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Body Organization and Systems Overview. Cells Cells make up all living things. There are different types in your body, and they are the basic units of.

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Presentation on theme: "Body Organization and Systems Overview. Cells Cells make up all living things. There are different types in your body, and they are the basic units of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Body Organization and Systems Overview

2 Cells Cells make up all living things. There are different types in your body, and they are the basic units of structure and function.

3 Tissues Cells make up tissues, and there are 4 main types 1.Epithelial Tissue 2.Connective Tissue 3.Muscle Tissue 4.Nerve Tissue

4 Epithelial Tissue Function – lining inside and outside of the body Examples: skin, organs, mouth

5 Connective Tissue Function: Provides support and structure Examples: tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bone, fat

6 Muscle Tissue Function: Movement, can contract Examples: All muscles

7 Nerve Tissue Function: Conducts signals Examples: glial cells and neurons

8 Organs Tissues are grouped together to make Organs. Organs are made of at least 2 different types of tissue that work together for a common purpose.

9 Organ Examples Heart Lungs Stomach Liver

10 Organ Examples Kidney Brain Small Intestine Large Intestine

11 Organ Examples Urinary Bladder Pancreas Spleen Gall Bladder

12 Skin And of course the largest organ in the body, the skin!

13 Organs (fill in the letters on your paper) A.Brain B.Heart C.Large Intestine D.Small Intestine E.Stomach F.Kidney G.Liver H.Pancreas I. Gall Bladder A B C D E F G H I

14 Organs

15 Systems Two or more organs that work together to perform a specific functions make up different organ systems that make up your body.

16 Systems Examples Digestive Excretory Musculoskeletal Circulatory Respiratory Integumentary Endocrine Nervous Reproductive Lymphatic No system works by itself. They overlap and help each other and control each one another to make your body run smoothly. In a sense, they make up one big factory (YOUR BODY!!!).

17 Digestive System Functions: To break down the food we eat and absorb the nutrients in our food.

18 Excretory System Function: To rid the body of wastes.

19 Musculoskeletal System Function: To give the body structure, support, and movement.

20 Circulatory System Function: To transport nutrients, gases, hormones, and wastes throughout the body.

21 Respiratory System Function: To exchange gases between the body and blood and the environment.

22 Integumentary System Function: To protect the inside of the body and maintain homeostasis (a stable internal environment – temperature, pH, etc.).

23 Endocrine System Function: To relay chemical messages throughout the body mainly in the form of hormones.

24 Nervous System Function: To relay electrical messages throughout the body that often control other organs and systems.

25 Reproductive System Function: To make gametes that can form a new organism at fertilization.

26 Lymphatic System Function: To remove excess fluids and destroy internal invaders (bacteria and viruses).

27 Embed Quiz

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