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A Force more Powerful: Blended Leaning Mixing Concept Maps with Video Gabe. Credits – Kathy Schrock.

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Presentation on theme: "A Force more Powerful: Blended Leaning Mixing Concept Maps with Video Gabe. Credits – Kathy Schrock."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Force more Powerful: Blended Leaning Mixing Concept Maps with Video Gabe. Credits – Kathy Schrock

2 What you will see  Visual tools, such as pictures, movies and concept maps can be a valuable educational aid, and when combined, can be even more engaging!  Students can learn while creating content. Welcome to DSU

3 Why? 21 st Century Skills Learning and Thinking skills - Critical Thinking and Problem-solving - Creativity and Innovation - Information & Media Literacy 21 st Century Assessments - A balance of assessments is needed. Assessments must use modern technologies …

4 Non-linguistic Representations According to… Marzano Marzano Marzano speaks of non-linguistic representations as one of his nine core strategies for improving instruction (by 15%). These include: Creating Graphic representations Drawing Pictures or Pictographs Generating Mental pictures PhotoStory 3, MovieMaker 2, Cmap and are additional tools for non-linguistic representations

5 New Visual Literacy  Navigate, evaluate, communicate  Access to world class photography  Social networking components  Creative Commons  Video creation and sharing David Jakes, “Web 2.0 and the New Visual Literacy” Technology & Learning Apr 20, 2007

6 Photo & Video sharing sites  Pictures/videos can be tagged  Search pictures/videos  Allows pictures and videos to be posted  Viewers can leave comments  Ex: Flickr, Photobucket

7 Consider  “Our children are like arrows, shooting forward into a future we cannot visit, not even in our dreams” Kahil Gibran Author

8 Our Visual World  The average youth spends __________ hours watching TV by the age of 18.  He/she spends ___________ hours in school. 22,000 12,000

9 Motivation?  _________ % of college students would rather pick up trash than write a paper;  _________ % would rather donate blood. 30 50

10 Brain Bandwidth  Each eye has ______________ fibers to the brain; each ear has ______________.  Humans process visual info _________ times faster than text.  Words are processed ___________, images _____________________. (keyboard vs. camera) 1,000,000 30,000 60,000 simultaneously sequentially

11 Why bother?  Using illustrated materials, retention and recall increase _________ % and transfers to long term memory a whopping _______ %.  Recall is increased ________% in color. 42 89

12 WHAT teachers need to knowHOW teachers teach Content, compassion & passion INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES Visual Literacy Technology Tools Blended Movies Self-directed Movies Why Photostory3, Cmap & MovieMaker? ICT, 21 st Century Marzano, Myer, Alverman, Tovani, Burmark and Vygotsky Why teachers should do this Photostory 3 YouTube Cmap

13 Photostories  Lasts from 30 seconds to 7minutes max  Audio is clear  Used to illustrate topic in movie format  Scan small pictures in at higher DPI, to avoid pixilation Photostory 3

14 Cmap &  Cmap is a FREE Concept Mapping download that duplicates much of the functionality of Inspiration.  is an online concept mapping tool.

15 Cmap Tools

16 Cmaps can introduce your class

17 Cmaps can also be used as an assessment tool Writing Conference Assessment

18 Mike Kamrud’s Portfolio

19  Brainstorming and concept mapping  You can collaborate or make maps read only  Use “menu”, “export” to export as.jpg image file.


21 Digital Presentations - Rubrics  DigiTales  Rubistar at is a GREAT website for creating rubrics. It gives you samples for different project types, then lets you edit and save online.



24 Frank Sulloway


26 Using Video from the Web  In a perfect world, we would always be able to access whatever video we need for teaching and students could not misuse.  Sometimes we need to capture video at home for school use

27  An online file conversion tool  Converts to many formats (use.avi or.wmv)  Zamzar will send you a link to download video file

28 What you saw  Visual tools, such as pictures, movies and concept maps can be a valuable educational aid, and when combined, can be even more engaging!  Students can learn while creating contentcontent Welcome to DSU

29 Let’s get started!  Credits Kathy Schrock Lynn Burmark R.L. Erion  Questions? Email me at:

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