at Higher, Intermediate 2 and Intermediate 1 English will be asked to submit a folio of.

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Presentation on theme: "English Writing Folio From session 2010-2011 onwards, candidates at Higher, Intermediate 2 and Intermediate 1 English will be asked to submit a folio of."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Writing Folio From session 2010-2011 onwards, candidates at Higher, Intermediate 2 and Intermediate 1 English will be asked to submit a folio of writing as part of the external assessment The folio will be worth 20%. Close Reading and Critical Essay will be worth 40% each (previously 50% each)

2 The inclusion of writing in the external assessment is intended to allow your writing skills to contribute to the final grading, which previously relied solely on the exam Higher and Int 2 – two pieces of different genre Int 1 – one piece

3 Genre CREATIVE A personal reflective essay A piece of prose fiction A poem or set of thematically liked poems A dramatic script DISCURSIVE A persuasive essay An argumentative essay A report

4 Word limits Minimum length (except poetry) Higher – 650 words Int 2 - 500words Int 1 - 300 words It is unlikely that a piece at or just above the minimum number of words will be able to meet the requirements to score in the higher range of marks. However, excessive length is not encouraged.

5 Word limits Maximum length Higher - 1300 words Int 2 - 1000 words Int 1 - 600 words NB. The word count should EXCLUDE titles, footnotes, lists of sources etc, but must INCLUDE any quotations.

6 Presentation Pieces of writing submitted in the folio should be typed, word processed, or neatly handwritten. Margins should be of a reasonable size and only one size of the page should be used. Word processed submissions are encouraged and the following format is strongly recommended:

7 A standard font, eg Times New Roman, Ariel Point size: 12 Alignment: left of justified Margins: 2cm all round Line spacing: 1.5 or 2.0 Print colour: black (except possibly graphs, diagrams in a Report)

8 Estimates and Appeals Since the work included in the folio is presumed to be the candidate’s best, there will be no requirement for additional evidence of Writing to be submitted in any Appeal or Absentee consideration

9 Guaranteeing authenticity Candidates are REQUIRED to submit to the teacher: Draft title and proposals Outline plan First draft Final version

10 Candidates are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to: Use a log or checklist to record progress Keep a record of all sources including websites, electronic articles, newspapers and books used

11 Levels of support Acceptable levels of support: Any amount of teaching and learning which extends candidates’ knowledge and understanding Initial discussion between pupil and teacher Oral or written comment on first draft Brad suggestions on first draft Use of spell check/dictionaries Reference to sources for background information and ideas

12 Levels of support Unacceptable levels of support: It is unacceptable for the teacher or a third party to: Direct, as opposed to guide, the genre of topic Provide notes or detailed models or frameworks Give specific advice on re-structuring or re- wording Systematically identify and/or correct errors in expression or technical accuracy Undue reliance on ideas/phraseology from sources

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