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Educational approach to multicultural competence in English and Dari Language Training Lt. Col. Tomasz Cymek Polish Armed Forces School of Languages

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Presentation on theme: "Educational approach to multicultural competence in English and Dari Language Training Lt. Col. Tomasz Cymek Polish Armed Forces School of Languages"— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational approach to multicultural competence in English and Dari Language Training Lt. Col. Tomasz Cymek Polish Armed Forces School of Languages

2 Outline  Multicultural issues in foreign language programs  Multicultural competence in military environment  Comparison: English – Dari – curriculum and its implementation in the Polish Armed Forces School of Languages  Aids and techniques to avoid gaps in multicultural competence  Conclusion

3 Multicultural issues in foreign language programs /1/  Reasons Work search, language as working tool Multicultural knowledge as „travel insurance” Family connections Tolerance-giving dialogue tool Freedom from prejudice, criticism towards stereotypes New values for the homogeneous Polish society The same factors have an input on military cooperation

4 Multicultural issues in foreign language programs /2/  Theory of socio-cultural competence Social context issues need qualified teachers with supplementary education, socio-cultural dialogue, appropriate language environment, integration of handbook knowledge and students’ needs Cultural issues demand students’ activation, participation in multinational projects, activation of e-mail contacts, discussion forums, students are not culturally homogeneous Socio-cultural competence Social context Style properties Culture issues Non–verbal communication

5 Multicultural issues in foreign language programs /3/  Multicultural issues in teaching practice Style properties and non–verbal communication The main or the only help for students Between teaching program and students’ expectations Is there any „life beyond curriculum”?

6 Multicultural competence in military environment /1/  Bi/intercultural vs. multicultural Intercultural less than multicultural Military environment - best example for multicultural needs Perfect communication skills requirement in military cooperation Multicultural communication competence in the theory of LSP Communicative competence Grammar Socio- cultural knowledge Psycho- linguistic competence Knowledge of professional terminology Knowledge of military subculture De facto knowledge of all elements

7 Multicultural competence in military environment /2/  Military vs. civilian Both spheres require competent users Both spheres display different needs Differences generate dissimilarities in language training There are objective needs of multicultural-oriented language training in military environment Military teacher’s role and responsibility is growing

8 Multicultural competence in military environment /3/  Competent vs. not competent Every soldier needs (has) to be competent Language needs result from forces profile Polish forces’ participation in multinational operations and missions determines our force profile Operations require activation of different sub-capabilities Different sub–capabilities depend on region/ language/ force structure Cooperation defines individual needs

9 Comparison: English – Dari /1/  Language programs Common Armed Forces English Framework for Levels 1-3 Dari - unique language course program for Level 1/1+ Multicultural issues as essential part of every skill integrated in „usual” training Multicultural issues in separate description with extra „culture” training Comparative approachTendency to contrastive approach Focus on prevailing (over- whelming) similarity Focus on (disturbing) contrasts

10 Comparison: English – Dari /2/  Curriculum English Level 2 Completeness of material sources: all skills + military Newer sources with social and cultural oriented parts Curriculum - oriented on semantic topics Teaching based on teachers experience Concentration on meanings, grammatical and lexical possibilities Controversial topics discussed from the same position No special undertakings needed

11 Comparison: English – Dari /3/  Curriculum Dari Level 1/1+ Lack of resources: all skills, especially military Choice between academic descriptive sources and coursebooks with implicit cultural values exponents Curriculum divided into language/grammar - oriented topics with cultural extras Teaching based on teachers’ knowledge and native speakers’ experience and prejudice (Iran, Afghanistan) Concentration on understanding Controversial topics discussed from the different positions – different views on Afghanistan Special undertakings needed

12 Aids and techniques /1/  Aids and techniques for teachers Internet resources –mailing lists, websites International cooperation Cooperation within the teaching team TV + recording studio Consultation anytime Help to elaborate own techniques

13 Aids and techniques /2/  Aids and techniques for students Topic oriented lectures – PsychOps, Jihad, Language and Culture Reality elements – live or via multimedia Teaching staff diversity produces openness (6 native speakers) Teachers as help and contact point at home – telephone, e- mail, communicators Vocabulary lists or pocket phrasebook (+CD)

14 Aids and techniques /3/  Possibility to avoid multicultural gaps conclusion Every (Polish and native) teacher has his own gaps Every student can make mistakes in the classroom Gaps are inevitable also in operations Compensation techniques must be taught Preparation for future challenges

15 Thank you for your attention !!!! © for internal BILC use since 2007 by M. Adubato

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