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 Anti-Theft Device Group 2 Will, Alex, Ken, Ryan and Savannah.

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Presentation on theme: " Anti-Theft Device Group 2 Will, Alex, Ken, Ryan and Savannah."— Presentation transcript:

1  Anti-Theft Device Group 2 Will, Alex, Ken, Ryan and Savannah

2 Thinking Time

3 Planning and Process  We first devised our logic gates on a piece of paper as a rough draft.  We checked this by running through 1’s and 0’s by hand and making sure that our outcomes were what we wanted.  After these initial stages on paper we transferred our design into the simulator to test on the computer and to have a cleaner layout.

4 Simulation Stage  After transferring our design from the paper rough draft to the Yenka circuit simulator we were able to clean up our design.  We eliminated a few logic gates that were not necessary, and were able to more thoroughly test the circuit.  The only restriction of the program is that we did not know how much voltage and current each part of the circuit would draw.

5 Pin Placement Design  After we had completed our computer logic gate simulation we transferred the design to paper to display the pin placement.  During this step we realized how hectic the wire layout was going to be but made sure we had sketched everything out.

6 Roles  Due to the small size of the circuit board only one or two of us could work on it at a time so we each had a specialized role.  Ken – Video/Photos and Web Design  Savannah – Power Point Presentation  Alex – wiring of circuit-board  Ryan – wiring of circuit-board and design consulting  Will – logic gate design, circuit board design

7 The overall Success and the Challenges faced  Overall our groups device was successful. We were able to have each LED light up at the appropriate times, as well as end with our alarm sounding off.  The challenge we overcame was figuring out what was the reason the alarm would not sound off.  We ended up with a wire that was accidentally short circuiting the speaker assembly, so when that was removed the whole system worked perfectly.

8 Project Improvement  If we had known more Boolean Algebra before we started, the logic gate design would have been easier.  Also the design of the XOR assembly would have been made easier by the knowledge of Boolean Algebra.

9 Outlook for the Future  Knowing what we know now and experiencing the complexity of making the system, we know the importance of fully sketching out the circuit and testing it thoroughly.  Also, the role designation of each group member is important in order to get everything done on time, instead of wasting time sitting around.


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