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Addressing the counterclaim… Counterclaim is when you acknowledge or recognize the opposing viewpoint, conceding that it may have some merit. Think about.

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Presentation on theme: "Addressing the counterclaim… Counterclaim is when you acknowledge or recognize the opposing viewpoint, conceding that it may have some merit. Think about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Addressing the counterclaim… Counterclaim is when you acknowledge or recognize the opposing viewpoint, conceding that it may have some merit. Think about the arguments against your position. What objections would others have to each of your reasons? Anticipate and plan ahead to answer concerns. Meet opposing ideas head on with persuasive arguments of your own that refutes or proves wrong the opposition. Lends credence to the writer’s claims, and a reader is more likely to pay attention if you show you can see his/her point of view.

2 How to refute the counterclaim: Transition Argument from opposing side (counterclaim) Transition Refute the opposition Transition Summary Statement

3 Example Furthermore, even though there are some benefits to animal testing, the cons heavily outweigh the pros. It is true that there are laws, regulated by Animal Welfare Act, that protect animals from mistreatment. However, majority of animals tested are not covered by these laws. In the con article it states, “The AWA does not cover rats, mice, fish and birds, which comprise around 95% of the animals used in research.” Additionally, the Animal Welfare Act has not successfully eliminated all cases of animal abuse in research labs. Too many facilities are violating the laws and subjecting animals to painful experiments, crowded living conditions, and minimal food. Therefore, even with the current regulations and governing agencies, far too many animals are still being treated cruelly and should not be used for medical and scientific testing and research.

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