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Totalitarianism 1920-1940 Chapter 29-1.

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1 Totalitarianism Chapter 29-1

2 Totalitarianism vs. Conservative Authoritarianism (Absolutism)
Conservative Authoritarianism (absolutism) was the traditional European form of anti-democratic government Examples: Louis XIV, Peter the Great, Frederick the Great, Catherine the Great, Metternich

3 Conservative Authoritarianism
Tried to prevent changes that threatened the existing social order Most people tended to be more concerned with local affairs that had a real impact on their lives Popular participation in government was discouraged This is a contrast with Totalitarianism: Hitler Youth, Stalin’s 5-Year Plans

4 Conservative Authoritarianism
In a Totalitarianism regime people were expected to participate enthusiastically Conservative Authoritarianism was limited in its power and objectives so usually sought the status quo: lacked the technology necessary to control all aspects of people’s lives Usually limited their demands to taxes, army recruits and passive acceptance of the regime

5 After WWI Conservative Authoritarianism was revived
Especially in Less-developed Eastern Europe, Spain, Portugal The New Czech Republic remained democratic The Depression saw the end of various levels of democracy in Austria, Bulgaria, Romania. Greece, Estonia, Latvia

6 Totalitarianism Was made possible by new technology: radio, automobile, telephone Government could wiretap phone lines and spy on citizens Improved transport and communication allowed regimes to coordinate with local officials Autos and trucks gave regimes new mobility Radio was used as tool for propaganda

7 Tools of Totalitarianism:
Censorship: No freedom of the press. It became an organ of the government Indoctrination: education was geared to create loyalty to the state while demonizing the nation’s enemies Terror: Failure to comply = serious consequences: imprisonment, death

8 Totalitarian Regimes either
Fascist or Communist Glorified the state Dictatorship of the proletariat; a classless society Condemns democracy Condemns Capitalism Supports capitalism if No private property it serves the needs of the state

9 Fascism vs. Communism Corporate State: Economy is centralized
Captains of Industry under the communist become state party economic deputies Aggressive nationalism Spread of communism for the benefit of the world’s working class (Comintern)

10 Fascism vs. Communism Advocates Social Darwinism Condemns
(stronger states should imperialism: Control weaker states) Workers united in world without nationalism Believes that peace shows Weakness of the government Peace is the Goal

11 Fascism vs. Communism Military service is Violent revolution is
glorified the means to the end Emphasizes inequalities Emphasizes the among humans perfectibility of society: Mankind is basically good

12 The USSR under Lenin Marxist-Leninist Philosophy:
Theory of Imperialism: Imperialism is the highest form of capitalism as the search for new markets and raw materials feeds the bourgeoisie’s hunger for more profits Conquered people are ruthlessly exploited

13 Leninist Philosophy Marx did not envision a totalitarian dictatorship ruled from above Lenin envisioned a new type of party: a cadre of educated professional revolutionaries to develop a political class consciousness and guide the Dictatorship of the Proletariat

14 Lenin and Marx Both sought a world-wide communist movement
1919 a Comintern was created (aka The Third International) to serve as the first step of the International movement: Workers of the world Unite!

15 War Communism The purpose was to win the Russian Civil War
Nationalized (socialized) the means of production and central planning of the economy In the end the Bolsheviks destroyed the economy: mass starvation, decrease in industrial output

16 War Communism Continued
The Cheka (secret police) liquidated about 250,000 opponents 1921 Kronstadt Rebellion: Mutiny by previously pro-Bolshevik sailors at the Kronstadt naval base Was crushed but caused by the economic disaster and social upheaval of the civil war

17 The NEP The New Economic Policy attempted to eliminate the harsher aspects of war communism It was a response to economic ruin, peasant revolts, and military mutiny It allowed for some capitalist measures Called a necessary step backward by Lenin

18 NEP Government would no longer seize surplus grain
Peasants could sell it on the open market Small manufacturers could run their own businesses Government still controlled heavy industry, banks, and railroads Results of the NEP: Some economic improvement

19 Results of the NEP Economy back to pre-war levels
Workers enjoyed shorter hours and better working conditions Temporary relaxation of censorship and terror 1923 Russia was renamed the Soviet Union…..The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics….USSR

20 Lenin died in 1924 He had not chosen a successor Stalin: a realist
Believed in “Socialism in one country” Wait until Russia was strong…THEN an international communist movement Wanted to establish a socialist economy without the aid of the West

21 Trotsky Also wanted control Was more of a Marxist
Believed in the continuation of a world communist revolution Party leaders believed Trotsky was too much of an idealist and supported Stalin Stalin gained control by 1927 Trotsky was exiled and assassinated (1940 Mexico) by Stalin’s agents

22 The Soviet Union Under Stalin
Lenin’s Politburo was purged Lenin’s NEP was scrapped 1928 The First 5-Year Plan Objectives: Increase industrial output by 250% Increase steel production by 300% Increase agricultural output by 150%

23 The First 5-Year Plan’s Results
Steel Production up 400% USSR the 2nd largest steel producer in Europe Oil production up 300% Massive urbanization 25 million moved to the cities BUT standard of living did not improve AND quality of goods was substandard

24 Stalin Said, “We are 50 or 100 years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in 10 years. Either we do it or we shall go under.” Under 1st 5-Year Plan 20% of peasants were scheduled to give up their private plots and join collective farms.

25 Collectivization Purpose:
To bring the peasants under direct control of the state Machinery was used in agriculture to provide more workers for industry Government control over production Extend socialism to the countryside

26 Collectivization continued
Individual peasant farms were consolidated into large, state-controlled farms Farmers were paid according to the amount of work they did A portion of the harvest was taken by the government to feed urban workers Farmers had to meet grain quotas before they could feed themselves

27 Results of Collectivization
Much opposition by the farmers The Kulaks (wealthiest peasants) put up the greatest opposition Stalin ordered them liquidated…they were 10 million died as a result of collectivization 7 million in forced starvation in the Ukraine Agricultural output: no improvement over 1913 1933: 60% on collectives, 1938 was 93%

28 Government Structure under Stalin
General Secretary was the highest position in government. This was Stalin’s title Politburo about 12 members. Discussed policy and personnel Central Committee: about 70 people in the 30’s

29 Stalin’s propaganda campaign
Purpose: To glorify work and encourage productivity Used technology for propaganda: Newspapers (The Pravda) Radio broadcasts Films (Sergi Eisenstein) All emphasized Soviet achievements and capitalist plots

30 Stalin’s propaganda campaign
Writers and artists were expected to glorify Stalin and the state Their work was closely monitored Religions were persecuted Stalin hoped to turn churches into “museums of atheism”

31 Benefits for Workers Old age pensions Free medical services
Free education Free day care for children Education was the key to the way up Mainly specialized skills and technological education Disillusioned Westerners were attracted to USSR

32 Women Women were given complete equality with the revolution
In 1920’s divorce and abortion readily available The state encouraged women to work outside of the home and to “liberate” themselves Rapid change led to broken families Men still got the best jobs Women still stuck with household duties

33 The Great Terror Terror was used on peasants, leading communists, & ordinary people often for no apparent reason The “Great Terror” resulted in 8 million arrests “Show Trials” usually of ex-party members to eradicate “enemies of the people” Late 1930’s the Old Bolsheviks (followers of Lenin) were tried and executed

34 Purges 40,000 army officers were expelled or liquidated
This hurt Russia badly in WWII Millions were killed or disappeared or sent to forced labor camps called Gulags

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