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Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) International Working Group on Taxonomic Databases - TDWG Global Biodiversity Information Facility - GBIF.

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1 Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) International Working Group on Taxonomic Databases - TDWG Global Biodiversity Information Facility - GBIF National Evolutionary Synthesis Center - NESCent February 1-3, 2006 Durham, North Carolina, USA

2 February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUIDs for Specimens & Collections  Main issues  Summary from mailing list  More detailed discussion: tomorrow

3 February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUIDs for Specimens  What to identify?  What is an specimen? Entomology: Survey, Contents of a trap, insect, insect part Herbarium, Culture Collections, Seedbank: other identifiable units

4 February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUIDs for Specimens  Mechanism to describe objects: Extensible:  Addition of new objects  From new groups and domains  Group should draft recommendation  Suggest using RDF framework for that Must be polymorphic:  Specific type: this is an insect part  General type: this is also a specimen

5 February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUIDs for Specimens  Examples: Id1 ---isInstanceOf--> Skeleton ---isA--> Specimen Id2 ---isInstanceOf--> Seed ---isA--> Specimen New object: HerbariumSheet ---isA--> Specimen

6 February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUIDs for Specimens  Link duplicates together: Should have same id (I think not) Should be linked:  Id1 ---isDuplicateOf--> Id2

7 February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUIDs for Specimens  Identify source record when served by aggregators: Same GUID than source record; or Different GUID than source linked by sameAs relationship Id1 ---sameAs--> Id2

8 February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUIDs for Specimens  Identify source record when aggregator adds value to it: Added or corrected a geo-reference Fixed mispelling  Resulting record is different, thus requires a new GUID. Metadata links source and derived record: Id1 ---derivedFrom--> Id2  Metadata describes how record was derived: Biogeomancer version 1.2 Name Place Database NIMA version X

9 February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUIDs for Collections  Uniquely identify collections as well  GUIDs can replace: Collection name Institution code + Collection code  Centralized or Distributed? Both options are feasible

10 February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUIDs for Specimens  Distributed architecture for issuing and resolving GUIDs for specimens and collections  Collections have proven to be able to provide specimen data: Various DiGIR and BioCase networks Provided that software is available

11 February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUIDs for Specimens  Collections Management Software is not likely to be issuing GUIDs in the short- term  An alternative is to embed GUID capabilities with the next generation of provider software (TAPIR, DiGIR2, etc)  This group should provide guidelines for Collections Management Software developers anyway

12 February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUIDs for Specimens & Collections  We will address these and other issues in more detail tomorrow  Questions & Comments?

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