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Elizabeth A Teaff & Wanda K Swartz Washington & Lee University INTERLIBRARY LOAN & COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT OWNERSHIP & ACCESS.

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1 Elizabeth A Teaff & Wanda K Swartz Washington & Lee University INTERLIBRARY LOAN & COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT OWNERSHIP & ACCESS

2 Washington & Lee University Library since 2007, ILL & Circulation have been part of Access Services/ ILL may purchase through ALBRS if price is equal or less than max IFM cost. We donate or add to collection when ILL is returned. since fall of 2012, monograph/firm ordering & POD have been part of Access Services POD: reaction to shrinking budgets & reduction of physical shelf space/collect what you know will get used since 2006, we have purchased over 300 monographs & around 100 DVD titles as part of our POD program ILL stats are consulted to determine if the title has been heavily requested when faculty request the purchase of serial titles/this info may then be used by selector to justify or deny a purchase Head of Collection development occasionally reviews requests in WRS & will build our collection around trends he sees in ILL requests

3 from our 2010 Collection Development Policy VI. Relationship with Interlibrary Loan department of Access Services The University Library's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) department of Access Services supports the instructional, research, and scholarly activities of the Washington & Lee community by borrowing library materials from other institutions in Virginia, the United States, and throughout the world. In turn, this service lends our library materials to other institutions worldwide. Interlibrary Loan periodically receives book and audiovisual requests from students and faculty for material published/released in the current year. Following recommended best practices from other Oberlin Libraries, the University Library will purchase-on-demand (POD) current imprints when requested through Interlibrary Loan. The goal of the University Library’s POD program is to meet the immediate needs of our users while adding potential high-use titles to our collection. The POD program criteria includes: current year imprint, price of item less than $100 (prior to shipping), and not already expected through the Approval Plan.

4 automatic POD program criteria requested through ILL current year imprint price less than $100 (prior to shipping) not expected through Approval Plan (discontinued approval plan in 2012) we may order older titles or more expensive items

5 ILL requests that turn into POD most DVD requests items requested more than once (by same or different patron) items where patron wishes to use for long period of time (e.g. whole semester) items that cannot be obtained through ILL rush requests dissertations not available in full-text through Proquest _______________________________________________ full circle ---- if an item is requested for purchase, but cannot be obtained/ acquisitions notifies ILL & ILL will generate loan request

6 utilizes ILLiad email routing how it works in ILLiad

7 acquisitions staff member head of collection development body of email contains citation & patron contact info how it works in ILLiad

8 Washington & Lee University Library workflow  rush ordered by acquisitions & rush cataloged & put on hold for patron workflow  patrons notified via ILS not ILL software whole process is seamless to patron (we hope)/ adding acquisitions to Access Services has streamlined workflow/ more direct communication in cases of rush requests, patron can have item in hand (print) in less than 24 hours after requested through ILL/ If e-book turn-around time could be within minutes of ILL request

9 New Directions: ILLiad & GIST ( ILLiad request form Acquisitions Manager perform acquisitions workflow without ILS purchase, encumber, & record order information using addons attach OCLC symbol & download MARC records with Connexion addon

10 New Directions WorldCat Resource Sharing  WorldShare New Feature Unique to WorldShare Interlibrary Loan Feature Buy It Options (introduced in WorldCat, but not fully implemented) info from screenshot from

11 references Nixon, Judith et al. Patron-Driven Acquisitions: current Successes and Future Directions. New York: Routledge, 2011 contact info Elizabeth Anne Teaff, Assistant Professor & Head of Access Services Washington & Lee University Library / 204 West Washington Street Lexington, VA 24450 Phone 540.458.8645 / Fax 540.458.8964 / OCLC Symbol VLW Skype elizabeth.anne.teaff

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