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EU Funded Projectimplemented by Support to IFI Coordination in the Western Balkans and Turkey 26 February 2014 Coordination «Tools » for Investment M OMahony,

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Presentation on theme: "EU Funded Projectimplemented by Support to IFI Coordination in the Western Balkans and Turkey 26 February 2014 Coordination «Tools » for Investment M OMahony,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EU Funded Projectimplemented by Support to IFI Coordination in the Western Balkans and Turkey 26 February 2014 Coordination «Tools » for Investment M OMahony, IFI Coordination Office Regional Cooperation Council Western Balkans and Europe 2020 - Towards Convergence and Growth 31 March 2011

2 2 Content of Presentation oWestern Balkan Investment Framework oSupport to EC and IFI Coordination in the Western Balkans and Turkey oWBIF Website oDatabase of Investment Flows

3 3 WBIF Objectives oCombine/Leverage grants and loans to improve project financing oCoordinate donor support in the Western Balkans: a single entry point for projects to improve coherence, synergy, efficiency and visibility oSupport EU Accession process and regional and national policies and strategies Stakeholders oAlbania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia oEuropean Commission oCEB, EIB, EBRD oBilateral financial institutions e.g. KfW and bilateral donors oWorld Bank and RCC (observers)

4 4 WBIF Background oEuropean Council called in 2008 for a wider cooperation framework oNegotiations between EC, EIB, EBRD, CEB oBuilt upon the EC-financed Infrastructure Project Facility & Municipal Window oTerms of Reference approved officially by EU MS on the 8-12-2009 Sectors oTo date: Energy, Environment, Transport and Social Infrastructure oNow eligible: Private Sector Development and Energy Efficiency Structures oProject Financiers Group oSteering Committee

5 5 PROJECT FINANCIERS GROUP STEERING COMMITTEE Single Entry point Single strategic orientation Project Identification, Programming, Screening Assessment Strategy definition, Operations approval, Supervision of action WBIF Project Selection Process Implementation

6 6 Results to Date

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10 10 Calls for Proposals – Round 5

11 11 WBIF Key Facts oProjects must be submitted by/or endorsed by National IPA Coordinators oA financing institution must have demonstrated interest in the project oProjects that contribute to implementation of a regional policy/strategy are a priority oRecommendation from regional initiative (e.g. Energy Community Secretariat, SEETO, RENA etc) further enhances approval potential oGrant funding from EC, IFIs and bilateral donors being replenished oFurther info

12 12 Support to EC & IFI Coordination Overall Objective oEnsure co-ordination between the EC and IFIs at policy, technical and operational level in the area of socio-economic development of the beneficiaries Specific Objectives oImproved coordination of information exchange, advice and policy actions focusing on horizontal and sectoral issues oImproved coordination of investment support to beneficiaries oIncreased involvement of beneficiaries in the IFI and donor coordination process oImproved public awareness

13 13 EC & IFI Coordination – Sample Activities Horizontal Activities (Reports) oImpact of Austerity Measures on the Investment Programmes of the Western Balkan Countries oSynopsis of Views on the Need for a New Growth Model in the Western Balkans Sector Based Activities oReview of Financial Support Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in the Western Balkans oOrganisation of Joint SEETO/IFI review of priority transport projects in the Western Balkans oReview of Investments in Water and Waste Water Sector in the Western Balkans oSocio-Economic Working Group Meeting (EC, IFIs, RCC)

14 14 Communication Tools WBIF Website oPortal for activities involving EC, IFI and donors in the Western Balkans oParticular focus on the WBIF (background, key documents, up date on project pipeline oStrategy and Policy Section for each sector oLinks to all stakeholders oInvestment Flows Database oMajor revision of original stocktaking database oRelational database has been constructed to allow more flexibility and analysis oRecords actual investment flows (i.e. loans signed, grants approved) oCovers the main WBIF sectors and includes TA projects oReport and analysis features oAvailable on –line by end April

15 EU Funded Projectimplemented by Support to IFI Coordination in the Western Balkans and Turkey 26 February 2014 Thank you for your attention!

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