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Bell Ringer #12 (3/22 & 4/2)  Get vocab graphic organizer out for a homework check  What is the Cold War?  List one vocab term that you learned and.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer #12 (3/22 & 4/2)  Get vocab graphic organizer out for a homework check  What is the Cold War?  List one vocab term that you learned and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer #12 (3/22 & 4/2)  Get vocab graphic organizer out for a homework check  What is the Cold War?  List one vocab term that you learned and the definition.

2 Rise of the Cold War (1940-1970s) **GET OUT A BLANK PIECE OF PAPER AND LABEL YOUR NOTES….

3 Learning Goals  Describe how treaties/agreements at the end of WWII changed national boundaries and created multinational organizations  Analyze how the US and Soviet Union became superpowers and competed for global influence

4 Where we last left off…  End of WWII  Tensions start to rise  Yalta Conference  Germany and Berlin to be divided into four parts (spheres of influence)  East Germany: Soviets  West Germany: British, French, Americans  Berlin divided in same way  Soviets set up Communist governments

5 VOCAB CHECK: SATELLITE  A smaller country that is economically or politically dependent on a more powerful nation.  Cold War examples: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, E. Germany

6 VOCAB CHECK: COLD WAR  (1945-1991) - decades following WWII  Time of suspicion and hostility between communist & democratic nations  Waged primarily by political/economic means rather than weapons

7 Cold War Begins  Two countries rise from WWII as “superpowers”  Two Superpowers  US (capitalism)  USSR (Communism) – Stalin

8 VOCAB CHECK: SUPERPOWER  A state with a dominant position in the international arena  State has the ability to influence events to its own benefit and can project power on a worldwide scale to protect its interests


10 Two Superpowers Soviet Goals  Protect from W. Threats  Set up a buffer zone  Demanded Germany be divided into two U.S. Goals  Wanted democratic governments  Prevent spread of Communism  Wanted a unified Germany (that would be friendly to west)

11 Cold War Begins Cont..  Two countries rise from WWII as “superpowers”  Two Superpowers  US (capitalism)  USSR (Communism) - Stalin  Clash of ideologies  Not a “Hot War” -- no military conflict  Iron Curtain

12 VOCAB CHECK : IRON CURTAIN  Imaginary line/boundary separating the Communist nations of E. Europe from the mostly democratic nations of W. Europe


14 VOCAB CHECK : MARSHALL PLAN  U.S. program of economic aid to European countries to help them rebuild after WWII

15 VOCAB CHECK : TRUMAN DOCTRINE  U.S. President Harry Truman’s policy  Gave economic and military aid to free nations threatened by internal/external opponents (communists)

16 VOCAB CHECK : CONTAINMENT  Policy outlined in Truman Doctrine  Stated the U.S. must stop the spread of communism, as it was a threat to democracy  Aimed to create alliances and help weak countries to resist Soviet advances


18 Tense brow: upset at poker losses in past (WWI & WWII) Communist Symbol Ace up sleeve: atomic bomb Soviet UnionUnited States Capitalism Ace up sleeve: atomic bomb Cold War World Berlin Airlift Berlin Blockade Berlin

19 During the Cold War (1945-1990), the United States and the Soviet Union were reluctant to become involved in direct military conflict mainly because of  A.the peacekeeping role of the United Nation.  B.pressure from nonaligned nations.  C.the potential for global nuclear destruction.  D.increased tensions in the Middle East.

20 Which statement best describes most Eastern European countries immediately after World War II? They  A. adopted democratic reforms in their political systems.  B. became satellite states of the Soviet Union.  C. became dependent on aid provided by the Marshall Plan.  D. emerged as world economic powers.

21 THE BUTTER BATTLE BOOK  1984  Parable  Nuclear Weapons, Arms Race

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