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EUSA November 2013. Goals for today Understand the cost of disorganisation due to poor systems Understand and optimise your Time Style Understand how.

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Presentation on theme: "EUSA November 2013. Goals for today Understand the cost of disorganisation due to poor systems Understand and optimise your Time Style Understand how."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUSA November 2013

2 Goals for today Understand the cost of disorganisation due to poor systems Understand and optimise your Time Style Understand how Time Styles impact teams Understand motivation in the office environment Understand how systems impact motivation Understand how to make practical changes to bring about increased motivation

3 Overview Disorganisation impedes motivation Do the maths around disorganisation Integrated Motivational Theories Application of the Theories Organisation enhances motivation How do we organise ourselves? System analysis in relation to motivation

4 Cost Of Disorganisation 20 min to focus your attention after an email disruption. On average 30 min wasted every day looking for things. On average distraction makes up for 1 hr of every day.

5 Cost Of Disorganisation 10 hrs every week 520 hrs every year (less holiday periods) 480 x €a = €b Multiply this with each employee b x #people = €c

6 Exercise 1 Complete: Time Style Questionnaire

7 Time Organisation Styles Time Time Styles Drop and Hop Detail Dodger Last Minute Racer Perfectionist Procrastinator

8 Benefits Time DROP & HOP Creative thinker Strong ability to shift focus Loves variety Works well on a team High energy

9 Challenge: You are easily distracted. Challenge: You enjoy variety and change of pace. Challenge: You desire immediate gratification. Challenge: You get bored easily. Challenges Time DROP & HOP

10 Benefits Time Drop & Hop PERFECTIONIST Can concentrate for long periods of time Gives a task full focus High attention to detail Results driven

11 Challenge: You struggle to distinguish between high standards and super high expectations. Challenge: You believe you should be able to do everything yourself and do it well. Challenge: You avoid certain jobs because you are afraid of the outcome. Challenges Time Drop & Hop PERFECTIONIST

12 Benefits Time Drop & Hop Perfectionist DETAIL DODGER Quick at completing tasks Gets things done Not bogged down Big picture thinker Creative

13 Challenge: You like focusing on the bigger picture. Challenge: You’re too impatient to handle follow through. Challenge: You move quickly, resist routine tasks. Challenge: You’re responsible for too much. Challenges Time Drop & Hop Perfectionist DETAIL DODGER

14 Don’t rush into things Good sounding board Thinkers Team player Benefits Time Drop & Hop Perfectionist Detail Dodger PROCRAS- TINATOR

15 Challenge: You don’t know what you really want. Challenge: You’re afraid of making the wrong decision. Challenge: You don’t know how to start. Challenge: You’re afraid of the unknown. Challenge: You feel you don’t have enough information. Challenge: You have too many alternatives. Challenges Time Drop & Hop Perfectionist Detail Dodger PROCRAS- TINATOR

16 Benefits Can get focused quickly Works through an enormous amount in a short time Gives everything when the race is on Time Drop & Hop Perfectionist Detail Dodger Procrastinator LAST MINUTE RACER

17 Challenges Challenge: You estimate your time inaccurately. Challenge: You feel you are energised when the pressure is on. Time Drop & Hop Perfectionist Detail Dodger Procrastinator LAST MINUTE RACER

18 Exercise 2 Take a few minutes to jot down what you think your team’s different Time Styles are. Let’s discuss the challenges you face in this context.

19 Motivation In The Workplace

20 The Q’s Veterans: What Must I do? Boomers: What does it mean? GenX: Does it work? Millenials: How do we build it? GenZ: What’s next?

21 Motivation Theories In The Workplace

22 The Groupings Instinct Theories Incentive Theories Drive Theories Arousal Theories Humanistic Theories Combination = Best Understanding

23 Innovation Skills Tasks Knowledge Tacit Explicit Extrinsic Intrinsic Motivation n-ach n-power n-affil


25 effort spent + ability + perception of the task + accomplishment of the task + fairness of the reward = satisfaction = motivation

26 effort spent (system dependent) ability (system dependent) perception of the task (system dependent) accomplishment of the task (system dependent) fairness of the reward (system independent) = satisfaction = motivation

27 Current Systems Filemaker PRO SugarSync AtMail/Outlook/MacMail GCal (not a tech driven organisation)

28 Essentials Communication Area (yes) (messages, tasks, notebooks) Thinking Area (no) (calendars, notebooks) Planning Area (partly) (project planning, calendars) Doing Area (partly) (tasks) Measurement Area (partly) (tasks, other tools)

29 Lists & Blueprints Master List Weekly List Daily List Specific Lists Weekly Blueprint (NOT time or date specific)

30 UHOH! Email

31 Email The experiment The transformation The understanding: Changing the way we communicate Changing your company culture Repurposing email

32 Email Best Practice Never in the morning Never in the evening Only twice in the day for a set period Internal vs. external Pockets of time The inbox is not a task list Stop the inbox chasing

33 Rescue Time/idonethis/Wunderlist

34 Implications? Understand the natural inclination towards time The system has to support motivation The reward has to match the Time Style, the functional level, the knowledge level, the motivational drive

35 Implications? Rewards come in many forms Tasks should drive the day, not hours n-affil: group activities, family orientation procrastinator n-pow: developmental activities with an emphasis on outcome last minute racer, perfectionist n-ach: development activities with the focus on process drop and hop, detail dodger

36 ?

37 Snap Shots Of The Day

38 References Participant Motivation Consumer Motivation Motivational Need’s Theory Maslow and Herzberg Porter Lawler Theory

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