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SIR ISAAC NEWTON ~ a brief biographical sketch by ~ Carl J. Wenning.

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2 SIR ISAAC NEWTON ~ a brief biographical sketch by ~ Carl J. Wenning

3 Sir Isaac Newton English scientist and mathematician Born: Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, December 25, 1642 (Julian Calendar) Died: London, March 20, 1727

4 Most notable accomplishments “Invention” of the reflecting telescope Laws of motion Law of universal gravitation Principia Mathematica

5 Additional Background Un-notable childhood Graduated Cambridge 1665 without distinction Went to mother’s farm due to plagues and began to wonder about gravity Wondered about acceleration due to gravity for both moon and apple

6 Cogitation How does acceleration of the relate to the acceleration of the ? a = v 2 /d and a = 9.8m/s 2 But v = 2  d/t = where d = 60r Now, a /a = 3,600 = 60 2 ! Therefore, a is proportional to d 2 ! Cogitation

7 Verification From Kepler’s observation, Now if law of gravitation is correct, then Which reduces to Kepler’s third law! That is, KIII holds simply because:

8 Newton… Announced law of gravitation only 15 years later due to uncertainty of equivalency. Study of light (spectra) and optics (lenses) Invents telescope to avoid chromatic abber. Developed calculus to see if gravity like pt. Enunciated three laws of motion Mathematical Principles of Natural Philos.

9 Because of criticism… Began to live the life of a recluse Worked on transmutation of lead Appointed warden of Royal mint Calculated insurance tables Elected president of Royal Society in 1703 (after the death of Hooke, the so-called universal claimant) Now buried in London’s Westminster Abbey

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