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Source Cards Composition and Literature. What is a Works Cited page? A Works Cited page is a list of all of the “works” you have “cited” in your paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Source Cards Composition and Literature. What is a Works Cited page? A Works Cited page is a list of all of the “works” you have “cited” in your paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Source Cards Composition and Literature

2 What is a Works Cited page? A Works Cited page is a list of all of the “works” you have “cited” in your paper. It is a list of all the references you have made.

3 What information is included in a Works Cited page? Among other information: Author Book Title Publisher Place of Publication Copyright

4 How does a writer keep all of this information organized? A writer creates “Source Cards” to keep all of his works cited information organized and at his fingertips.

5 What are Source Cards and why should I make them? Source cards are index cards on which you carefully record information you will need for your works cited page. Make source cards to locate a source quickly when you need to.

6 Where does a writer find the information for his Source Cards? A writer finds the information for his source cards on the title page of a book.

7 Objective: Before the end of class today, you will know how to correctly write source cards for your research paper. Assignment: Before leaving, you will turn in two source cards.

8 Types of Sources:  Books (nonfiction/reference)  Magazines  Newspapers  Videos  Films  Filmstrips  Internet Web Sites  SIRS Knowledge Source  InfoTrac  EBSCOhost

9 Sample Title Page: Sample Note Card: Rows of Corn by John Smith New York Published by Pearce 1909 Smith, John. Rows of Corn. New York: Pearce. 1909.

10 Source Card: Source Card: Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Place of Publication : Publisher. Copyright.

11 Source Cards: 1. Flip over the index cards and write your name on the back of both cards. 2. Write the letter “A” on top of your first card. 3. Write the letter “B” on the top of your second card.

12 Source Cards: 1. Locate your book’s author. If your book has no author, locate the book’s editor. The Debatabase Book has no author. 2. Write the author’s name on your note card (last name first, comma, first name) Follow last name by a period. If you are using an editor, follow the last name with a comma and the letters “ed.” Example: Smith, James, ed. If you are using “Debatabase” the editor is: IDEA Example: IDEA, eds. 3. Write the title of the book next (underlined) and follow it by a period.

13 Source Cards: 4. Locate the place of publication (if there are many, list the place closest to PA) 5. Write the place of publication following your book’s title. Place a colon (:) after the place of publication. Example: New York: 6. Locate the publisher of the book. If your source is “Debatabase” the publisher is: IDEA Press Book 7. Write the publisher of the book after the colon and follow it by a period. Example: New York: Viking.

14 Source Cards: 8. Locate the book’s copyright date.  If your book has multiple copyright dates, choose the most recent date. 9. Write the book’s copyright date after the publisher and follow it by a period. The copyright date for “Debatabase” is 2007. Follow the same procedure with your “B” source.

15 Source Cards- Infotrac: Last name, First name. “ Article title. ” Name of Publication. Date of Publication : Page Numbers of the Article. Online. Infotrac. Download date. HTML.

16 Source Cards- Infotrac: 1. Locate the author of your article. 2. Write the author of your article (Last name first, comma, first name). If there is no author, you will begin your card with the title of the article. 3. Locate the title of the article. 4. Write the title of the article in quotation marks after the author’s name. Example: Davidson, Paul. “Globalization.”

17 Source Cards- Infotrac: 5. Find the name of the publication (the source) The name of the publication is found above the article title. 6. Write the name of the publication and underline it. Example: “Globalization.” Newsweek

18 Source Cards- Infotrac: 7. Find the year of the article’s publication. 8. Write the year of the publication in parentheses followed by a colon. Example: (2002):

19 Source Cards- Infotrac: 9. Locate the page numbers of the article. 10. Write down the page numbers of the article. Example: (2002): 22-25. Or (2002): 25+.

20 Source Cards- Infotrac: 11. After the page numbers, write the word: Online. Example: 22-25. Online. 12. After the word Online, write: Infotrac. Example: Online. Infotrac.

21 Citing Infotrac: 13. After the word Infotrac, write the date on which you printed the information in the following way: Example: 12 November 2008. 14. After the date, write the Web Address. Example:

22 Tips for staying organized:  Keep your cards bound with a paper clip to prevent losing them.  Keep your cards throughout the entire process because you will need them when you write your words cited.  Adapted from the book Research Paper Procedure by Amy Kleppner.


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