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Chapter 1 - Introduction

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1 Chapter 1 - Introduction
4/23/2017 Chapter 1 - Introduction Programming Languages: Principles and Practice, 2nd Ed. Kenneth C. Louden © Kenneth C. Louden, 2003

2 What is a Programming Language?
Definition: A programming language is a notational system for describing computation in machine-readable and human-readable form. Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

3 K. Louden, Programming Languages
Computation: Described by a Turing Machine - a very simple computer that can carry out all known computations (albeit not very efficiently). A programming language is Turing complete if it can be used to describe any computation performed by a Turing Machine. Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

4 What is needed for Turing completeness?
Virtually nothing: A programming language is Turing complete provided it has integer variables and arithmetic and sequentially executes statements, which include assignment, selection (if) and loop (while) statements. Even if statements are unnecessary (see exercises). Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

5 Machine-readability:
Also not a huge requirement: Basically, the existence of a (more or less) linear-time translation algorithm. Usually boils down to: The syntax must be given by a context-free grammar. (See Chapter 4.) Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

6 K. Louden, Programming Languages
Human-readability: This is the real issue! Virtually all the complex details of a programming language are there to (supposedly) enhance human readability. Still not very well understood. Is strongly dependent on good choice of abstractions. Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

7 What about human “writability??”
Aren’t programming languages there to promote the writing of programs, not the reading of them? Nonsense! Writability is a hacker’s goal: Perl is very writable, but try to read it! Readability is the real goal: many people are going to have to read your program after you have written it. Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

8 K. Louden, Programming Languages
Abstractions: Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

9 K. Louden, Programming Languages
Language Paradigms: Imperative (procedural): traditional sequential programming (passive data, active control). Characterized by variables, assignment, and loops. Object-oriented: data-centric, data controls its own use, action by request to data objects. Characterized by messages, instance variables, and protection. Functional: passive data, but no sequential control; all action by function evaluation (“call”), particularly recursion. No variables! Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

10 Language Paradigms (cont.):
Logic: Assertions are the basic data; logic inference the basic control. Again, no sequential operation. Parallel: well, maybe not really a paradigm, but some think so. Again, no sequential operation. “Declarative”: Logic and functional paradigms share this property: state “what” needs computing, not “how” (sequence). Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

11 Languages and paradigms
Imperative: C, Pascal, core Ada, FORTRAN Functional: Lisp (Scheme), ML, Haskell Object-oriented: C++, Java, Smalltalk Logic: Prolog Parallel: Java (threads), Ada (tasks) Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

12 Are functional languages Turing-complete?
Previous theorem on Turing-completeness (slide 4) depends on the existence of variables and loops. Functional programs do not have variables or loops. Can all computation be expressed? Yes!: A programming language is Turing complete if it has integer values, arithmetic functions on those values, and if it has a mechanism for defining new functions using existing functions, selection, and recursion. Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

13 K. Louden, Programming Languages
Examples in three languages (Euclid’s gcd algorithm): Compute the greatest common divisor of two integers input by the user, and print the result. For example, the gcd of 15 and 10 is 5. Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

14 K. Louden, Programming Languages
C (Figure 1.7, p. 26): #include <stdio.h> int gcd(int u, int v) /* “functional” version */ { if (v == 0) return u; else return gcd (v, u % v); /* “tail” recursion */ } main() /* I/O driver */ { int x, y; printf("Input two integers:\n"); scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); printf("The gcd of %d and %d is %d\n", x,y,gcd(x,y)); return 0; Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

15 K. Louden, Programming Languages
Java (Figure 1.9, p. 27): import*; class IntWithGcd { public IntWithGcd( int val ) { value = val; } public int getValue() { return value; } public int gcd ( int v ) { int z = value; /* “imperative” version */ int y = v; while ( y != 0 ) { int t = y; y = z % y; z = t; } return z; private int value; Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

16 K. Louden, Programming Languages
Java (continued): class GcdProg /* driver */ { public static void main (String args[]) { System.out.println("Input two integers:"); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(; try /* must handle I/O exceptions */ { IntWithGcd x = /* create an object */ new IntWithGcd(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine())); int y = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); System.out.print("The gcd of " + x.getValue() + " and " + y + " is "); System.out.println(x.gcd(y)); } catch ( Exception e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(1); } } Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

17 K. Louden, Programming Languages
Scheme (Figure 1.5, p. 17): (define (gcd u v) (if (= v 0) u (gcd v (modulo u v)))) Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

18 K. Louden, Programming Languages
Scheme (Figure 11.7, p. 486): (define (euclid) ; sequential! (display "enter two integers:") (newline) ; goes to next line on screen (let ((u (read)) (v (read))) (display "the gcd of ") (display u) (display " and ") (display v) (display " is ") (display (gcd u v)) (newline))) Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

19 Paradigm use is rarely “pure”:
The C program defined the gcd function in a purely functional style, even though C is mainly imperative. The Java program used some imperative code to compute the gcd, and was not completely object-oriented (integers aren’t objects). The Scheme code used sequencing to do I/O, an imperative feature. Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

20 Examples of languages that are pure (mostly):
Imperative: (old) FORTRAN Functional: Haskell Object-oriented: Smalltalk Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

21 K. Louden, Programming Languages
Language definition Syntax: the structure of a program. Usually given a formal (i.e., mathematical) definition using a context-free language. (Lexical structure - the structure of the words or tokens - uses regular expressions.) Semantics: the actual result of execution. Usually described in English, but can be done mathematically (Chapter 13). Semantics can have a static component: type checking, definition checking, other consistency checks prior to execution. Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

22 K. Louden, Programming Languages
Language translation Compiler: two-step process that translates source code into target code; then the user executes the target code. Interpreter: one-step process in which the source code is executed directly. Hybrids are also possible (Java). Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

23 K. Louden, Programming Languages
Error classification Lexical: character-level error, such as illegal character (hard to distinguish from syntax). Syntax: error in structure (e.g., missing semicolon or keyword). Static semantic: non-syntax error prior to execution (e.g., undefined vars, type errors). Dynamic semantic: non-syntax error during execution (e.g., division by 0). Logic: programmer error, program not at fault. Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

24 Notes on error reporting
A compiler will report lexical, syntax, and static semantic errors. It cannot report dynamic semantic errors. An interpreter will often only report lexical and syntax errors when loading the program. Static semantic errors may not be reported until just prior to execution. Indeed, most interpreted languages (e.g. Lisp, Smalltalk) do not define any static semantic errors. No translator can report a logic error. Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

25 K. Louden, Programming Languages
Sample Errors (Java): public int gcd ( int v# ) // lexical { int z = value // syntax - missing ; y = v; // static semantic - y undefined while ( y >= 0 ) // dynamic semantic - // division by zero { int t = y; y = z % y; z = t; } return y; // logic - should return z Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

26 K. Louden, Programming Languages
Language design Good, consistent set of abstractions. Tie-in to other technology (or clear single goal): C : Unix Java : Internet C++ : most efficient OO language Now also: Ease of interface with other languages and systems Good API libraries Chapter 1 K. Louden, Programming Languages

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