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The Colonies North Middle South.

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1 The Colonies North Middle South

2 The South - Colonies each needed products to export (need money!!)
- South turned into plantation society – each area specialized in a different crop (tobacco, rice, indigo, cotton) - Large plantations were set up – towns didn’t develop as well as in the North because so much land went to plantations - Crops shipped directly to the North and to Europe - Plantations needed lots of labor (cheap) – 1/3 of all settlers were indentured servants

3 The North - Life in New England different from South
1. Economic reasons – no big staple crops – developed own goods that could be traded and sold 2. No plantations – lived in small towns 3. Relied on manufacturing and shipping

4 Middle Colonies Delaware New Jersey Pennsylvania Virginia Maryland
Aspects of both north and south Becomes key area- “swing states”

5 Assignment Draw a map of the 13 colonies- make it big
Label each colony Inside / next to each, use words, symbols, & drawings to show what life was like there, why it was settled, impt people / history….

6 Assignment 2 Each set of partners will represent a colony
Create a flag that represents your colony Create a postcard / pamphlet that shows / advertises for life in your colony Incorporate the history, economics, geography, society

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