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How many jobs do you know? Do you know other jobs? engineer 工程师 Computer programmer 电脑程序设计人员 pilot 飞行员.

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Presentation on theme: "How many jobs do you know? Do you know other jobs? engineer 工程师 Computer programmer 电脑程序设计人员 pilot 飞行员."— Presentation transcript:


2 How many jobs do you know?


4 Do you know other jobs? engineer 工程师 Computer programmer 电脑程序设计人员 pilot 飞行员

5 Do you think these jobs are interesting? Rank [1-6] in the picture. (1 is most interesting, 6 is least interesting.) 1a __ computer programmer __ baseball player __ pilot __ engineer __ teacher __ actor

6 Private tailor 私人裁缝 — 让你穿的与众不同

7 News informer 新闻线人 — 比记者更灵通

8 Professional apologizer 职业道歉人 --- 我替你说 “ 对不起 ”

9 Personal financial planner 私人理财师 ---- 管好你的钱包

10 Professional gamer 职业游戏玩家 --- 边玩边赚钱

11 Private Barber 私人理发师 --- 理发享受 VIP 服务

12 Speed recorded master 现场速录师 --- 低门槛、高收入

13 Professional bargainer 职业砍价人 --- 替你省钱

14 Color consultant 色彩顾问 --- 我能让你更漂亮

15 Short message writer 拇指创作手 --- 生产快乐

16 What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be a/an ….

17 Engineer Actor/ actress DoctorArtist Other jobs Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Group6 What’s the most popular job in your group? A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: I am going to be a/an …. Make a survey

18 There are 10 people in our group. In our group. _____students are going to be____.____students are going to be ___... …. So in my group,_____is the most popular job. Report


20 He has many dream jobs. What are they? Can you guess ?

21 Is he going to be a/an… ?


23 He is going to be a policeman.

24 Is he going to be a/an… ?


26 He is going to be a reporter.

27 Is he going to be a/an… ?


29 He is going to be a pilot.

30 Is he going to be a/an… ?


32 He is going to be a computer programmer.

33 Is he going to be a/an… ?



36 He is going to be an actor.

37 Is he going to be a/an… ?


39 He is going to be an engineer.


41 1b Listen and match the items below. 1. computer programmer 2. professional basketball player 3. engineer 4. actor a. take acting lessons b. study computer science c. practice basketball every day d. study math really hard

42 How are you going to do that? I’m going to …. 实现理想的决心 ! What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be a/an ….

43 Imagine you are a mayor in our city. It’s your job to make it stronger and more beautiful. What are you going to do ? Write your plans. More thinking First, I’m going to build a bigger subway station. Next, I’m going to … ….

44 I believe I can fly ! ----- My dream job 1. Use “be going to…”. 2. What are you going to be? 3. How are you going to do that?

45 Study harder to make your dream come true from now on !

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