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Biochemistry Bingo Directions: Fill in your bingo board with any of the following words. Choose wisely, they won’t all be used during the game.

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Presentation on theme: "Biochemistry Bingo Directions: Fill in your bingo board with any of the following words. Choose wisely, they won’t all be used during the game."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biochemistry Bingo Directions: Fill in your bingo board with any of the following words. Choose wisely, they won’t all be used during the game.

2 BINGO #1 ChemistryMass WeightElement AtomMoleculeNucleusProton Electron Neutron Atomic NumberGroup Periodic TableCompound Isotope Ion Covalent BondIonic BondBohr Diagram Cohesion Adhesion Polar Hydrogen Bond SolutionSolute SolventpHAcid Base Hydrogen IonHydroxide IonBuffer Dissociation

3 Round #1 1. This is the study of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of a substance. 2. The quantity of matter an object has. 3. The atomic number is equal to the number of _______________ found in the nucleus of an atom. 4. The atomic mass of an element is equal to the number of protons and ________________. 5. When an atom has the same number of protons but different neutrons it is called an _____________. 6. This bond shares electrons between atoms.

4 Round #1 Continued 7. An ionic bond is between at least 2 ________. 8. When water molecules join to other water molecules this property of water is used. 9. Since water molecules are _____________ the electrons are drawn towards the O atom. 10. If a solution has a greater number of Hydrogen ions (H+) it is an _________________. 11. This neutralizes an acidic or basic solution. 12. OH- refers to this ion. 13. When water breaks into H+ and OH- this takes place.

5 Round #1 Continued 14. This diagram is an example of what type of model? 15. When water molecules join to the side of a graduated cylinder is an example of this property of water.

6 BINGO #2 Organic ChemistryInorganic ChemistryCarbon Valence ElectronsCarbohydratesProteins LipidsNucleic AcidsFunctional Group C6H12O6GlucoseMonomerPolymer PolymerizationMonosaccharide Disaccharide 1C:2H:1OPolysaccharideAmino Acids Enzymes Fatty Acid Glycerol Hydro Carbon Chain Unsaturated Lipid DNARNA SolidLiquid GasReactantsProductsChemical Reactions Activation Energy Catalyst Dehydration Synthesis

7 Bingo #2 1. This study of chemistry studies Carbon. 2. The amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction. 3. This lowers the amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction. 4. These are produced by a chemical reaction- or the right hand side of an equation. 5. Catalysts found in the human body are called _____________. 6. The 4 molecules of life are Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and _______________.

8 Bingo #2- Continued 7. Glycerol and 3 fatty acid molecules join together to make this molecule of life. 8. What is the formula for the monomer of carbohydrates. 9. When 2 monomers are joined together the process of losing a water molecule is called _____. 10. The building blocks of proteins are ________. 11. Carboxyl group is an example of a _________. 12. Carbon has 4 _______________, or can make 4 covalent bond.

9 Bingo #2- Con’t 13. The 2 parts of a fatty acid are a carboxyl group and a _____________________. 14. The following picture is an example of what? 15. RNA and _______ are examples of nucleic acids.

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