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TASK FORCE TEAM Dr. Ahmed Al-HazmiSABICChairman Abdulrasheed S. JaffarSABICMember Saji MathewAPCMember Mohammed Al- JomaihTASNEEMember Adnan Al-ShammariCHEMANOLMember.

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Presentation on theme: "TASK FORCE TEAM Dr. Ahmed Al-HazmiSABICChairman Abdulrasheed S. JaffarSABICMember Saji MathewAPCMember Mohammed Al- JomaihTASNEEMember Adnan Al-ShammariCHEMANOLMember."— Presentation transcript:


2 TASK FORCE TEAM Dr. Ahmed Al-HazmiSABICChairman Abdulrasheed S. JaffarSABICMember Saji MathewAPCMember Mohammed Al- JomaihTASNEEMember Adnan Al-ShammariCHEMANOLMember Bashar Al-AradiGPICMember Sudhir SivarajanBOROUGEMember Ms. Manal Al-BadawiBOROUGEMember Ms. Asrar MohammadEQUATEMember Mr. Hamed Al RumhyORPICMember Mr. Muraleetharan GovindanQSCMember

3 Vision/Destination  To review and recommend effective option(s) for industrial waste minimization and sustainable management thereof across the GCC region. The recommendations and options shall be aimed to improve current practices for all industrial waste streams, considering alternative best practices and latest technologies.

4 2013-2014 Objectives  Finalize the Task Team members  Define the waste streams, review & quantify the waste generation for the current and future operations  Define the waste collection and management practices  Share Best Practices [4Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover)] on waste management  Assess practices used in other developed international industrial regions  Analyze and recommend suitable and cost effective options of waste handling and disposal  Assess and report any Policy (Responsible Care Guidelines)/ Legislative implications of the proposed way forward

5 Task Force - Key Performance Indicators  Waste Inventory from the member companies  List of best practices  White paper (GPCA position on waste management)

6 Key Dependencies & Interfaces  GPCA RC Committee  Regulatory Agencies  Approved Waste Disposal Contractors in the Region  International Trade Associations  Member Companies

7 In Scope  Task Force Charter  Industrial wastes  Interfacing with members, Service Providers, International Trade Associations and Legal/Compliance bodies  Report recommending cost-effective options based on benchmark information

8 Out of Scope  Compliance status with legal requirements of individual member Companies  Performance Benchmarking  Non-GPCA member Companies

9 Key Deliverables / Milestones DeliverablesDate Assigned Person(s) Collect data from member companies by means of questionnaires (Current and future needs) Dec’ 13Sudhir Review current practices (Focus on Member Companies & Regulatory requirements) Mar’ 14Dr. Hazmi & Jaffar Review practices adopted in developed international industrial regions Mar ‘14Dr. Hazmi, Manal & Saji List all best practices available in the region and share with member companies Mar’ 14Jaffar & Asrar Prepare a “White Paper”, encompassing opportunities of waste minimization, practical and cost-effective road map for implementation and legislative / policy implications Jun’ 14Jaffar, Saji & Bashar Prepare a subsequent charter including names (Company members) for the full implementation of the selected option(s) Aug’ 14Adnan & Mohammed

10 SUMMARY  Industrial Waste Subcommittee Team formed.  Industrial Waste Subcommittee Charter developed and finalized.  Qatar and Oman Taskforce members were not able to attend.  Detailed action plan prepared to achieve the goals of the Task Force, along with assigned members.  Listing of best practices available in the region & sharing with member companies by March 2014.  Preparation of a “White Paper” highlighting GPCA position on waste management by June 2014.  Preparation of subsequent charter(s) for the full implementation of the selected option(s) by August 2014.  Performance benchmarking and legal compliance status of individual member companies are excluded from the scope.  Non-GPCA member companies are excluded from the scope (due to the difficulties in data collection from oil industries)  Will participate in the upcoming “Responsible Care - Teaming Up with Contractors & Service Providers Workshop”


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