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Members: Twinkle Agarwal Anjana Bhirde David Hodgson Raviprakash Madaiah.

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Presentation on theme: "Members: Twinkle Agarwal Anjana Bhirde David Hodgson Raviprakash Madaiah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Members: Twinkle Agarwal Anjana Bhirde David Hodgson Raviprakash Madaiah

2  Requirements and technical facts  Features  Source control  Project plan  Code explanation  Demo  Project website

3 Develop an application for the iPhone  Must communicate with a web service.  Must do basic database operations (insert, update), using a web service.

4 Why iPhone application ?  Developing an iPhone application is something new for all of our team members.  In this competitive environment of software development one has to have skills with cutting edge.  Learn a different paradigm for programming.

5 Three features: 1. Find the weather from the user’s current location. 2. Finds restaurants in area, sends text message to a friend in the address book, without the user typing anything. 3. Find friends in the area, and get directions to where they are.

6  Xcode is the IDE for developing iPhone and iPod Touch applications. Can only develop using Xcode on Macs.  Interface Builder is a separate program that works with Xcode to build the user interface.  Objective-C is the language. It is an extension of C, and combines Object-Oriented ideas of Smalltalk.  No automatic garbage collection, so must explicitly manage memory (by allocating objects and releasing them).

7  A method that you call remotely.  The remote machine has access to some resources or information that you need.  Machine-to-machine communication, use HTTP as the underlying protocol. Uses an XML-based format called SOAP.

8 Feature 1 : Weather Update  This feature finds the current weather, based on the user’s current location.  It uses the Core Location framework to get the user’s current latitude and longitude.  We then find the zip code from the latitude and longitude from a web page 09&long=-94.8645&format=xml. It displays the page as xml, which we then parse for the zip code. 09&long=-94.8645&format=xml  We use a web service which gets the weather, given the zip code.  We parse the SOAP response, and display it in a table view.





13  Web service call  Find restaurants in nearby area  Invite a friend  Text message  Social events






19  Find friends in nearby areas  Provide directions  Frequent travelers  Business meetings





24 Database Web Server IDFriendLatitudeLongitudeTimestamp 1David30-12210/2 10:30 2Ravi29-12510/4 10:41

25  Frameworks Used till now [ Why, How to ]  How to Parse XML Data  Demo : Weather Feature Demonstration.  Code View  Website : Flow of an Website.

26 [1] [2] _intro.asp

27 Thank You

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