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Understanding the Histories of Book Collections Its Method, Significance, and Potential Atsuhiko Wada, Waseda University.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding the Histories of Book Collections Its Method, Significance, and Potential Atsuhiko Wada, Waseda University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding the Histories of Book Collections Its Method, Significance, and Potential Atsuhiko Wada, Waseda University

2 Introduction When, why, and how were these book collections built? Aim of My Research To Clarify the histories of Japanese book collections in the US

3 The Japan-US Relationship Viewed from Book Circulation Japanese Book Collections Diachronic Research Project (JBC Project)

4 The formations and changes of basic knowledge, images, and interests in each country The history of book exchanges and book distributions between countries Political, economic, and ethnic factors

5 Summary 1.What We Can See through the History of Japan-US Book Exchanges 2.The Study of Literacy History, Its Potential 3.Problems Concerning Library Documents

6 1 What We Can See through the History of Japan-US Book Exchanges. The significance of the research Viewed from Early Days of Japanese collections in the US

7 1. The Important Roles of Nongovernment Groups 2.Active Networks and Connections of People in the US and Japan 3.Active Key People who Connected 1) and 2)

8 Asakawa Kanichi 朝川貫一 1873-1948 Tsunoda Ryusaku 角田柳作 1877-1946 Harada Tasuku 原田助 1863-1940

9 Shibusawa Eiichi 渋沢栄一 1840-1931 Considering the creation of Japanese book collections and libraries helps clarify these active relationships of people and organizations in both countries. Kuroita Katsumi 黒板勝美 1874-1946

10 Sakanishi Shio 坂西志保 1896-1976 Japan Reference Library 1939-1941

11 Considering the history of Japanese collections sheds light on the confrontations between two countries, as well as the lives involved in them.

12 The Navy Japanese Language School 1941 -

13 Studying the history of Japanese book collections clarifies the processes and reasons of growth of Japanese studies and Japanese language courses in the US.

14 The WDC collection at The Library of Congress The study of the history of book collections is useful for providing accurate information of books at each library. 1. The Washington Document Center 2.The Civil Censorship Detachment Two Major Flows of Books from Japan during the Occupation

15 Literacy history studies the creation and changes of writing and reading abilities. Literacy History

16 2 Literacy History, Its Potentials The potentials of the study of literacy history Journal of Literacy History 2008-

17 Books and Journals in Japanese in Various Communities Abroad The Library of The Nihon Rikko Kai 日本力行会( 1897 - )移民史料室

18 The Journals Sympathetic to the "Kachigumi", Believers of Japan's victory The study of literacy history can shed light on these items lost between countries

19 The Histories of Book Circulations in Each Country Takami Bookshop 高美書店 ( 1797 - ) Mastumoto City, Nagano

20 The external information of books Where the books are located The dates of purchases How many copies were sold influences how the books are interpreted

21 The old documents of The Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai 国際文化振興会文書 The translation project of Akutagawa works The Japan Foundation Information Library Akutagawa Ryunosuke 芥川龍之介 1892-1927

22 “A Ball”, 「舞踏会」(「新潮」 Jan.1920 ) Rokumei-kan 鹿鳴館

23 The political context of Indo-China in 1941 Readers of the story Original context in 1920

24 The impressions and interpretations of a novel depend on the location and situation in which the novel was read.

25 3 Problems Concerning Library Documents The daily documents produced at libraries Important resource for my research project Annual reports, statistics, applications for various funds, and correspondences between librarians or book dealers

26 Necessity and Usefulness of the Cooperation between Librarians of Japanese Collection and University Archivists The Increasing Records of E-Mail Transactions The Preservation Policy of the University Archives

27 The active use of archival material in various course programs

28 Rare Book and Special Collection Room Waseda Library Data Processing Preservation Cataloguing Reprinting ( 翻刻 ) Archival Education and Training Effective use of library material Graduate School of Education Graduate School of Political Science Waseda University Library material

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