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What single activity occupies more of your time than anything else?

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2 What single activity occupies more of your time than anything else?

3 Sleep Circadian Rhythm Biological clock (our bodies synchronize with the 24 hour cycle) As a person moves from a waking state to deep sleep, complex changes in the electrical activity of the brain occur Measured by an EEG (Electroencephalogram)

4 Beta Waves Person is awake Short, quick waves

5 Alpha Waves: Person is relaxed Slower than beta waves

6 Theta Waves: Person is in a light sleep Slower than alpha waves

7 Delta Waves: Person is in a deep sleep Slowest of the waves

8 REM Waves: Person is dreaming Person is in a deep sleep Similar to beta waves (short and quick waves)

9 Sleep Onset Period between awake and sound asleep Have control of thoughts but they are confused Temperature begins to drop

10 SLEEP ONSET Temperature begins to drop Breathing becomes lighter Pulse rate slows Brain is relaxing Vision path is cut off Alpha Waves

11 Stage 1 Sleep: Lightest sleep stage (5 mins) Body muscles relax Brain loses sense of time Brief dreamlike images - fantastic hallucinations: falling, weightlessness Alpha waves

12 Stage 2 Sleep: Deeper sleep (15 mins) Body temperature, heart rate, respiration decrease Eyes begin move side to side Theta waves

13 Stage 3 Sleep: Deeper sleep (20 mins) Dreams can take place, but will not remembered Delta waves

14 Stage 4 Sleep: Deepest sleep (20 mins) Restore brain’s chemicals “Dead to the world” Sleep walking/bed wetting Delta waves

15 “Climbing the Ladder” Once you reach the top, you climb back down through the stages 1-2-3-4-3-2-REM-2-3-4-3-2-REM- 2-3-2-REM-2-REM-2-REM-2- REM-2-REM-…

16 Stage 5 Sleep: REM - rapid eye movement Eye moves wildly side to side Brain is alert- body is “dead” Stage 5 gets longer each time you pass through it Most vivid dreams occur and can be remembered Beta-like waves


18 Sleep Disorders Do you ever have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? 40% of adults report having problems with their sleep cycle Insomnia- recurring problems in falling or staying asleep Three types of Insomnia A. Drug dependency insomnia B. Idiopathic Insomnia C. Clinical Insomnia

19 Strategies to help you fall asleep! 1. Sleep restriction 2. Stimulus control 3. Relaxation response training Reading something pleasant or relaxing Warm bath Massage….. If you can’t sleep and none of these work, GET OUT OF BED!!!!!

20 Sleep Disorders 2. Sleepwalking (Somnambulism) Occurs in Stage 4 sleep Difficult in waking Amnesia following an episode Usually once per month 20% of population prone to sleepwalking More common in children and with boys Genetic tendency

21 Sleep Disorders 3. Incubus Attacks (Night Terrors) Sudden arousal from sleep with a piercing scream or cry Racing pulse, powerful feelings of fear, person feels choked Occurs during Stage 4 NOT a NIGHTMARE!!!!!

22 Sleep Disorders 4. Sleep Bruxism Grinding or clenching of the teeth during sleep Abnormal wear of the teeth, sounds of grinding, jaw muscle discomfort 5. Nocturnal Myoclonus Periodic and repeated episodes of body twitching all through the night

23 Sleep Disorders 6. Hypersomnia (Klein-Levin Syndrome) Excessive Sleepiness Difficulty in awakening 7. Narcolepsy Suddenly fall asleep in the midst of waking activities Fall asleep without realizing it

24 Sleep Disorders 8. RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) Uncomfortable sensations in legs Crawling, tingling, pain Feel compelled to move legs 9. Enuresis Unable to sleep through the night without wetting the bed Abnormally small bladders or sleep too deeply

25 Sleep Disorders 10. Sleep Apnea Brief periods throughout the night in which breathing stops Two types Obstructive Central Excessive weight Snoring

26 Sleep Disorders 11. Sleep Paralysis Waking and not being able to move for a short period of time Usually occurs out of REM sleep 12.Fibromyalgia Causes widespread pain and stiffness in muscles and joints Cannot sleep b/c of pain Chronic daytime fatigue

27 Sleep Disorders 13. Nocturnal Sleep Related Eating Disorder (NS-RED) Eat food during night while they appear to be asleep Cannot remember-Stage 4 of Sleep Will eat anything! Crisco, Sticks of butter, cigarette butts

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