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Coach Williams Room 310B.  4.1: What is a mineral?

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Presentation on theme: "Coach Williams Room 310B.  4.1: What is a mineral?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coach Williams Room 310B

2  4.1: What is a mineral?

3  Naturally occurring= natural processes  Inorganic= not alive ◦ Salt or sugar?  Solid  Chemical make up= element or compound  Crystalline structure= geometric pattern

4  Crystal- solid, repeating pattern of atoms  Table 4-1

5  Magma- melted substance beneath crust  Cools and forms crystals

6  Supersaturation of liquids (overfilled)  Solid crystals form

7  3000 minerals in Earth’s crust  30 Common  Most are from 8 elements ◦ O, S, Al, Fe, Ca, Na, K, Mg  Silicates  Carbonates  Oxides

8  Silicates  Oxygen, silicon, + others  Ex: Quartz

9  Carbonates  Metal + CO 3  Marble and malachite

10  Oxides  Oxygen + Metal  Hematite

11  Sulfides= Sulfur  Sulfates= SO 4  Halides= Chlorine/Fluorine + Ca, Na, K  Native Elements- Ag, Cu, Fe, etc…

12  4.2: Identifying Minerals  Using simple tests to identify minerals  Physical characteristics  Chemical characteristics

13  Least reliable

14  How light is reflected  Metallic or non-metallic  Ex: shiny, dull

15  How the mineral feels  Ex: smooth or rough

16  Color of a mineral when broken & powdered

17  How easily a mineral can be scratched  Mohs Scale  Harder minerals scratch softer ones

18  Cleavage- breaks easily along a plane  Fracture- breaks with rough, jagged edges

19  Density = mass/volume  Specific Gravity = weight compared to water

20  Ores- mineral mined for profit $$$$$$  Mines- location of gathering ores  Gems- minerals valued for beauty

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