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MILE Third Presentation Workshop Intercultural Dialogue and Access of migrants and ethnic minorities to Education, Health and Housing services Venice,

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Presentation on theme: "MILE Third Presentation Workshop Intercultural Dialogue and Access of migrants and ethnic minorities to Education, Health and Housing services Venice,"— Presentation transcript:

1 MILE Third Presentation Workshop Intercultural Dialogue and Access of migrants and ethnic minorities to Education, Health and Housing services Venice, 27 April 2009 Action Plan presentation by Seville City Council

2 Dialogue and Mediation A Road to Integration

3 Seville City Council Seville City Council Sevilla Emprendedora - Business Promotion and Training Service Headquarters - Business Advisory Team - Central Services REDES Project REDES Project - Planning, Training and Employment Section Headquarters - Planning and Programming Service - Northern Area Intervention Coordination Junta of Andalusia. Regional Employment Department. Employment Service of Andalusia Junta of Andalusia. Regional Employment Department. Employment Service of Andalusia Sevilla Acoge Foundation Sevilla Acoge Foundation Mediation, Planning and Communication Local Support Group Members

4 Social Work Principle Social Work Principle : All men and women have the same value, whatever their race, religion, political opinion, attitude… Social action must respect all the differences that exist in individuals, groups, communities. But our Welfare State, designed for a specific user model, is not responding to the new realities, to the new users. The services must be adapted, therefore, to the new users. The services must be adapted, therefore, to the new users. Problem Analysis

5 –There are two, especially important, subject matters relating to the adaptation to change : The acculturation processes activated in the immigrant. The adaptations to be carried out by the different services that receive the immigrants; in other words, the acculturation of the receiving society, itself –The main job search source is the web of informal networks. The services perceive precariousness and lack of acknowledgement of diversity. Problem Analysis

6 information, communication and participation channels to overcome its transient nature and to become an intervention strategy that is sustainable in time. The Third Action Plan in Seville aims for the information, communication and participation channels to open up under the umbrella of this Project, to overcome its transient nature and to become an intervention strategy that is sustainable in time. to prepare forward-looking proposals along the line of what was experienced during the MILE Namely, to prepare forward-looking proposals along the line of what was experienced during the MILE Overall aim

7 Adapt Adapt the employment services to the characteristics, needs and potentialities of the new users. Guaranteeparticipation Guarantee the participation of the migrant group in the continuous decision-making and execution process. Specific objectives

8 The main target groups of the project (although not exclusive) are the entrepreneurs of immigrant origin who live in the city of Seville Main target group(s)

9 Design, adaptation and publication of promotional material Intercultural Mediation Actions with entrepreneurs Meetings with entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship among Cultures Day Activities to be undertaken

10 Design, adaptation and publication of promotional material Design, adaptation and publication of promotional material January 2009 Entrepreneurship among Cultures Day Entrepreneurship among Cultures Day March 2009

11 Contact with reality –Mediation team coordination –Identification and contacts by mediation team –Methodology determination –Scheduling and Visits October 2008- February 2009 February - March 2009

12 Adaptación servicios Adaptación, diseño e impresión material divulgativo2.500 Curso Formación en Interculturalidad en asesoramiento empresarial a 18 personas1.890 Tutorías continuas asesoramiento empresarial e inmigración 4.000 Encuentro local/ final MILE Ponentes1.005 Catering5.000 Alquiler espacios y equipos audiovisuales1.264 Exposición fotográfica2.500 Animación-Teatro1.000 Carpetas 200 Equipo de Organización y Atención Asistencia Técnica 600 Encuentros con inmigrantes Equipo de mediación Equipo técnico servicios públicos Espacio físico Asistencia técnica 600

13 Design, adaptation and publication of advisory material Preparation of new promotional material for Self-employment counselling services. Sevilla Emprendedora Seville City Council

14 Intercultural Mediation Actions with Entrepreneurs The MILE project was implemented in the Macarena area, paying visits to the immigrant entrepreneurial fabric and preparing meetings for the month of February 2009 The visits were carried out by the team of mediators from the Sevilla Acoge Foundation from November 2008 to February 2009. 110 visits were made. The mediation team verified the good acceptance of the project; it also positively valued the strategy used (based on their needs, previous contact of mediators, bearing in mind their working hours, proximity of meeting place to their workplaces, neutral place for meetings…)

15 Intercultural Mediation Actions

16 Entrepreneurship among Cultures Day This was held on 24 March 2009

17 Methodology Meetings with entrepreneurs The basic idea of these meetings is that the aim is not to offers services but to find out what people think and adapt our answers to their expectations. The aim was to create a level of equality. The space enabled participants to express their achievements, needs and demands. It was the moment to listen and compile proposals: what their job demands are, what ideas they have for enterprising actions, their needs to qualify and improve businesses; in short, take the first steps to establish communication channels and interactions both in decision- making and in execution.

18 Methodology Entrepreneurship among Cultures Day Entrepreneurship among Cultures Day Enterprising actions and immigration, –Keynote conference Enterprising actions and immigration, by an expert in social economy and third sector Conversation among entrepreneurs –The Conversation among entrepreneurs panel aimed to be a forum for dialogue about the current situation, experiences, participants professional and personal commitments, the new fields of application and future tendencies in the extensive field of labour insertion of immigrants, within the new context that is taking shape with the challenges of socio-cultural diversification.

19 Added Value Importancemediation Importance of mediation as a tool to provide a service Incorporation of the receivers Incorporation of the receivers of the services into the design of the answers of the public administration: from being objects of intervention to subjects of the projects Complementarity Complementarity with territory interventions

20 Added Value Structural intervention Structural intervention that goes beyond the time horizon of this Project Opening of information and communication channels Opening of information and communication channels Synergies and cooperation Synergies and cooperation in attention joint and participative Source of joint and participative actions

21 Complementarity MILE Project Actions in Seville facilitating elements that are complemented with the interventions that are being carried out in the territory in socio-labour insertion related matters.

22 Complementarity MILE Project Actions in Seville Complementing - REDES Project - Andalucía Orienta Network - Experimental Actions Programme - Programme of Professional Experiences for Employment - School-Workshops - Employment workshops - Education and Employment Programme - Insertion Accompaniment Programme - Clara Project - AulaBús - Anímate a Emprender - Sevilla Emprendedora - Conoce Tu Distrito - Emprevención Programme - Business Single Window - Microcredits and Financing Lines Programme - Programme of Aid to New Business Initiatives PANIE) - Advanced Business Resources Centre (CREA) - Educational programme for the creation and consolidation of companies - Artisan Sector Promotion Plan

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