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In the novel “The First Part Last”, the main character Bobby, has a hard decision to make about whether he wants to keep his daughter, Feather, or give.

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Presentation on theme: "In the novel “The First Part Last”, the main character Bobby, has a hard decision to make about whether he wants to keep his daughter, Feather, or give."— Presentation transcript:


2 In the novel “The First Part Last”, the main character Bobby, has a hard decision to make about whether he wants to keep his daughter, Feather, or give her up for an adoption. Bobby’s girlfriend, Nia, wanted to keep Feather but her parents said no do to, they didn’t want her to be in the projects the rest of her life raising Feather with Bobby.Nia died after giving birth to Feather, Which leaves Bobby to be a single parent and doing what he needs to do for Feather.

3 Theme- the message the author is trying to get across to the readers. The theme of the novel is think before you act.

4 Characters- a person in a story, novel, or play. Bobby Mary Fred Nia JL K-boy Paul

5 Setting- The place in the story where everything takes place. The setting of the novel is at Bobby’s house.

6 Plot- the sequence of events Nia told Bobby that she was pregnant on his 16 th birthday. Both parents had a hard decision to give Feather up or raise her on their own. Feather thus was born, and Nia past away. Bobby was a single parent looking for help.

7 Climax- most exciting part of the selection The Climax of the novel is when Feather’s temperature went up 104 degrees.

8 Conflict- The problem in the story. The Conflict in the novel is Bobby is afraid that he is not well put out to be a father.

9 Resolution- The closing point of the novel/ story/ selection. The Resolution is when Bobby and Feather moved to Ohio.

10 The style is how the author writes the story. The style in the story is informal.

11 Tone- How the author feels while writing the story. Mood- How you feel while reading the story. The tone of the story is depressing and the mood of is sorrowful.

12 The author’s purpose for writing this novel is to inform teenagers about teen pregnancy and how it can affect your teenage life.

13 Dazah learned that teenage pregnancy can affect your life when you are young and have a child. Elasha learned that teenage pregnancy can also be one of the highest risk of teenagers today.

14 We recommend this book to all the young girls and boys who are thinking about having sexual intercourses.

15 Angela was born in 1961, which makes her 50 years of Age. She gets her creative writing from her Grandparents. She has went through a lot of things that she puts into her books.

16 These are some of the books that Angela wrote

17 (NOYS) National Organization Youth Safety TWN- Real life teens Teens Link


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