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3  Features of Java  Java Architecture  JVM, JRE, JDK  Referring to java docs.  Importance of main method and simple java programme.  Objects and classes  Data types and variables  Access modifiers and operators  Looping and decission making  String and String Buffer and String Builder classes  Arrays and Foreach loops  Hands-on( Basic java programming)

4  Abstraction  Polymorphism(method overloading and method overriding)  Inheritance  Encapsulation  Interfaces  Hands-on(object oriented programming)  Object class and its methods  Primitive wrappers for parse methods  Constructors and constructor chaining  Static and object initializer blocks  Garbage Collection and Memory management  Inner classes  Hands-on(above topics)

5  Basics of Exception(checked and unchecked exceptions)  Handling the Exceptions,Try,catch,final blocks  Creating your own exceptions  Propogating uncaught exceptions,Exception hierarchy  Common and exception and errors  Overriding hashcode() and equals()  Collection interfaces and classes  Using the collection frame work  Generics and legacy code  Polymorphism and generics  Generic methods and declaration  Defining, instantiating and starting threads  Thread states and transitions  Synchronizing code and Thread interaction  Hands-on( Exceptions,collection and generics, Threads)

6  80% hands on / practical classes.  Real time Scenarios / Project Exposure.  Limited no of students per batch.  Corporate Training Atmosphere  Week end Batches to suit Professional.  Placement Assistance which includes 1. Resume Preparation 2. Individual Counselling 3. Offline Support, which includes email queries and assignments. 4. Association with people who are working for more than 20 Companies who may provide interviews.  Backup Classes.  Provision to come for one more Batch


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