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THE EXPOSITORY ESSAY. WHAT IS AN EXPOSITORY ESSAY Is an essay that explains It requires the writer or speaker to define, give information and explain.

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Presentation on theme: "THE EXPOSITORY ESSAY. WHAT IS AN EXPOSITORY ESSAY Is an essay that explains It requires the writer or speaker to define, give information and explain."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS AN EXPOSITORY ESSAY Is an essay that explains It requires the writer or speaker to define, give information and explain the topic of the essay The writer/speaker must use factual information from the text, including direct quotes in order to support position on topic

3 ALWAYS USE A FORMAL TONE Since expository essays are factual, they are written without emotion and in the third person Formal third person tone never uses ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘we’, ‘you’, etc… Formal tone never uses contractions Example: Use “does not” instead of “doesn’t”

4 EXPOSITORY ESSAY STRUCTURE The expository essay uses the standard essay structure of: Introductory Paragraph Supporting Detail Paragraphs (minimum of three) Concluding Paragraph

5 INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH The Introductory paragraph should begin by introducing your topic in general terms Towards the end of the paragraph, you should state your thesis, and the individual sub-arguments that you will use to prove it

6 INTRODUCTION: THESIS AND SUPPORTING ARGUMENTS Thesis: a complete sentence that states the main idea of your essay; what you are going to prove Example: Loneliness is a major theme that is developed in John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, as it dominates the lives of many of the novel’s characters. Supporting Arguments: are the various reasons that prove that your thesis is correct Each of your supporting arguments will be developed in your body paragraphs

7 SUPPORTING DETAIL PARAGRAPHS This is where you prove your thesis Each supporting argument will be developed in its own paragraph Make sure that you introduce the supporting argument, connecting it back to your thesis Example: First of all, loneliness can be seen as a major theme in Of Mice and Men, in that this is the dominant emotion experienced by Curley’s wife.

8 SUPPORTING DETAIL PARAGRAPHS Once you introduce the supporting argument, you must provide evidence with explanation, examples, and direct quotes from the novel in order to prove that sub argument The more evidence you provide, the more convincing you supporting argument, and therefore thesis will be

9 SUPPORTING DETAIL PARAGRAPHS You must conclude each supporting detail paragraph with a sentence that restates the supporting argument, links it back to your thesis, then previews your next supporting argument Example: Clearly, it is evident that Curley’s wife experiences loneliness throughout the novel, which demonstrates how prevalent this emotion is in Of Mice and Men. Loneliness as a major theme can further be seen by examining the character of Crooks.

10 CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH Your conclusion should begin very narrow by restating your thesis, and reminding the reader of each supporting argument that proved that thesis Make sure you state the thesis and supporting arguments as if you have already proved them

11 CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH You should then broaden your topic to give the reader some final takeaways about your topic in general Example: Steinbeck making Loneliness such a prevalent theme in Of Mice and Men greatly reflected the tragedy and turmoil of life during the 1930s depression.


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