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Prevention and management of diseases among elderly Ahmad Osailan.

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Presentation on theme: "Prevention and management of diseases among elderly Ahmad Osailan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prevention and management of diseases among elderly Ahmad Osailan

2 Health status and disability Prevention and management of diseases Health care sittings

3 Health status of aging population Clinical measures indicate decline of health status with aging. Elderly have double chances to have restricted activities because of illness more than general population.

4 Health status of aging population Prevalence of Disability in Basic ADL and instrumental ADL in Adults in US: ---------------------------------------------------------------- DisabilityAge 65-74(%) 75-84 (%) 85+ Needs help in one or more basic ADL5.311.4 34.8 Needs Help in one or more instrumental 5.714.2 40 ADL

5 Health status of aging population Basic ADL: includes walking, going outside, bathing, dressing, using toilet, getting in and out of bed and eating. Instrumental ADL: includes shopping, doing routine household chores, preparing meals and handling money.

6 So What is Disability When talking about disability, three general terms must be defined: Impairment: loss of physical or physiological function at the organ level. Examples: - alteration in nerve conduction - muscle weakness Impairment do not affect ability to function But when becomes sever  Disability

7 Disability Rehabilitation interventions are often oriented toward adaptation or recovery from disability. If people with disabilities confronted with many obstacles:like: Inaccessible building Low toilet seats Buttons of elevators are high and unreadable Then disability  become Handicap.

8 Disease Impairment Disability Handicap Malnutrition Knee arthritis Depression Weakness Pain Immobility Apathy Difficulty walking Difficulty shopping Social Isolation Loss of ability to live independently Physical Environment (multi-story house) Social Environment (loss of spouse) Prin. Geriat. Med, 5th edition, p. 289


10 Prevention and health promotion Aging alone is not the only cause of chronic illnesses. There are other factors including: Life style Behaviour Environment These factors have effect on development of Heart diseases, cancer and lung diseases.

11 Prevention and health promotion Interventions used globally to prevent elderly from such diseases or slow/ reverse the progress of some diseases include: Exercise Diet Stress reduction Smoking cessation Theses interventions proven to be effective in management of cardiovascular, cardiopulmonary, neuromuscular system.

12 Types of prevention Primary prevention: is the prevention of any disease effects that may occur as a result possession of one or more risk factor. Secondary prevention Is the implementation of therapeutic interventions at early stages of acute onset of disease. Tertiary prevention : Is the attempt to minimize the effects of chronic disease which occurred and caused some disabilities in ADLs

13 GERIATRIC PEOPLE PROBLEMS Health problems: 1.Joint problems 2.Impairment of special senses 3. Cardio vascular disease 4.Cancer, Prostate enlargement, Diabetes& Accidental falls Psychological problems 1. Emotional problems 2. Sexual problems 3. Mental disorders, dementia, Alzheimer’disease

14 Cardiovascular or circulatory system Circulatory System: Cardiovascular diseases are the major causes of death in the developed countries. High Blood Pressure control: A reduction of body weight Modification of the habits of life Diet low in salt Decrease fat intake Exercise as recommended by physician

15 Respiratory Changes Respiratory muscles become weaker Rib cage more rigid Alveoli thinner & less elastic which decreases exchange of gases Bronchioles lose elasticity- Asthma, Chronic bronchitis

16 Nervous System Changes Nervous System Changes : Blood flow to brain decreases progressive loss of brain cells diminished Nerve endings less sensitive sensory nerves Decreased ability to respond to pain and other stimuli

17 ACCIDENTS Accidents are a health problem in the elderly. The bones become fragile due decalcification as a result of which they break easily. Accidents are more common in the home than outside. Fracture neck of femur is a very common geriatric problem.

18 Prevention

19 GERIATRIC TEAM Geriatricians Nurses Physiotherapist Social worker And Health worker

20 Life style and healthy ageing Diet and Nutrition- Less fat, sugar, salt & high fibre and calcium diet Exercise Weight monitor Smoking Social Activity

21 Quality of life Improving quality of life By: Cultural programme Old age club Meals-on wheel service Home help Old age home

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