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Bloomfield School District TECH TUESDAY WORKSHOP Technology Services and Support Edline/EGP-Grading Online January 10, 2012 Joanne Decker.

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Presentation on theme: "Bloomfield School District TECH TUESDAY WORKSHOP Technology Services and Support Edline/EGP-Grading Online January 10, 2012 Joanne Decker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bloomfield School District TECH TUESDAY WORKSHOP Technology Services and Support Edline/EGP-Grading Online January 10, 2012 Joanne Decker


3 BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DIGITAL DATA INITIATIVE NJSmart Data Collection Edline Parent Portal Morris Student Management System Easy Grade Pro

4 OVERVIEW AND SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS With Easy Grade Pro you can create an electronic gradebook which, like a paper gradebook, can be used to store student information for all of your classes and subjects. Better than a paper gradebook, an Easy Grade Pro gradebook provides an abundance of tools to save you time, provides you with a wealth of information, and allows you to generate professional paper and internet reports.


6 After selecting to login to your gradebook from the school webpage you will get the following message.

7 You will then select the semester.

8 You will then get a message from the district EGPadministrator. Usually a tip or a deadline.

9 Then you will get to your EGP gradebook page.

10 ASSIGNMENTS AND SCORES Assignments can be added to a class by typing, or by copying from another class. This section explains how to add assignments by typing. Open the Records window to the first empty assignment record. There are three ways to do this: select Add Assignment from the Tool menu, click the large Add Assignment button in the score or assignment charts or click the Add Assignment tool. Type the assignment Name and press tab. Type the assignment’s Maximum Score and press tab. Type the assignment’s Points. Ignore these fields if the assignment is being used for extra credit or is a nongraded item. Select the assignment’s due date. The calendar is initially set to the current date. If the date showing is not the current date, the computer’s clock may be improperly set or its clock battery may be dead. Select the assignment’s category. The category is used in summaries, reports and in grading (if categories are weighted). To edit categories, choose Class Options from the Edit menu and select the Category tab. NEXT SLIDE IS EXAMPLES OF DIFFERENT ASSIGNMENTS:


12 ASSIGNMENTS AND SCORES To enter scores by typing: Select the score cell. Enter any number from zero through 999.9. Press enter, return or one of the arrow keys. To repeat a score: Select the score cell other than the first cell in a column. Press the ‘=’ key. To delete one or more scores: Select the scores. To select multiple scores, press on the first and drag to the last. Press the delete key.


14 REPORTS Posting Reports to Edline To upload reports: Choose File > Internet/Edline from the File menu or click the Internet tool to open the Internet/Edline window. From the Action menu, select Upload Reports to Edline. From the for menu, select the classes. If you select the last item, be sure to select one or more classes from the list below the List tab.

15 REPORTS Select the Options tab and set the Edline Upload Reports Options: The Edline Report/Folder Name is the name of the folder to hold the reports on Edline. This name will be visible to viewers. You can use one or more folders for different reports such as Quarter 1 Reports, Quarter 2 Reports, Final Reports, Missing Work Reports, November Grades, etc. If you want to upload reports that replace older reports for your student, use the same name for the folder. If you want to upload reports that do not replace older reports, use a new folder name. Click the Upload button. Easy Grade Pro will open your web browser to the Edline server and send the reports. You may be prompted to enter your Edline screen name and password. You will get a status report telling you the number of reports sent. It will tell you the number of reports added (i.e. sent for the first time), the number updated (i.e. that overwrote an existing report for the student), and the number that had errors. Below this you will see an explanation for each error that occurred. You should fix any errors and then re-send reports for the students who had errors.

16 REPORTS To see the reports you just posted: On Edline, select the class whose report you want to see. The report folder (name assigned when you posted the report), will be found in the Contents box on the class home page. Click the folder name to open it. You will see the name of each student for whom this report was sent from Easy Grade Pro. Click the student’s name to see the report. The report will look the same as it did in the Internet/Edline window in Easy Grade Pro. Note: When students visit the class home page and click on the report, they will only see their own reports; they will not see other students’ reports. Likewise, when parents click on the report, they will only see reports for their children.

17 RESOURCES EGP Web: Introduction Gradebooks and Classes Setting Options Students and Assignments Using the Score Chart Using the Standard Chart Using the Other Charts Saving your Work Working at Home and School Working with Terms Using Summaries Printing Reports Internet/Edline Reports Porting

18 RESOURCES Online EGP manual can be found at

19 Q & A Work on individual gradebooks. Thank You

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