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Review for Night.

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Presentation on theme: "Review for Night."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review for Night

2 How Does Wiesel Show Themes?
Self-preservation versus family commitment. Dignity in the face of inhuman cruelty. Struggle to maintain faith. Emotional death.

3 Who are These Characters?
Eliezer Chlomo Wiesel Moche the Beadle Tzipora (p. 28)

4 Who are These Characters?
Stein of Antwerp Madame Schachter Mrs. Wiesel Dr. Mengele

5 Who are These Characters?
Juliek The Pipel Franek Hilda Idek

6 Vocabulary Anti-semitism Aryan Genocide Gestapo Ghetto Holocaust Kapo
Nazi Prejudice Scapegoa SS stereotype

7 What are Examples of Irony?
a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or stated.

8 What are Examples of Simile and Metaphor?
Explain what is being compared. Explain what the comparison is saying.

9 Motifs A recurring theme or idea that has symbolic meaning

10 Motifs Night 15: evenings a time of study, mystery 30: no one prayed, filled with tension and fear 33: Mme. Schachter, fear and terror, endless nightmare

11 Motifs Eyes Moche13, 17 Mme. Schachter, 13 French girl, 61 Men on train, 105-6 Eliezer, 119

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