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Warm Up Complete a “mini mind map graphic organizer” with the question What might a person study to learn about U.S. culture? in the middle.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Complete a “mini mind map graphic organizer” with the question What might a person study to learn about U.S. culture? in the middle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Complete a “mini mind map graphic organizer” with the question What might a person study to learn about U.S. culture? in the middle.

2 Hundreds of years from now, historians will look at these cultural artifacts to learn about the United States. Over the course of our next unit, we will be learning about Greek culture, and the artifacts made by the ancient Greeks to discover information about those peoples ideas, beliefs, and lives

3 Using your prior knowledge on city- states, were they independent or dependent of one another? (Turn and talk) Although city-states separated Greece politically, the Greek people were united by a common culture.

4 Q-What aspects of culture might unite a society? The people of Greece spoke the same language, shared many religious beliefs and customs, and believed many of the same myths about gods and hero’s

5 What are some other words you know that mean the same thing as myth? Legend, fairy tale, tall tail How might you define myth in your own words?

6 Greek God and Goddess Family Tree NatureLife

7 Who Were the Greek Gods? Reading 1.What is the main idea of the text? 2.What are two details supporting the main idea? 3.What are key vocabulary words in the text? What context clues did you use to help you define the words?

8 Group Work Research Greek Oracles on your Ipads. Each group will be assigned a different question to answer. 1-Where was the most famous oracle located? 2-Why do you think people sometimes misunderstood the oracles predictions? 3-Why did the ancient Greeks seek advice from the oracle? 4-What kind of advice do you think state leaders wanted from the oracle?

9 Closure What stuck with you today? Fill out a post it summarizing what stuck with you from todays lesson.

10 Homework Write a 5-7-sentence paragraph about your favorite Greek god or goddess Explain why that one is your favorite, and cite information from todays lesson.

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