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Church and Saints Saints means believers --- like you. But what is church?

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Presentation on theme: "Church and Saints Saints means believers --- like you. But what is church?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Church and Saints Saints means believers --- like you. But what is church?

2 What Church is: When the Bible says “church,” it doesn’t mean a building (there weren’t any church buildings until the 300’s, after Christianity became legal)

3 In the Bible, church means … A group of people who believe in Jesus. It could be “all” the believers --- then it is called the “universal church” or the “communion of saints)

4 Or, church could mean … The group of people who get together in one spot to worship together. Then it is called the “local church”

5 As soon as you believe in Jesus, You are automatically part of the “universal” church. Then, you look for a “local” church so you can get the benefits of being part of the church. (Benefits like communion, having a pastor, having a support-system like a youth group)

6 This verse compares the church to four things: You are fellow CITIZENS with the saints, members of the HOUSEHOLD of God, BUILT on the foundation of the apostles and prophets …. A holy TEMPLE in the Lord. (Ephesians 2:19-22) What are the 4? Let’s then look at the 4 in detail:

7 FELLOW CITIZENS means… The church is like a country. It has a king (Jesus) It has citizens (us) It is called the kingdom of God Discuss --- what do good citizens do for their country? How does this compare to being a citizen of the Kingdom of God?

8 HOUSEHOLD OF GOD means … The church is like a family. It has a father (God) It has brothers and sisters (us) It does things together Discuss --- What is it like to be a good brother or sister? What ideas does this give for being a church member?

9 If you are BUILT on a foundation, That means church (the group of people) can be compared to a BUIILDING: If the building has stones or bricks stacked on top of one another, each one depends on the one below, and holds up the one above. How does this compare to the people of the church? How good a job are the people of the church doing at DEPENDING and HOLDING UP?

10 If the church is a HOLY TEMPLE … You need to know what a temple IS. A temple is A PLACE WHERE A GOD LIVES. In the Old Testament, it was a building. In the New Testament, it is the PEOPLE of the church who are “built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” that’s why Jesus said, “Where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, THERE AM I in the midst of them.”

11 And here is a fifth comparison: We are transferred into the kingdom of God’s Son …. He is the head of his BODY, the church. The people are called the “body of Christ.” In a body, what is the importance of the head?

12 Why get together? The Bible says, “Let us stir up one another to love and good works, NOT NEGLECTING to meet together, … be encouraging one another.” (Hebrews 10:25) Is getting together man’s idea or God’s idea? What does the verse say to do when together?

13 Not only in big groups Encouraging one another can also be done in smaller groups, such as youth groups.

14 And what else? The Bible says, “Let Christ’s message live in your hearts richly. Teach and instruct each other with wisdom. Sing Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.” (Colossians 3:16) Is doing these things man’s idea or God’s idea?

15 And what else? The Bible says “they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, to fellowship, to breaking of bread, and to prayers.” Acts 2:42 Breaking of bread here means holy communion. What else did the early Christians do here?

16 What’s the purpose? Paul writes, “as we build up the body of Christ, we shall become mature people … no longer children who can be drawn away from the truth … by speaking truth in love, we grow up to be more like Christ, the head … when each part of the body works as it should, the whole body grows and builds itself up in love.” (Ephesians 4:13-16)

17 Closing Prayer Jesus, thank you that we are already part of your body, the universal church. Help us to make our local church be strong and bonded together in love.

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