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TERM 2B 2014-2015 SPANISH 2 BELL WORK. S2BW#1 7/11/2014 COPY AND UNDERLINE COGNATES AND WORDS THAT YOU KNOW. Que para asegurar estos Derechos se instituyen.

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Presentation on theme: "TERM 2B 2014-2015 SPANISH 2 BELL WORK. S2BW#1 7/11/2014 COPY AND UNDERLINE COGNATES AND WORDS THAT YOU KNOW. Que para asegurar estos Derechos se instituyen."— Presentation transcript:


2 S2BW#1 7/11/2014 COPY AND UNDERLINE COGNATES AND WORDS THAT YOU KNOW. Que para asegurar estos Derechos se instituyen Gobiernos entre los Hombres, los cuales derivan sus Poderes legítimos del Consentimiento de los Gobernados; que el Pueblo tiene el derecho de cambiar o abolir cualquier otra Forma de Gobierno que tienda a destruir estos Propósitos, y de instituir un nuevo Gobierno, Fundado en tales Principios, y de organizar sus Poderes en tal Forma que la realización de su Seguridad y Felicidad sean más viables.

3 S2BW#1 COPY. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

4 S2BW#2 10/11/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Asegurar Verb Secure To guard from danger or risk of loss. From Latin securus, of persons, "free from care, quiet, easy," also in a bad sense, "careless, reckless;" of things, "tranquil; free from danger, safe," from se cura, from se "free from" + cura "care" Related: El (La) asegurador(a) (nmf) Insurer La aseguradora (nf) Insurance company Asegurado(a) (aj) Assured

5 S2BW#3 11/11/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Se instituyen Verb Are instituted To establish, organize, and set in operation. From Latin institutus, past participle of instituere "to set up," from in- "in" + statuere "establish, to cause to stand," Related: El instituto (nm) Institute La institución Institution Instituido(a) (aj) Instituted

6 S2BW#4 12/11/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Gobiernos Noun (m) Governments The exercise of political authority over the actions and affairs of a political unit, people, etc., as well as the performance of certain functions for this unit or body. From Latin gubernare "to direct, rule, guide, govern" originally "to steer." Related: Gobernar (v) To govern Desgobernar (v) To misgovern El autogobierno (nm) Self-government

7 S2BW#5 13/11/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Entre Preposition Among; between In the midst of; surrounded by. Latin inter "among, between, betwixt, in the midst of," Related: Entrelazar (v) Interlace, braid La entrelínea (nf) Writing between the lines Entremeter (v) To put in between

8 S2BW#6 14/11/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Hombres Noun (m) Men Human beings. From Latin humanus "of man, human," also "humane, philanthropic, kind, gentle, polite; learned, refined, civilized," probably related to homo "man" and to humus "earth," on notion of "earthly beings," as opposed to the gods. Related: El hombre de corázon (nm) Courageous man El hombre de negocios (nm) Businessman El hombre de palabra (nm) Man of his word

9 MONSTERS INC. PROJECT You must create your own monster and illustrate it. This will count as four daily grades. You must have at least ten good Spanish sentences describing your monster. Use at least ten of the new words on the vocabulary ( underline each word ). Use different verbs for each sentence. (i.e. you can use ser in one sentence, tener in one….etc.) The illustration and description must agree. It needs to be in color to get the maximum grade. 10 sentences = 70 pts. (7 pts. each) *Spelling and grammar must be correct! 10 vocabulary words = 10 pts. (1 pt. each) *Correct use of words! Picture = 20 pts. (color – 5 pts. / creativity – 15 pts.) **ALL WORK DUE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2.

10 S2BW#7 17/11/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Derivan Verb Deriving To obtain or receive from a source. From Latin derivare "to lead or draw off (a stream of water) from its source" from phrase de rivo: de "from" + rivus "stream;" Related: Derivado(a) (aj) Derived La derivación (nf) Derivation

11 S2BW#8 19/11/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Poderes Noun (m) Powers The ability or official capacity to exercise control; authority. Latin potentem "powerful," present participle of potere "be powerful," from potis "powerful, able, capable; possible;" of persons, "better, preferable; chief, principal; strongest, foremost." Related: Poder (v) To be able to El poderío (nm) Authority, power Apoderado(a) (aj) Authorized

12 S2BW#9 20/11/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Legítimos Adjective Just Legitimate Being in compliance with the law. From Medieval Latin legitimatus, past participle of legitimare "make lawful, declare to be lawful," from Latin legitimus "lawful," originally "fixed by law, in line with the law," from lex "law." Related: Legitimar (v) To legitimize Ilegítimo(a) Illegitimate

13 S2BW#10 1/12/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Consentimiento Noun (m) Consent To give assent or permission. From Latin consentire "fee l together," from com- "with" + sentire "to feel" Related: Consentir (v) To consent Con (prep) With Sentir (v) To feel

14 S2BW#11 2/12/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Los Gobernados Noun (m) The Governed The body of people who are citizens of a particular government. From Latin gubernare "to direct, rule, guide, govern," originally "to steer." Related: El (La) gobernador(a) (nmf) Governor La gobernación (nf) Governance Government, control, or authority.

15 S2BW#12 3/12/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Cambiar Verb To change To cause to be different. From Late Latin cambiare "to barter, exchange," from Latin cambire "to exchange, barter." Related: El cambio (nm) Change Descambiar (v) To undo a change Intercambiar (v) To exchange

16 S2BW#13 4/12/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Abolir Verb To abolish To do away with. From Latin abolere "destroy, cause to die out, retard the growth of," perhaps from ab- "from" + adolere "to grow," Related: La abolición (nf) Abolition El abolicionismo (nm) Abolitionism

17 S2BW#14 5/12/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Forma Noun (f) Form A type or kind. From Latin forma "form, contour, figure, shape; appearance, looks, model, pattern, design; sort, kind, condition." Related: Formar (v) To form Deformar (v) To deform Reformar (v) To reform Transformar ( v) To transform

18 S2BW#15 8/12/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Propósitos Noun (m) Ends Proposition; proposal; purpose The reason for which anything is done, created, or exists. From Latin propositum “intention, purpose, objective,” derived from proponere “display, propose,” from pro- “on behalf of, in place of, before, for, in,“ + ponere “esteem, value, count; found; put, place, set; specify, put down; cite.” Related: Proponer (v) To propose La proposición (nf) Proposition

19 S2BW#16 9/12/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Principios Noun (m) Principles Also beginning, start Fundamental law or truth. From Latin principium "a beginning, commencement, origin," in plural "foundation, elements," from princeps "first man, chief leader; ruler, sovereign." Related: Principal (aj) principal, main, chief Principiar (v) To commence, begin El príncipe (nm) Prince

20 S2BW#17 11/12/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Organizar Verb Organize To arrange in a coherent form. From Medieval Latin organizare*, from Latin organum “instrument, organ.” Related: Desorganizar (v) To disorganize Reorganizar (v) To reorganize

21 S2BW#18 11/12/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Seguridad Noun (f) Safety Security Freedom from risk or danger. From Latin securitas “security,” from securus "free from care." Related: Seguro (aj) secure; safe; sure (av) sure (nm) lock; insurance Asegurar (v) to ensure; to insure

22 S2BW#19 12/12/2014 COPY, WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH, TRANSLATE AND DEFINE: Felicidad Noun (f) Happiness The state of being happy. From Latin felicitatem "happ iness, fertility," from felix "happy, fortunate, fruitful, fertile." Related: Feliz (aj) Happy Infeliz (aj) Unhappy La infelicidad (nf) Unhappiness

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