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ConocoPhillips DOGM Earthday Award Nomination Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Project: Price River Drainage Wet Meadow Enhancement.

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Presentation on theme: "ConocoPhillips DOGM Earthday Award Nomination Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Project: Price River Drainage Wet Meadow Enhancement."— Presentation transcript:

1 ConocoPhillips DOGM Earthday Award Nomination Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Project: Price River Drainage Wet Meadow Enhancement

2 Wet meadows are critical habitat for many species, including sage-grouse. Important during nesting and brood rearing periods.

3 Concern: Loss of critical wet meadow habitat Occurring though erosional downcutting of water courses around meadows

4 Concern: Loss of critical wet meadow habitat Occurring through erosional downcutting of water courses around meadows Leads to lowering of water table & desiccation of wet meadows, and subsequent alteration of vegetation


6 Project Goal: Protect and enhance critical wet meadow habitats within the Price River Drainage

7 Methodology: Grazing Management: Short Duration – High Intensity Rest Rotation system. Vegetative treatment – treat uplands to reduce brush cover and increase grass/forb cover which will maximize water infiltration and slow overland flow. Active in-channel projects to slow run-off, build sediment, and maximize ground water infiltration Vegetation Inventory

8 ConocoPhillips provided initial $30,000 to map vegetation at a detailed level within the Drunkards Wash Field. Helped directly identify wet meadow areas needing treatment. Have found additional $44,000 for mapping more acres of critical wildlife habitat. Completed in March 2005 with > 700,000 acres mapped.

9 Grazing Management: Working with land owners and NRCS to develop grazing plan and cross fence pastures to improve grazing practices.

10 Vegetation Treatment: Treat upland surrounding wet meadows using mechanical & chemical methods Reduce shrub cover and increase grass & forb cover Maximize water infiltration & slow overland flow

11 Ely Chain Lawson Aerator Pipe Harrow

12 In-channel structures: Passive dikes: temporary hold water from heavy run-off events, allow sediment to drop out, increase ground water infiltration, and meter channel flow.


14 ConocoPhillips Contributions: Vegetation Survey $30,000 Surveying, engineering, materials, and equipment $55,000 Overall project budget $228,000 (not including vegetation mapping project)


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