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Presentation on theme: "APWH REVIEW For the 2014 Donut Olympics. SECTION 2 WHICH CIV DO I BELONG TO? MATCH EACH FAMOUS FIGURE WITH HIS/HER CIVILIZATION 15 questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 APWH REVIEW For the 2014 Donut Olympics


3 Which Civ do I belong to? Clues: None

4 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: Tang Dynasty Clue: Empress Wu

5 Which Civ do I belong to? Clues: Religious tolerance, social reforms for women

6 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: Mughal Empire (Clue- Akbar the Great)

7 Which Civ do I belong to? Clue- Conquered the Greeks and Persians, was murdered at 33

8 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: Macedonia Clue: Alexander the Great

9 Which Civ do I belong to? Clue: I am a eunuch, a Muslim, and an explorer

10 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: Ming China Clue: Zheng He

11 Which Civ do I belong to? Clue: I helped win the most successful slave revolt in history, although I died in prison before I could see it happen.

12 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: Haiti Clue: Toussaint Louverture

13 Which Civ do I belong to? Clue: I am a religious leader who led a revolution in my country focused on removing Western influences

14 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: Iran Clue: Ayatollah Khomeini

15 Which Civ do I belong to? Clue: I ruled from 1792-1750 BCE and am best known for a strict code of laws

16 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: Mesopotamia Clue: Hammurabi

17 Which Civ do I belong to? Clue: I ruled from 1979 until an American invasion overthrew my power in 2003

18 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: Iraq Clue: Saddam Hussein

19 Which Civ do I belong to? Clue: I am the last in a long line of Khans, I helped found a new empire to the South.

20 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: Mongols Clue: Kublai Khan

21 Which Civ do I belong to? Clue: I wanted to create the League of Nations after WWI but my country did not ratify it.

22 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: United States Clue: Woodrow Wilson

23 Which Civ do I belong to? Clue: I am the most famous ruler of my dynasty. I moved the capital to Isfahan in 1598.

24 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: Safavid Clue: Shah Abbas the Great

25 Which Civ do I belong to? Clue: I built guardians to protect me in the afterlife, and buried them underground.

26 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: Qin Dynasty Clue: Shi Huangdi

27 Which Civ do I belong to? Clue: Other than having a MAGNIFICENT hat, I extended my empire into the Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean between 1520- 1566.

28 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: Ottoman Clue: Suleiman the Magnificent

29 Which Civ do I belong to? Clue: I ran the nationalist party, but when we lost to the communists I was exiled.

30 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: Republic of China Clue: Chiang Kai-Shek

31 Which Civ do I belong to? Clue: I am a Muslim and I ruled from 1312-1337 and established a reputation for wealth for my country.

32 Which Civ do I belong to? Answer: Mali Clue: Mansa Musa


34 1054 CE (A)Split of Christian Church (B)Rise of Inca Empire (C)Charlemagne crowned HRE (D)Beginning of Japanese isolation

35 1054 CE (A)Split of Christian Church (B)Rise of Inca Empire (1350) (C)Charlemagne crowned HRE (800) (D)Beginning of Japanese isolation (1640)

36 202 BCE (A)Founding of Qin Dynasty (B)Founding of Han Dynasty (C)Founding of Zhou Dynasty (D)Founding of Mauryan Dynasty

37 202 BCE (A)Founding of Qin Dynasty (221 BCE) (B)Founding of Han Dynasty (C)Founding of Zhou Dynasty (1029 BCE) (D)Founding of Mauryan Dynasty (332 BCE)

38 1517 CE (A)Beginnings of Russian Empire (B)Founding of Yuan Empire (C)Spread of the Plague in Europe (D)Protestant Reformation

39 1517 CE (A)Beginnings of Russian Empire (1552) (B)Founding of Yuan Empire (1271) (C)Spread of the Plague in Europe (1347) (D)Protestant Reformation

40 750 CE (A)Start of Abbasid Caliphate (B)Start of Umayyad Caliphate (C)Muhammad becomes prophet (D)Islam hits Spain

41 750 CE (A)Start of Abbasid Caliphate (B)Start of Umayyad Caliphate (661) (C)Muhammad becomes prophet (632) (D)Islam hits Spain

42 476 CE (A)Reign of Justinian begins (B)Fall of Rome (C)Rome splits into East and West (D)End of Pax Romana

43 476 CE (A)Reign of Justinian begins (527) (B)Fall of Rome (C)Rome splits into East and West (~306) (D)End of Pax Romana (180)

44 1441 CE (A)Start of Atlantic Slave Trade (B)Columbus’ expedition (C)Ottomans conquer Constantinople (D)Vasco da Gama reaches India

45 1441 CE (A)Start of Atlantic Slave Trade (B)Columbus’ expedition (1492) (C)Ottomans conquer Constantinople (1453) (D)Vasco da Gama reaches India (1498)

46 1945 CE (A)End of WWII (B)Creation of the UN (C)Atomic Bombs on Japan (D)Mussolini executed

47 1945 CE (A)End of WWII (B)Creation of the UN (C)Atomic Bombs on Japan (D)Mussolini executed

48 1910 CE (A)Start of Chinese Revolution (B)Start of Mexican Revolution (C)Start of Great Depression (D)Gandhi Resistance in India

49 1910 CE (A)Start of Chinese Revolution (1912) (B)Start of Mexican Revolution (C)Start of Great Depression (1939) (D)Gandhi Resistance in India (1931)

50 1991 CE (A)Iranian Revolution (B)9/11 Attacks on the US (C)Fall of the Soviet Union (D)End of Apartheid in South Africa

51 1991 CE (A)Iranian Revolution (1979) (B)9/11 Attacks on the US (2001) (C)Fall of the Soviet Union (D)End of Apartheid in South Africa (1990)

52 1884 CE (A)Unification of Germany (B)Abolition of Slavery in Brazil (C)Berlin Conference – division of Africa (D)Meiji Restoration

53 1884 CE (A)Unification of Germany (1871) (B)Abolition of Slavery in Brazil (1888) (C)Berlin Conference – division of Africa (D)Meiji Restoration (1868)


55 Which of the following was the major effect of the Neolithic Revolution? ◦ (A) The establishment of sedentary village communities ◦ (B) The spread of a migratory way of life ◦ (C) A decline in total population ◦ (D) An increase in the use of bronze tools

56 Which of the following was the major effect of the Neolithic Revolution? ◦ (A) The establishment of sedentary village communities ◦ (B) The spread of a migratory way of life ◦ (C) A decline in total population ◦ (D) An increase in the use of bronze tools

57 Which of the following occurred as a result of the development of agriculture in societies that previously relied on hunting and gathering? ◦ (A) Conditions for women improved. ◦ (B) The incidence of disease declined. ◦ (C) Population density increased. ◦ (D) Degradation of the environment lessened.

58 Which of the following occurred as a result of the development of agriculture in societies that previously relied on hunting and gathering? ◦ (A) Conditions for women improved. ◦ (B) The incidence of disease declined. ◦ (C) Population density increased. ◦ (D) Degradation of the environment lessened.

59 Which of the following was an important reason for the fall of the Roman, Han, and Gupta empires? ◦ (A) A long period of drought that destroyed crops and livestock ◦ (B) The use of slaves in their armies ◦ (C) Intensified invasions and security issues along their frontiers ◦ (D) A refusal to tolerate Christianity

60 Which of the following was an important reason for the fall of the Roman, Han, and Gupta empires? ◦ (A) A long period of drought that destroyed crops and livestock ◦ (B) The use of slaves in their armies ◦ (C) Intensified invasions and security issues along their frontiers ◦ (D) A refusal to tolerate Christianity

61 Before 500 C.E. Judaism and Hinduism were similar in that both ◦ (A) had written scriptures and an ethical code to live by ◦ (B) spread widely around the Mediterranean ◦ (C) promoted teachings about reincarnation ◦ (D) advocated a monastic life and a rejection of the world

62 Before 500 C.E. Judaism and Hinduism were similar in that both ◦ (A) had written scriptures and an ethical code to live by ◦ (B) spread widely around the Mediterranean ◦ (C) promoted teachings about reincarnation ◦ (D) advocated a monastic life and a rejection of the world

63 The spread of Bantu-speaking peoples over southern Africa before 1400 C.E. can be best explained by their ◦ (A) conversion to Islam ◦ (B) use of cavalry ◦ (C) centralized political systems ◦ (D) knowledge of agriculture

64 The spread of Bantu-speaking peoples over southern Africa before 1400 C.E. can be best explained by their ◦ (A) conversion to Islam ◦ (B) use of cavalry ◦ (C) centralized political systems ◦ (D) knowledge of agriculture

65 Inca and Aztec societies were similar in that both ◦ (A) developed from Mayan civilization ◦ (B) acquired empires by means of military conquest ◦ (C) independently developed iron technology ◦ (D) depended entirely on oral record keeping

66 Inca and Aztec societies were similar in that both ◦ (A) developed from Mayan civilization ◦ (B) acquired empires by means of military conquest ◦ (C) independently developed iron technology ◦ (D) depended entirely on oral record keeping

67 Which of the following factors represents the most significant cause of the growth of cities in Afro- Eurasia in the period 1000–1450? ◦ (A) Climate change ◦ (B) Increased interregional trade ◦ (C) Decreased agricultural productivity ◦ (D) Increased invasions

68 Which of the following factors represents the most significant cause of the growth of cities in Afro- Eurasia in the period 1000–1450? ◦ (A) Climate change ◦ (B) Increased interregional trade ◦ (C) Decreased agricultural productivity ◦ (D) Increased invasions

69 Which of the following changes best justifies the claim that the late 1400s mark the beginning of a new period in world history? ◦ (A) The rise of the Aztec and Inca empires ◦ (B) The economic recovery in Afro-Eurasia after the Black ◦ Death ◦ (C) The incorporation of the Americas into a broader global network of exchange ◦ (D) The emergence of new religious movements in various ◦ parts of the world

70 Which of the following changes best justifies the claim that the late 1400s mark the beginning of a new period in world history? ◦ (A) The rise of the Aztec and Inca empires ◦ (B) The economic recovery in Afro-Eurasia after the Black ◦ Death ◦ (C) The incorporation of the Americas into a broader global network of exchange ◦ (D) The emergence of new religious movements in various ◦ parts of the world

71 The Columbian Exchange involved which of the following new connections in the era 1450–1750? ◦ (A) European food to the Western Hemisphere; Western Hemisphere diseases to Europe; African population to Europe ◦ (B) Western Hemisphere technology to Africa; African food to Europe; European population to the Western Hemisphere ◦ (C) European technology to Africa; Western Hemisphere population to Africa; African food to the Western Hemisphere ◦ (D) African population to the Western Hemisphere; Western Hemisphere food to Europe and Africa; African and European diseases to the Western Hemisphere

72 The Columbian Exchange involved which of the following new connections in the era 1450–1750? ◦ (A) European food to the Western Hemisphere; Western Hemisphere diseases to Europe; African population to Europe ◦ (B) Western Hemisphere technology to Africa; African food to Europe; European population to the Western Hemisphere ◦ (C) European technology to Africa; Western Hemisphere population to Africa; African food to the Western Hemisphere ◦ (D) African population to the Western Hemisphere; Western Hemisphere food to Europe and Africa; African and European diseases to the Western Hemisphere

73 In the period 1450–1750, which of the following, produced on large plantations by slave labor, were significant commodities in the growing world market? ◦ (A) Grains such as wheat and barley ◦ (B) Tropical fruits such as bananas and oranges ◦ (C) Animal products such as wool and beef ◦ (D) Cash crops such as sugar and tobacco

74 In the period 1450–1750, which of the following, produced on large plantations by slave labor, were significant commodities in the growing world market? ◦ (A) Grains such as wheat and barley ◦ (B) Tropical fruits such as bananas and oranges ◦ (C) Animal products such as wool and beef ◦ (D) Cash crops such as sugar and tobacco

75 Which of the following is most likely to have influenced eighteenth-century population trends in both Europe and China? ◦ (A) A sharp decline in average global temperatures ◦ (B) Introduction of Western Hemisphere crops ◦ (C) Innovation in birth control measures ◦ (D) Improvement in surgical procedures

76 Which of the following is most likely to have influenced eighteenth-century population trends in both Europe and China? ◦ (A) A sharp decline in average global temperatures ◦ (B) Introduction of Western Hemisphere crops ◦ (C) Innovation in birth control measures ◦ (D) Improvement in surgical procedures

77 Which of the following factors best explains why the Portuguese did not engage in direct trading relations with West African states until the fifteenth century? ◦ (A) Lack of the necessary navigational and maritime technology ◦ (B) Lack of European interest in African goods ◦ (C) Directives from the pope to limit trade between Christians and Africans ◦ (D) Fear of death from tropical diseases

78 Which of the following factors best explains why the Portuguese did not engage in direct trading relations with West African states until the fifteenth century? ◦ (A) Lack of the necessary navigational and maritime technology ◦ (B) Lack of European interest in African goods ◦ (C) Directives from the pope to limit trade between Christians and Africans ◦ (D) Fear of death from tropical diseases

79 Which of the following statements is true about both the Mughal and Ottoman empires in the sixteenth century? ◦ (A) In both empires the majority of the people were Muslims. ◦ (B) Both empires had powerful navies that engaged European navies. ◦ (C) Both empires expanded through the use of gunpowder weapons and extensive bureaucracies. ◦ (D) Both empires gave little monetary support to artistic and cultural endeavors.

80 Which of the following statements is true about both the Mughal and Ottoman empires in the sixteenth century? ◦ (A) In both empires the majority of the people were Muslims. ◦ (B) Both empires had powerful navies that engaged European navies. ◦ (C) Both empires expanded through the use of gunpowder weapons and extensive bureaucracies. ◦ (D) Both empires gave little monetary support to artistic and cultural endeavors.

81 Most world historians would agree that the key to European predominance in the world economy during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was ◦ (A) the Industrial Revolution ◦ (B) European medical technology ◦ (C) Spanish control of New World silver ◦ (D) the Enlightenment

82 Most world historians would agree that the key to European predominance in the world economy during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was ◦ (A) the Industrial Revolution ◦ (B) European medical technology ◦ (C) Spanish control of New World silver ◦ (D) the Enlightenment

83 In contrast to initial industrialization, the second Industrial Revolution in the last half of the nineteenth century was particularly associated with the mass production of which of the following? (A) Textiles, iron, and coal (B) Textiles, automobiles, and plastics (C) Airplanes, ships, and radios (D) Electricity, steel, and chemicals

84 In contrast to initial industrialization, the second Industrial Revolution in the last half of the nineteenth century was particularly associated with the mass production of which of the following? (A) Textiles, iron, and coal (B) Textiles, automobiles, and plastics (C) Airplanes, ships, and radios (D) Electricity, steel, and chemicals

85 All of the following factors contributed to significant growth in worldwide population from 1750 through 1900 EXCEPT (A) decline of epidemic disease (B) introduction of Western Hemisphere food crops to new areas (C) expansion of land under cultivation (D) new grain crops developed in the Green Revolution

86 All of the following factors contributed to significant growth in worldwide population from 1750 through 1900 EXCEPT (A) decline of epidemic disease (B) introduction of Western Hemisphere food crops to new areas (C) expansion of land under cultivation (D) new grain crops developed in the Green Revolution

87 Between 1750 and 1900, which of the following industrializing states created an empire? (A) Japan (B) China (C) Brazil (D) Argentina

88 Between 1750 and 1900, which of the following industrializing states created an empire? (A) Japan (B) China (C) Brazil (D) Argentina

89 In the late nineteenth century, European involvement in both Africa and China was characterized primarily by (A) the encouragement of slavery (B) extensive intermarriage with local peoples (C) small military enclaves along coastlines (D) competition among imperialist powers

90 In the late nineteenth century, European involvement in both Africa and China was characterized primarily by (A) the encouragement of slavery (B) extensive intermarriage with local peoples (C) small military enclaves along coastlines (D) competition among imperialist powers

91 Which of the following European developments is most closely associated with the revolution in Haiti? (A) The Protestant Reformation (B) The Russian Revolution (C) The French Revolution (D) The Industrial Revolution

92 Which of the following European developments is most closely associated with the revolution in Haiti? (A) The Protestant Reformation (B) The Russian Revolution (C) The French Revolution (D) The Industrial Revolution

93 What was the leading cause of the unprecedented increase in global population in the twentieth century? (A) The end of international epidemics (B) Global warming and other types of climate change (C) The impact of medical innovations and public health measures (D) The reduction of world hunger

94 What was the leading cause of the unprecedented increase in global population in the twentieth century? (A) The end of international epidemics (B) Global warming and other types of climate change (C) The impact of medical innovations and public health measures (D) The reduction of world hunger

95 “We shall not repeat the past. We shall eradicate it by restoring our rights in the Suez Canal. This money is ours. The canal is the property of Egypt.” This quotation by Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser (in power 1952–1970) best expresses support for (A) communism (B) liberalism (C) nationalism (D) imperialism

96 “We shall not repeat the past. We shall eradicate it by restoring our rights in the Suez Canal. This money is ours. The canal is the property of Egypt.” This quotation by Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser (in power 1952–1970) best expresses support for (A) communism (B) liberalism (C) nationalism (D) imperialism

97 Which of the following describes a major change in international relations in the 1980s and 1990s? (A) The rapid establishment of large overseas colonial empires by European powers (B) The disbanding of most regional political organizations (C) The decline in power of multinational corporations (D) The reduction of confrontations between communist and noncommunist countries

98 Which of the following describes a major change in international relations in the 1980s and 1990s? (A) The rapid establishment of large overseas colonial empires by European powers (B) The disbanding of most regional political organizations (C) The decline in power of multinational corporations (D) The reduction of confrontations between communist and noncommunist countries


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