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By: Zach Morgan Tyler Calkins Ryan Murray Nick Wurtz.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Zach Morgan Tyler Calkins Ryan Murray Nick Wurtz."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Zach Morgan Tyler Calkins Ryan Murray Nick Wurtz

2 Pluto’s Awesome History January 23, 1930 was spotted by Clyde Tombaugh Because of its cold temperature (-360 degrees F) it was given the name of the Roman name for the god of the underworld In 1978, James Christy & Robert Harrington discovered Plutos only known moon Charon In August 2006, Pluto was no longer considered a planet but arguments still go on to this day.

3 Pluto's Orbit Orbits the sun in 90,465 days Pluto’s revolution is 6 days and 9 hours 248 years to orbit the sun Pluto's orbit shape is like an oval and dips into Neptune’s orbit

4 Distance from Sun & Earth Its average distance from the sun is about 5.9 billion km from the sun When the planets are all lined up, Pluto is about 4.2 billion km from Earth When Pluto is on the other side of the sun it is about 7.5 billion km from Earth

5 Size & Density Pluto is a terrestrial planet Its size in km is 2274

6 Temperature Pluto is the second most cold planet in our solar system From day to night plutos temperature leans from -240 degrees C to -390 degrees F

7 Atmosphere Pluto is made up of mostly Methane, and nitrogen, and Carbon Monoxide Its atmosphere makes it impossible to live on.

8 Pluto's Composition Pluto's is a very cold planet that is rocky and icy The core of Pluto is solid and rocky ice

9 Moons Pluto has three moons( Nix, Hydra, and Charon) Charon is the biggest of the three and almost the same size as pluto Nix Charon Hydra

10 Physical Characteristics Pluto’s density has a hint that it is likely to contain a mixture of 30% ice and 70% rock Pluto’s atmosphere is likely to have nitrogen combined with methane and carbon monoxide

11 Living on Pluto Strong smell Super cold Basically the size of the U.S.A. Like a rocky plain No oxygen (IT’S BREATH TAKING)

12 Life on Pluto Blue and fluffy animals No plants

13 The End Zach Morgan Tyler Calkins Ryan Murray Nick Wurtz

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