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Case Abstract Ruilan, li Female 65y From: Department of gastroenterology 06/01/2006.

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1 Case Abstract Ruilan, li Female 65y From: Department of gastroenterology 06/01/2006

2 Chief complaints  Intermittent hemorrhage in gingival mucosa for one year, epigastric bloating for two weeks and hematemesis for six days

3 History(1)  Intermittent gingival bleeding for one year, usually during brushing teeth, without rhinorrhagia, petechia, ecchymosis, hematuria,hematochezia, and melena. No therapy.  Middle and upper abdominal floating for two weeks , accompanied with nausea, no relationship to meal , without heartburn , vomitting , abdominal pain , hematochezia, and melena. The symptom could not resolve after using Motilium.

4 History(2)  Hematemesis occurred after taking hot food six days ago, for four times, about 1000ml; accompanied with nausea, vomiting, dizziness, palpitation, fatigue and diaphoresis.

5 History(3)  At emergency room  Vital signs stable  CBC: WBC 10.09*10^9,Hgb 101g/l,Plt 77*10^9/l  Biochemistry: ALT 35 U/l, Tbil 0.9mg/dl  PT+A: PT 16.3s  Alb: 2.5mg/dl  HbsAg(+)  Ultrasonic: spleenomegaly, no abdominal effusion

6 History(4)  Treated with transfusion, anti-acid, somatostatin at emergency room.  No hemetemesis any more.  Endoscopy: esophageal varices, no active bleeding; chronic gastritis

7  Past history: deny hepatitis or parasite infection.  Personal history : deny alcohol abuse, cigarette.  Marital and menstrual history: no special.  Family history: one daughter HbsAg(+).

8 Physical examination  vital signs:BP 125/60mmHg, P 85, T 36,R 20; varicosity on abdominal wall, spleenomegaly , pittable edema on both legs , palmer erythema (-), spider angiomata ( - ), shift dullness ( - ) , flutter trembler ( - ) , normal on psychological and mental test

9 Primary diagnosis  Upper gastrointestinal bleeding esophageal varices rupture Chronic hepatitis B hepatocirrhosis esophageal varices spleenomegaly Child B Chronic gastritis








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