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Module 3: Leo Club Administration

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1 Module 3: Leo Club Administration
The Leo club advisor is responsible for the management of their Leo club, which includes overseeing administrative operations. It is important for Leo club advisors to have a clear understanding of the administrative responsibilities and obligations to ensure the Leo club is properly managed. This module will review the key administrative aspects of Leo clubs. Estimated Time: 25 minutes + 15 minute activity

2 Leo Club Program Fees Leo Club Organization Fee Annual Leo Levy
Leo Club Dues In an effort to maintain pace with the ongoing growth and development of the Leo Club Program, certain fees are assessed both by the international headquarters office and the local Lions administration. These fees support the development of resources for Leos such as the Leo Leadership Grant Program, e-Leoclubhouse, MyLCI for Leos, the Leo Facebook page, a refreshed Leo brand and promotional materials, and many more. The three fees listed here are important aspects of proper Leo club administration, and we will go over them in more detail in the following slides. Club Administration

3 Leo Club Organization Fee
The one-time fee of US$100 (or national currency equivalent) covers the following: Costs involved in processing the Leo Club Organization Report (Leo-51) A certificate of organization (charter) A Leo club officers' kit A Leo club sponsor kit Leo lapel pins for each original Leo club member The Leo club organization fee is assessed at the time a new Leo club is chartered. The fee of US$100, or the local currency equivalent, is billed directly to the sponsoring Lions club. Because Leos are considered a service activity of a Lions club, sponsoring Lions clubs may remit payment for Leo club sponsorship using their administrative OR activity account. Club Administration

4 Annual Leo Levy This annual fee of US$100
(or national currency equivalent) is automatically billed in July to all Lions clubs that sponsor an active Leo club. Lions clubs are also billed an annual Leo club sponsor levy of US$100 or the national currency equivalent. The levy pays for Leo Club Program materials, mailings, club record maintenance, communications, awards, program resources, and insurance. If a Leo club is no longer active, the Leo Club Termination Form (Leo-86) must be received by the Leo Club Program Department by October 31 to receive a credit of US$100 for the current year’s Leo levy only. In the past, Lions Clubs International had a pro-rated Leo levy system for newly chartered Leo clubs. The pro-rated levy has been eliminated and instead, the levy is waived for the year in which a new Leo club is chartered. Club Administration

5 Leo Club Dues Leo clubs may charge member fees to meet administrative costs Membership dues and assessments should be nominal and for the sole purpose of covering administrative expenses Funds for service activities should not be collected in the form of membership dues Unpaid Leo member dues will result in the forfeiture of voting privileges and a Leo is considered not in good standing until dues are paid While International Headquarters does not collect dues from Leos, individual Leo clubs may collect dues or admission fees to offset costs related to the annual Leo levy or other administrative expenses. The Leo club dues are determined by the individual club and should be specified in the club constitution and bylaws. It is important to keep in mind that any dues or assessments on Leo club membership should be nominal and should only be for the purpose of covering the club’s administrative expenses. Generally speaking, funds for activities and projects undertaken by Leo clubs should not be collected through member dues or fees. Any Leo club member who has failed to pay their member dues to the club at the time of a vote at any regular or special meeting, will forfeit the privilege of voting and be considered as not in good standing until the dues are paid. It’s also important to note that if your club falls within a Leo district or Leo multiple district, they may assess additional club or member dues. Club Administration

6 Leo Club Bank Accounts Administrative Account versus Activity Account
Admission fees and annual dues from club members Used for administration and operating expenses Activity Account Money raised from public fundraising projects Must be used for charitable purposes Some Leo clubs use the existing bank accounts of their sponsoring Lions club, while other Leo clubs may open their own bank accounts under the supervision of the sponsoring Lions club. If a Leo club chooses to open a bank account, two signors are required – the Leo Club Secretary or Treasurer and a designee of the sponsoring Lions club. The Leo who is granted the authority to oversee this bank account should be able to open/co-sign a bank account and execute checks in accordance with local laws. It is important that clubs have two distinct bank accounts to separate the administrative activity from the public or fundraising account. The administrative funds should be used to support club activities and pay local dues, if applicable. The fundraising account should be used to support the club’s community service activities. Leo clubs that have bank accounts should specifically state how the account will be handled and maintained in the club’s constitution and by-laws. Club Administration

7 Use of Funds Chart If Leo club funds did not come in the
How Funds Are Raised Use for Public Projects? (Activity Account) Use for Admin Expenses? (Administrative Account) Administrative – dues and admission fees Yes Public – any fundraising event open to the public, public contributions and bequests No Interest Many Leo clubs organize fundraising activities in their communities to support important social causes. As the Leo club advisor, it’s important for you to understand the policies and legal regulations regarding how these funds may be used. A general rule of thumb is that any money raised within the community must be reinvested into the community. Leo clubs should not solicit funds from an individual, business or organization in the community without giving something of value in return. Because Leo clubs are a service activity of Lions clubs, funds raised by a sponsoring Lions club may be used toward the organization or maintenance costs the Leo club, such as the Leo club organization fee or annual Leo levy. However, funds raised in the community should not directly benefit any individual member of the Leo club. For example, funds raised within the community cannot be used to subsidize Leo travel expenses to attend the Lions International Convention. Questions related to the appropriate use of club funds can be directed to the Legal Division at LCI at If Leo club funds did not come in the form of annual dues or admission fees, they are considered public funds. Club Administration

8 Leo Club Tax Identification Number and Tax-exempt Status
Leo clubs fall under the Tax ID and tax-exempt status of the sponsoring Lions club. Leo clubs should not register as a separate tax entity. As a sponsored affiliate of the Lions club, Leo clubs fall under the tax identification code of their Lions club. Leo clubs should not register as a separate tax entity. Club Administration

9 Leo Club Officer Elections
Elections take place during the 4th quarter of each fiscal year and elected individuals take office on July 1. Voting Protocol: Nominations of candidates should be made in writing or announced from the floor Voting is by secret ballot Elected candidates must receive majority of votes by members present and in good standing As the Leo club advisor, you should be closely involved in the supervision of the Leo club officer elections and act as a reference for the Leos, should there be any questions or discrepancies. School-based clubs may opt to hold elections during a different time of the year, as fits with school policy and practices. Note to trainer(s): Refer to Chapter XXII of the LCI Board Policy Manual for specific details related to Leo club voting and protocol. Club Administration

10 Reporting Leo Club Officers: MyLCI
Each year, the sponsoring Lions club president or secretary must report a Leo club advisor, even if there are no changes. Reporting annually helps prospective Leos easily find your Leo club using the Club Locator tool on the LCI website and enables the Leo Club Program Department to communicate effectively with your club throughout the year. Leo club advisors can be reported online via MyLCI, or using the Leo-72 report form. MyLCI is the preferred reporting method as it reduces delays and inefficiencies related to paper form reporting. After you have been reported as the Leo club advisor, you will receive MyLCI login instructions via , which will allow you to set up your MyLCI account to report Leo club members and officers, access member resources, and submit service activity reports. It’s important to make sure your Lions club officers have officially appointed you to the role of Leo club advisor to ensure that you receive regular communications and program updates. If you have any questions about your appointment, please contact LCI at Club Administration

11 Reporting Leo Club Officers: The Leo-72 Form
If your club does not use MyLCI, the Leo club advisor may be reported using the Leo-72 form. This form is available as a writable PDF on the LCI website. The Leo-72 form must be completed by either the sponsoring Lions club president, sponsoring Lions club secretary, or Leo club advisor. Please refrain from submitting a Leo-72 form if the Leo club officers and advisor will be reported via MyLCI, as doing so duplicates information and causes processing delays. Club Administration

12 Leo Club Meetings Regular meetings allow Leos to come together to discuss matters of importance Meetings are called to order and led by the Leo club president Meeting minutes and attendance records are maintained by the Leo club secretary Leo club treasurer should report on the state of the Leo club finances Leo clubs should meet regularly at a time and place agreed upon by club members and set forth in the club bylaws. Meetings should take place twice a month at a convenient location, and a majority of the club members must be present. Leo club officers hold various responsibilities in managing club meetings. The president calls the meeting to order. The secretary maintains attendance records and meeting minutes, while the treasurer provides an update on the club finances. As the Leo club advisor, it is your responsibility to help guide the meetings and ensure that Leos understand their responsibilities and fulfill the demands of their positions. Ideally, the Leo club advisor, or a designated representative of the sponsoring Lions club, should be present at all Leo club meetings. For additional tips related to effective meeting management, view the online meeting management course through the Lions Learning Center. Club Administration

13 Leo Club Board of Directors
Role: Supervises Leo club business and affairs Develops new club policy Oversees committees and officers Sets the direction for the Leo club Composed of: All Leo club officers and three members in good standing elected to the position of director Similar to a Lions club, Leo clubs should designate a Leo Club Board of Directors which would include all Leo club officers and three Leo club members elected to serve as directors on the board. The Leo club advisor should work with the board of directors to oversee the club activities. Responsibilities of the board of directors include control and supervision of the club’s activities such as project planning, membership growth, fundraising, and leadership development opportunities. The board of directors should present an annual report of these activities and operations to all Leo club members and the sponsoring Lions club each year. The board of directors, in collaboration with the Leo club advisor, is also responsible for executing club policies, developing new policies, and submitting proposed policies for approval by Leo club members. Finally, the board of directors oversees committees and officers and also sets the direction of the Leo club. Club Administration

14 Leo Club Board of Directors Meetings
Meetings should take place at least once a month Special meetings may be called at any time At minimum, the president or vice-president along with three other board members must be present at the meeting Any Leo club member may attend the board meeting The Leo club officers may turn to the Leo club advisor for guidance on how to conduct board of directors’ meetings. Policies related to such meetings are outlined in Chapter XXII of the Board Policy Manual, and the main points are outlined here. The board of directors should meet at least once a month at a specified time and place, determined by the club’s bylaws. Board members may call special meetings, but must inform all members of the board with a time and place for the meeting. All meetings must include the president or vice-president and at least three other members of the board. Any member of the Leo club may attend a meeting of the board of directors, but may only speak with the consent of the board. Club Administration

15 Liability Insurance Commercial General Liability Insurance
All Lions clubs, Leo clubs, and districts are named insured under the Lions Clubs International General Liability Insurance Policy. $2,000,000 general aggregate coverage is provided by LCI. A Certificate of Insurance is available upon request through the LCI website. Additional liability insurance is available. Contact the Legal Division at for additional information. It is of course our hope that no harm or damage would ever occur as a result of Lions or Leo activities, but the truth is that accidents happen and clubs should be informed of their insurance and liability coverage. Leo clubs have the exact same coverage as Lions clubs and are automatically insured and covered under the general liability insurance policy of Lions Clubs International. If you have any questions related to the specific coverage policy, please visit the LCI website or contact the Legal Division at Club Administration

16 Leo and Lions Emblems Registered trademarks of Lions Clubs International Available on the LCI website for download Leo logos may be reproduced by the Leo club for usage on stationery, websites, and other printed materials Emblems cannot be used on any item sold to members or the general public for fundraising purposes Various emblems and logos are available for download on the LCI website. Leo clubs are encouraged to use the official program logos when promoting their club or developing new materials. No member, Lions/Leo club, or Lions/Leo district may use the association's emblem on any item sold to Lions or the general public for fundraising purposes. No manufacturer, printer, producer, promoter, publisher, entrepreneur may use the association's name, goodwill, trademarks, service marks, or the Lions Clubs International emblem in any manner except upon license granted by the association. Club Administration

17 Do not alter color or appearance of the Leo logo
Leo Emblem Usage Do not alter color or appearance of the Leo logo It’s important that clubs use the Leo logo properly and follow the Leo brand guidelines. Now, the logos on the right-hand column are the official program logos, but can you tell me what is wrong with the other logos? Rules: Do not distort or rotate logos. Do not remove or replace Lion’s head with any other animal, object or shape. Do not alter the color or appearance of the logo using effects. Do not alter Alpha or Omega font. Do not alter the color or appearance of the log using effects. Do not remove text from Alpha or Omega logo. Club Administration

18 Ordering Supplies for Leo Clubs
You can order supplies for your Leo club through the Club Supplies online store, while certain program publications can be ordered through the Leo Club Program Department. We will discuss the supply ordering process in more detail in Module 6, Leo Club Program Resources. Club Administration

19 Leo Districts and Multiple Districts
Leo District: When there are 6 or more officially certified Leo clubs in a Lions district, the district governor can approve the formation of a Leo district. Leo Multiple District: When there are 10 or more Leo clubs in a multiple district, the council of governors may approve the formation of a Leo multiple district. Leo membership within the multiple district must exceed 100. The Leo Club Program offers additional opportunities for leadership within the organization, beyond the Leo club experience. Lions districts and multiple districts have the option to form Leo districts and multiple districts, when meeting certain qualifications. Any Lions district with 6 or more Leo clubs can form a Leo district with the approval of the Lions district governor. Lions multiple districts with 10 or more Leo clubs can form a Leo multiple district with the approval of the council of governors. Similar to the Lions districts and multiple districts, Leo districts and multiple districts are managed by Leo officers who are elected annually. The territorial boundaries of the Leo district or multiple district must match those of the sponsoring Lion district or multiple district. District and Multiple District Leo Chairpersons oversee Leo club development within their respective areas. They also serve as mentors to Leo club advisors and Leos. Reach out to these individuals for support and additional resources for your Leo club. Club Administration

20 Leo District and Multiple District Officers
Serve as leaders of the Leo Club Program in their region Encourage clubs to share ideas Strengthen community service Promote the Leo Club Program Focus on membership growth and expansion Offer leadership development opportunities Leo officers at the district and multiple district level take on important leadership roles and act as representatives of Leos in their region. They encourage Leos from clubs in the same territorial area to share ideas and strengthen community service. They also promote the Leo Club Program, strengthen the Leo-Lion relationship, develop membership growth strategies, and offer further leadership development opportunities. As the Leo club advisor, it is important that you make your Leos aware of the Leo District and Leo Multiple District structure and the leadership opportunities available to them. Club Administration

21 Important Events and Dates
October – Leo Membership Growth Month December 5 – International Leo Day April – Leo Club Awareness Month June/July – Lions Clubs International Convention Throughout the year, many special events take place to celebrate the Leo Club Program and recognize Leos for their contribution to the overall humanitarian work of Lions Clubs International. In October, Leo clubs host membership drives and individual Leos will receive recognition for inviting youth into the club. On December 5, we commemorate the chartering of the very first Leo club on December 5, Known as International Leo Day, December 5 is a day of celebration and promotion of the Leo Club Program. April is Leo Club Awareness Month, which calls on Leos and Lions to spread the word of Leo clubs and the great services that they provide to their communities and the leadership opportunities available to youth through this program. And finally, at the end of the fiscal year Leos gather at the International Convention, where they participate in events, seminars, celebrations, and service activities. Club Administration

22 Administrative Deadlines
Review the Calendar of Events on the Lions Clubs International website for current information on dates and administrative deadlines. Administrative deadlines may change from year to year so it’s important to review the most up-to-date information on the LCI website and refer to the due dates listed on various forms. Club Administration

23 Leo Club Administration: Small Group Discussion
What challenges do you currently experience as Leo club advisor? What are some areas in which you would like to improve the administration of your Leo club? If you have not served as an advisor, which topics related to Leo club administration are most concerning to you? What advice would you offer future Leo club advisors? Ask participants to form small groups and have each person answer the questions listed. Encourage more experienced advisors to share their suggestions and advice. Estimated Time: 15 minutes Club Administration

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