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Early People of the Aegean  Minoan Civilization  Based on the island of Crete, named after King Minos  2000- 1400 B.C.E.  Powerful civilization, dominated.

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Presentation on theme: "Early People of the Aegean  Minoan Civilization  Based on the island of Crete, named after King Minos  2000- 1400 B.C.E.  Powerful civilization, dominated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early People of the Aegean  Minoan Civilization  Based on the island of Crete, named after King Minos  2000- 1400 B.C.E.  Powerful civilization, dominated Mediterranean trade  Produced beautiful pottery  Characterized by palace cities, extensive trade networks with Egypt and Mesopotamia and sophisticated artwork  Rulers lived in a palace at Knossos  Traded not only good but culture: unique architectural style, burial customs, and religious rituals  Traded with Egypt and Phoenicia

2 Minoan Social Order  Centered on ruler, which was reflected in layout  King’s palace was always at center  Served as political, economic, and cultural focal point  Knossos the most important palace in Crete  Women held important religious positions

3 Culture of Minoans  Rooms for royal family and religious shrines.  Covered with beautiful frescoes. Reflect importance of sea and religion.  Trade flourished due to its favorable geographic position.  Traded with Egypt – cultural diffusion  Cultural influences and important raw materials came from Egypt and Mesopotamia.

4 Mysterious End  Civilization ends around 1200 B.C.E.  Unclear why Natural disaster? 1700 B.C.E. – earthquake 1470 B.C.E.- earthquake, volcano reflection Overpopulation? Invaders?  Civilization lingers after 1470 B.C.E. but never powerful again

5 Mycenaean Civilization  Indo-Europeans  2000 B.C.E.  Location  Steep, rocky ridge  Surrounded by protective wall Could withstand almost any attack  Warrior-king Lots of weapons found at Mycenaean sites  Controlled trade in Aegean and Ionian Seas

6 Mycenaean Civilization  Culture and Trade  Luxurious lifestyle for nobles and Kings Strong culture led by wealthy warrior-Kings  Buried with treasures  Bronze weapons, gold cups  Invaded Crete and other nearby cities  Cultural diffusion Minoan sailing Minoan writing system art

7 Mycenaean Civilization  Trojan War  1200 B.C.E.  10 year war with Troy (Anatolia) Legend of Helen  Thought to be fictional 1870 C.E. Heinrich Schliemann finds Troy  Struggle over waterways and trade


9 Greek Culture Declines under the Dorians  Dorians  Mycenaean civilization collapsed after war Moved into war-torn countryside  Spoke Greek Far less advanced than Mycenaean's  Economy collapsed Writing stopped from 1150- 750 B.C.E. Period of decline

10 Commerce and Colonization  Period of 750 to 600 B.C.E = intense population growth  Colonization expanded from Black Sea to across Mediterranean  Led to expansion of trade  Greek merchants sold wine and olive oil  Money economy replaced traditional barter system  Swapping goods for one another

11 Persians  Emerged around 612 B.C.E.  between the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea  Led by Cyrus the Great  Expanded empire over 2000 miles  Was a military genius  Legacy Method of governing Showed kindness and compassion towards conquered peoples Honored local customs and religions

12 Persian Rule and Culture  After Cyrus’ death, kingdom led by Darius  Darius’ achievements  Empire administration Divided empire into 20 provinces Each province still practiced own religion, spoke own language, and followed own laws Still ruled with absolute power through Satraps Governors who ruled locally Called Imperial bureaucracy  Standardized Money Created metal coins of a standard value Promoted trade  Royal Road Road system that unified and linked empire Over 1,677 miles

13 Persian Religion  Zoroastrianism  Created by a prophet named Zoroaster around 600 B.C.E.  Taught two spiritual armies fought for control of a person’s soul  God of light, god of darkness  Monotheistic?  Encourage to follow God of Light  Beliefs  People controlled own fate  Final judgment at death Paradise or underworld  Collection of holy writings called Avesta  Influenced many world religions  Judaism, Christianity, Islam  Spread into India

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