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Chemical & Biological Defense Program Science & Technology

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1 Chemical & Biological Defense Program Science & Technology
COL Ben Hagar Deputy, Joint Science & Technology Office for CB Defense Defense Threat Reduction Agency JSTO

2 Overview Continued strong Department and Congressional support for CBDP S&T Strengthened ability to transition from DARPA programs DTRA re-aligning its R&D efforts STRATCOM Combating WMD role JSTO

3 Preserving warfighter effectiveness through medical countermeasures
Transition Technologies Answer Science Questions Maintain Robust Tech Base Diagnostics Pretreatments/ Prophylaxes Emerging Threats/ Special Programs Therapeutics JSTO

4 Modeling and Simulation
Preserving warfighter effectiveness with advanced equipment and materials Protection Decontamination Detection Transition Technologies Answer Science Questions Maintain Robust Tech Base Modeling and Simulation Supporting S&T JSTO

5 Principle “Plain Language” Thrusts
Earliest Warning Detection Medical Surveillance Information Dissemination Broad Spectrum Medical Countermeasures Pretreatment Therapeutics “How Clean is Safe?” Decontamination Low-Level Toxicology Environmental Fate of Agent JSTO

6 Medical CB S&T Strategy
Place greater emphasis on developing medical countermeasures effective against a broader range of pathogens to mitigate novel agent effects Accelerate development cycle (rapid vaccine and drug development) Exploit cutting edge technologies to improve medical countermeasures against established high-priority CB agents and against emerging CB agents and effects Leverage existing capability found in other federal agencies, industry, and international partners Sustain long-term investment in developing candidates for capability gaps Ensure knowledge base to support future technology development JSTO

7 Physical S&T program strategy
Balance between requirements pull: Align with the JRO to address capability needs Align with JPEO programs to address technology gaps Answer critical science questions that support policy, doctrine and requirements decisions … and technology push: Centralize investment in basic research (6.1) Identify and exploit technology opportunities Identify and respond to new and emerging threats Transition new and innovative technologies with JPEO Maintain a robust technology base: knowledge, research capabilities, and test and evaluation methodologies JSTO

8 How we have changed the Physical S&T business strategy …
Find and Fund the Best Performers: Maintain an active outreach to a broad base of potential performers in government, academia, and industry Emphasize teaming and comprehensive approaches Allow the best ideas to emerge through competition Select the best science and most innovative ideas: no favorites, no quotas Exploit Cutting Edge Technologies: Find and fund new cross-cutting technologies Leverage new ideas from other sources Sustain Long-Term Investment: Fund promising technologies from concept through transition Our business strategy is to leverage as much technology as possible from other sources such as DARPA, HSARPA and other agencies, and I have formed a Special Projects Office in my Division to do this. Our approach for new projects is to select the best performers with the best science regardless of their affiliation - no favorites and no quotas. Such projects will be funded from concept to transition within a 3-4 year timeframe. JSTO

9 …and developed an overarching science strategy …
Build a Fundamental Understanding of CB Agents: Physical and chemical properties Fundamental interactions with other materials and environment Pathological and toxicological properties Exploitable signatures Leverage Advancements in Strategic Research: Develop Revolutionary Solutions: Integrated system for complete knowledge of the CB environment Unencumbering full protection Rapid inactivation of CB hazards Information dominance Nanoscience Bioengineering sciences Multifunctional materials Human performance science JSTO

10 FY06 Core Funding Increases
FY05($M) FY06($M) Increase CB.1 6.3 15.7 150% CB.2 62.1 104.3 68% CB.3 39.9 60.8 53% Total 108.2 180.8 67% Detection 33.9 43.9 30% MSB 9.1 38.4 324% Protection 9.6 19.7 106% Decon 5.2 8.9 71% TAS 31.0 32.8 6% JSTO

11 Scientific Challenges
Develop a fundamental understanding of properties and mechanisms underlying EM detection of CB agents in order to better identify and predict unique and distinguishable signatures Formulate optimal filters for fusion of disparate sensor information in non-linear dynamic networks Discover new materials that are sorbent and/or stably reactive which provide order-of-magnitude CB agent removal rates and capacity over current activated carbon technologies Develop a fundamental understanding of CB agent and decontaminant transport in solid substrates to predict agent fate, removal efficacy (or neutralization), and material effects JSTO

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