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Tree Data National Manual Version 1.61 Section 5.0.

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1 Tree Data National Manual Version 1.61 Section 5.0

2 Subplot Number 1Center subplot 2North subplot 3Southeast subplot 4Southwest subplot

3 Tree Record Number Three digit code unique on each subplot SK 1, 3 & 9: Start at 001

4 Condition Class Number Record the Condition Class Number where the tree is located Condition # 2 Pine Plantation Condition # 1 Clearcut stand

5 Azimuth Record the azimuth from subplot or microplot center to the center of the base of each tally tree Reference all trees > 5.0 inches to the subplot Reference all trees > 1.0 and < 5.0 inches to the microplot

6 Horizontal Distance Record the HORIZONTAL distance from subplot or microplot center to the center of the base of each tally tree Reference all trees > 5.0 inches to the subplot Reference all trees > 1.0 and < 5.0 inches to the microplot Use slope correction table on coding summary sheets

7 Present Tree Status (formerly Tree History) Record the appropriate code that identifies the status of each tree on the plot: 1 Live Tree 2Dead

8 Lean Angle New Item Record the code that describes the angle of lean from vertical of the tree from the base to top of actual length. Trees supported by other trees or by their own branches are considered standing. 0Standing (less than 45 degrees of lean) 1 Down (more than 45 degrees of lean)

9 Species Record the appropriate tree species code Use code 299 for unknown dead conifers and 999 for unknown dead hardwoods when the generic or species codes cannot be used. The generic codes (e.g. 400, 540) should only be used when you are sure the species is on the species list, but you cannot differentiate among acceptable species.

10 Current Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) Measure diameter at 4.5 feet above the ground with the following exceptions:

11 Current Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) Measure diameter at 4.5 feet above the ground with the following exceptions: 4.5’ 3.5’ Diameter point Pith intersection Figure 11. Forked between 1.0-4.5 ft.

12 Length To Diameter Measurement Point For those trees measured directly at 4.5 ft above the ground, leave this item blank If the diameter is measured above 4.5 ft, record the actual length from the ground, to the nearest 0.1 in

13 Tree Class Crown Class No changes

14 Crown Ratio Recorded to the nearest 1 percent Compacted Ratio Vs. Uncompacted Ratio

15 Tree Grade Percent Board Foot Cull No changes

16 Percent Rotten/Missing Cull (formerly Cubic Foot Cull) Record the percentage of rotten and missing cubic-foot volume from a 1-foot stump to the 4-inch top to the nearest 1 percent Do not include volume that is missing due to a broken top Only include volume to the top of Actual Length

17 Total & Actual Length TOTAL LENGTH is to the nearest 1 foot from ground level to the tip of the apical meristem. If the tree has a broken or missing top, estimate what the total length would be if there were no missing or broken top. ACTUAL LENGTH – for trees with broken or missing tops, record the length of the remaining portion of the tree.

18 Length Method New Item Record the code that indicates the method used to determine tree lengths: 2 Total length is visually estimated, actual length is measured with an instrument. 3 Total and actual lengths are visually estimated. 1Total and actual lengths are field measured with a measurement instrument

19 Fusiform/Comandra Rust/Hardwood Dieback New Item Record the incidence of fusiform, comandra rust or dieback. 0 None 1 Fusiform, Comandra Rust: Only on slash and loblolly 2 Dieback: HARDWOODS ONLY

20 Dieback Severity Record the severity of hardwood dieback 1 = 10 to 19% 2 = 20 to 29% Etc….

21 Damage Covered later today

22 Decay Class New Item Recorded on standing dead trees only

23 Tree Notes New Item Record notes to explain or describe another variable

24 Remeasurement of Prism Plots National Manual Version 1.61 SUPPLEMENT B


26 Prism Point #/Tree# No change Record the 1-digit point number and 2-digit tree number for each tree on the prism plot

27 Prism Tree Status (Formerly Prism Tree History) 0No status – Tree was incorrectly tallied at the previous survey or currently is not tallied due to definition or procedural change. 1Live tree 2Dead tree 3Removal – tree that has been cut or killed by direct human activity relating to harvesting, silviculture or land clearing. 4 Missing – A tree was tallied in previous inventory but now is missing due to natural causes such as landslide, fire, etc.

28 Past Tree Status 1Live tree 2Dead tree SK = 2 Plots only: Record the past tree status of remeasured trees:

29 New Tree Reconcile For remeasured locations only Record a NEW TREE RECONCILE for any new tally tree that was not tallied in the previous inventory This code is used to identify the reason a new tree appeared in the inventory.

30 New Tree Reconcile Codes 1Ingrowth – New tally tree that has grown into the plot, and does not qualify as through growth 2Through Growth – New tally tree 5.0 inches DBH or larger within the old co-located microplot that was a seedling at the last inventory 3Missed Live Tree – A live tree missed at previous inventory and that is live, dead or removed now 4Missed Dead – A dead tree missed at previous inventory and that is dead or removed now.

31 DBH for Remeasured Trees Take DBH at the same location as the previous crew unless it is not physically possible Exception 1: Take diameter at the new location if the old Length to DBH is more than 12 inches from where the new rules dictate Exception 2: If previous DBH was estimated, take DBH at the new location even if it is within 12 inches of old diameter Assign a DIAMETER CHECK code of 2 whenever the point of remeasurement is moved.

32 Cause of Death Record the cause of death for all trees that have died, been cut since the previous survey. If cause of death cannot be reliably estimated, record unknown/not sure. 10 Insect 20 Disease 30 Fire 40 Animal 50 Weather 60 Vegetation (suppression, competition, vines/kudzu) 70 Unknown/not sure/other 80 Human 90 Physical (hit by falling tree)

33 Mortality Year Record the estimated year that remeasured trees died or were cut Examples: 1998, 1999, 2000, etc.

34 Utilization Class Record the code to identify cut trees that have been removed from the site: 00 Not utilized 11 Commercial utilization – some portion of the tree removed for commercial purposes 12 Non-commercial utilization – some portion of the tree removed for non- commercial purposes

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