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Excel – a spreadsheet program that allows you to organize, calculate, make decisions, graph, develop reports, and publish information to the Web. Worksheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Excel – a spreadsheet program that allows you to organize, calculate, make decisions, graph, develop reports, and publish information to the Web. Worksheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Excel – a spreadsheet program that allows you to organize, calculate, make decisions, graph, develop reports, and publish information to the Web. Worksheet – a grid of rows and columns; 1 spreadsheet Workbook – 2 or more worksheets

2 To keep track of facts and figures Grades Budget Home Business Business Expense Report Sales or Financial Report Check Register Inventory List Personnel List Client List

3 Cell – The basic unit of an Excel worksheet; where a row and column intersect Cell reference – a unique address that refers to the cell located at a certain location Column – letters Row - numbers

4 Active Cell– cell that you are working in 3 ways to identify an active cell: 1.Bold, black line around the cell 2.Column and row are highlighted 3.Name box displays the cell reference (A1, B13, …) Gridlines – horizontal and vertical lines on the worksheet

5 Title bar - includes the name of the worksheet or workbook Range – a series of 2 or more adjacent cells in a column or rectangular group of cells SUM Function – adds all of the numbers in a range of cells AVERAGE Function – averages numbers in a range of cells (add and then divide by the number of cells included in range)

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