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4,5, & 8’s Training Partnering For Success

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Presentation on theme: "4,5, & 8’s Training Partnering For Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 4,5, & 8’s Training Partnering For Success
9:00 AM start Have all set up done by 8:50 with this slide opens at 8:50. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

2 4’s, 5’s and 8’s Selling Process
Learning the “4’s, 5’s & 8’s” Selling Process Four (4) Factors of Impulse Five (5) Steps to a Conversation Eight (8) Great Work Habits For this strategy to be successful, each rep must live and breath these principals. Following the steps within each of these three important processes will help your sales success in the field. Keep the big picture in mind. If you have a rough day, think about how the week will be. Don’t share your attitude if it has slipped with anyone except your Sales manager. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

4 Factors of Impulse Master the Four Factors of Impulse: Understand and tap into the key impulse factors influencing a prospect’s purchase decision: Jones Effect Indifference Fear of Loss Sense of Urgency CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

4 Factors of Impulse 1. Jones Effect “Keeping up with the Joneses…..” People tend to want what others have. Motivate a prospect to buy based on what others are getting or doing. What does this look like? “My neighbor just bought a new HDTV plus he got a good deal on DirecTV. I want to have this too.” CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

4 Factors of Impulse 2. Indifference Be informative, courteous and confident-not needy, pushy or “sale-sy.” Appear indifferent about making the sale. Convey that “it’s really up to you….” CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

4 Factors of Impulse 3. Fear of Loss People tend to want what they can’t have or may lose out on. Make the deal or offer time-specific: An opportunity that won’t be around for long. Convey that “it’s only for today.” Create a sense of urgency (impulse factor 4). CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

4 Factors of Impulse 4. Sense of Urgency Respect people’s time, and convey that “it won’t take very long….” Build excitement about the offer or deal. Use with “fear of loss” (Impulse Factor 3) to Motivate the prospect to act now. The difference between “Fear of Loss” and “Sense of Urgency is “Fear of Loss” is time related, “Sense of Urgency” in Quantity related. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

4 Factors of Impulse “Sense of Urgency” and “Fear of Loss” Fear of Loss is a time related element. Can we get you signed up today? Sense of Urgency is a quantity element. Appointments fill up fast! Let’s go ahead and get your installation set up? Fear of Loss and Sense of Urgency work hand in hand with each other. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

4 Factors of Impulse Remember to incorporate the four impulse factors into your pitch! Does the customer deserve to here your pitch? Sample of a Base line for your own Pitch: Hello! My name is ______________. I’m from DirecTV. We have some great promotional sales going that I’ve been signing people up for left and right! Can I have a few minutes of your time? CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

10 Learn the 5 steps to a conversation
Using these 5 steps, focus on the conversation rather than the sale to close the deal: Introduction Short Story Presentation Close Rehash CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

11 The Five Steps to a Conversation
1. Introduction Use non-verbal “S.E.E.” factors to establish trust: Smile Eye Contact Enthusiasm Break the ice to build rapport and find common ground. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

12 The Five Steps to a Conversation
1. Short Story Reduce Skepticism Give the customer something to relate with you on. Build the impulse to buy. (See “4 Factors for Impulse”) Qualify yourself and the prospect. Briefly explain who you are, why you’re there and what you’re doing. Ask questions to determine a propects readiness, willingness and ability to buy. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

13 The Five Steps to a Conversation
3. Presentation Keep it short and simple. Paint a compelling picture of how the product or service will work ideally for the prospect. People recall the first and last things they hear: Show the value or features Then stress the deal or benefits. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

14 The Five Steps to a Conversation
4. Close Listen and watch for buying signs Eye Contact, Head nodding in agreement Stop and answer questions Listen to your customer’s needs. Assume the sale “Let’s get your installation date.” “Let’s get this written up today.” Visualize a win-win outcome. Get your customer all of his needs: HDTV, DirecTV, cables, and warranty Take control. Close with Confidence. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

15 The Five Steps to a Conversation
5. Rehash Suggest options to increase potential profit. Use examples that show the value and benefits. Be clear and direct. Stress the deal. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

8 Great Work Habits 8 Great Work Habits Work a Full Day If you are on the clock and in the store you will be engaging a customer! 2. Have and Maintain a Great Attitude Go into your store with a positive mindset and maintain that throughout the day. No matter what is going on, your positive attitude always remains the same. We not asking you to be robots. Everyone has a rough day, only vent to your supervisor. (Rude customers, Be on Time Be at your location 15 minutes before your start time so you are at your work area fully prepared to start on time. 4. Physically and Mentally Be Prepared Make sure you are wearing your lanyard and that your Netbook is charged and ready to go. Have a positive attitude. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

8 Great Work Habits 8 Great Work Habits Work Store Correctly Follow the procedures defined in your training and on your conference calls for success in your store. Respect the Customer and Your Client Live the Cydcor and Wal-Mart values when you are in store always. Understand Your Opportunity Make sure you go in to your store each day, follow the guidelines that have been provided in this training and hit your sales goals! Take Control Own your store. Take pride in it and your work. Keep control of the conversation. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

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